#mui-player img {max-width: 100%;}1、希望你下辈子不要改名,这样我会好找你一点 。
I hope you don't change your name in the next life, so I can find you better.
2、你这一生我只借一程,一程便是余生 。
I only borrow one way in your life. One way is the rest of your life.
3、唯求与他共搭未来的列车 。抵达幸福的彼岸 。
Only to share the train of the future with him. Reach the other side of happiness.
4、我一生荒芜,唯记得同你在一起时,笑的盎然肆意,哭的酣畅淋漓 。
I've been desolate all my life. I only remember that when I was with you, I laughed wantonly and cried heartily.
5、因为寂寞才去爱,往往会陷入更深更深无可救药的寂寞中 。
Because of loneliness to love, often fall into a deeper hopeless loneliness.
6、喜欢你,一半是用心,一半是执迷,耗尽所有勇气,只是为了陪你开心 。
Like you, half is the heart, half is obsession, exhaust all courage, just to accompany you happy.
7、我的手给你,要抓紧了,别把我弄丢 。
Here's my hand. Hold on. Don't lose me.
8、你说人山人海边走边爱怕什么孤单,我说人潮汹涌都不是你该怎样将就 。
You say that people in mountain area love to be afraid of loneliness while walking by the sea. I don't know how to make do with the surge of people.
9、你还小,我不忍心跟你谈恋爱 。
You are still young, I can't bear to fall in love with you.
10、有一种爱情,叫白头偕老,有一种幸福,叫有你相伴 。
There is a kind of love, called life together, there is a kind of happiness, that you accompany.
11、如果五百次的回眸换来此生的邂逅,我愿意用千万个等待换你真心的拥抱 。
If 500 times of looking back in exchange for the encounter of this life, I am willing to use thousands of waiting for your sincere embrace.
12、我什么都不想要,只想要你的一世专情 。
I don't want anything, I just want your love.
You wait, one day, you will be my grandson's grandmother!
14、恶人因为怕而顺从,善人因为爱而服从 。
The wicked obey because of fear, and the good obey because of love.
15、在我心里,没有什么比你更重要 。
In my heart, nothing is more important than you.
16、这世界上最爱你的人,就是那个舍得花时间陪你的人 。
The person who loves you most in the world is the one who is willing to spend time with you.
17、有我在的地方,就没有你吃苦的时候 。
Where I am, there is no time for you to bear hardships.
18、你在我心中永远是最有气质最特别和最具吸引力的 。
You are always the most special and attractive in my heart.
19、我从不曾后悔和你交往过,但很遗憾以后不能与你携手同行 。
I never regret that I have been with you, but I'm sorry that I can't go with you hand in hand in the future.
20、我不好,我检讨;我不对,我有罪;是我错,我该过 。亲爱的,请你原谅我 。
I am not good, I review; I am wrong, I am guilty; I am wrong, I should live. Honey, please forgive me.
21、我不愿去哪,因为你的心就是天涯海角,我们不是游走人间,而是陪伴一生 。
I don't want to go anywhere, because your heart is the ends of the earth, we are not wandering the world, but to accompany life.
Missing and love is a kind of poison. I'm very ill and I don't want to treat it. Only you are the antidote!
23、其实我可以跑很快,比如狗在后面追我,比如你在前面等我 。
In fact, I can run very fast, such as the dog chasing me behind, such as you waiting for me in front.
If you shed tears, my face is always wet; if you are sad, my heart is always crying!
25、我的脾气赶走了很多人,但留下了最真的人 。
My temper drove away a lot of people, but left the most real people.
26、你眼中的春和秋,胜过我见过的,爱过的一切山川与河流 。
Spring and autumn in your eyes are better than all the mountains and rivers I have seen and loved.
27、在每一个有你声相伴的夜,不再过于寂寥冷清 。
In every night accompanied by your voice, it is no longer too lonely.
28、多远的距离都没有问题,因为我爱你,不是用时间和距离来衡量的 。
How far away is no problem, because I love you, not with time and distance to measure.
29、我要用尽我的风情万种,让你在没有我的日子里每天都不得安宁 。
I want to use all my manners to make you restless every day without me.
30、你是我十七岁的喜欢,七十岁的最爱 。
You are my 17-year-old favorite, 70 year-old favorite.
31、谢谢你,喜欢我,陪了我这么久,即使我骄傲自私做作的时候,你都在 。
Thank you for being selfish for a long time.
32、我的心是一条弯弯曲曲的小溪,千回百转,兜兜转转,最终都将流向你 。
My heart is a winding stream, which will flow to you in the end.
33、不相信爱情的人,只是因为曾经沧海的心情已经不是常人能够体会 。
Don't believe in love, just because the mood of the sea has not ordinary people can experience.
34、都跟你说了抱怨没用,你得抱我 。
I told you it's no use complaining. You have to hold me.
35、像旧巷子里的猫,我很自由,但没有归宿 。
Like the cat in the old alley, I am free, but I have no home.
36、我们可以吵架,但不能影响关系 。无论友情还是爱情 。
We can fight, but we can't affect the relationship. No matter friendship or love.
37、我要把一个好东西送给你,那就是小小眼睛的我啦 。
I want to give you a good thing, that is my little eyes.
38、若我是,万千繁星其中一个,你便是我的星轨,使我昼夜不知停 。
If I am one of the thousands of stars, you are my orbit, making me restless day and night.
39、这年头一点都不缺爱情,缺的是把爱情当回事的人 。
This year, there is no lack of love, the lack of love is to take people seriously.
40、你是否知道,除了你,没有任何人可以再让我心动 。
Do you know, except for you, no one can make my heart beat again.
41、没有青春的爱情有何滋味?没有爱情的青春有何意义 。
What's the taste of love without youth? What is the meaning of youth without love.
42、爱上一个人也许只需要一秒钟,但忘记一个人却需要一辈子 。
It may take only a second to fall in love with someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.
43、爱情这条线,说断就断,就像风筝,飞去最遥远的天空 。
Love this line, said to break, like a kite, fly to the most distant sky.
44、爱一个人很难,放弃自己心爱的人更难 。
It's hard to love someone, even harder to give up the one you love.
45、人生可遇不可求的事儿,除了此时此刻的晚霞,还有二十来岁的你 。
In addition to the sunset at this moment, there are also 20-year-old you.
46、爱情是人生的盐,借助于它,人们才体味得出人世间的情趣 。
Love is the salt of life, with which people can appreciate the taste of the world.
47、你没什么了不起,只是正合我意 。
You're nothing. You're just what I want.
48、我希望有双手能让我牵一辈子,而不是一阵子 。
I hope I can hold hands for a lifetime, not for a while.
49、我所有的快乐都是伴随你而来,同样这些年所有的悲伤,也将和你一起消失 。
All my happiness comes with you, and all the sadness of these years will disappear with you.
50、来到人世间蹉跎几十年,只为望你回眸一眼 。
【爱情英语短语】Came to the world wasted decades, just to look back at you.
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