#mui-player img {max-width: 100%;}1、不要在这个努力拼搏的年纪 , 去选择安逸 。
Don't choose comfort at this age of hard work.
2、每天叫醒你的不是闹钟 , 而是梦想 。
What wakes you up every day is not an alarm clock, but a dream.
3、现在流的泪 , 是当初喜欢你时 , 脑子进的水 。
Now the tears are the water in my brain when I liked you.
4、你是我温柔岁月里的节外生枝 。
You are an extra branch in my gentle years.
5、努力:天再高又怎样 , 踮起脚尖就更接近阳光 。
Effort: no matter how high the sky is, standing on tiptoe is closer to the sun.
6、越是无能的人 , 越喜欢挑剔别人的错儿 。
The more incompetent a person is, the more he likes to find fault with others.
7、一定要 , 爱着点什么 。
Be sure to love something.
8、你未来的样子藏在现在的努力里 。
Your future is hidden in your present efforts.
9、节饮食以养胃 , 多读书以养胆 。
Eat and drink to nourish the stomach and read more to nourish the gallbladder.
10、方向大于方法 , 动力大于能力 , 做人大于做事!
Direction is greater than method, power is greater than ability, being a man is greater than doing things!
11、成功不是凭梦想和期望 , 而是凭努力和实践 。
Success depends not on dreams and expectations, but on efforts and practice.
12、我若不坚强 , 谁替我勇敢 。
If I am not strong, who is brave for me.
13、女人学会善待自己 , 岁月才会温柔待你 。
Women learn to be kind to themselves, and years will be gentle to you.
14、简单的事情要认真做 。
Simple things should be done seriously.
15、不期待任何人的温暖 , 一个人也可以过的很好 。
Do not expect anyone's warmth, a person can live well.
16、其实挺想你的 , 只是你很好 , 我不方便打扰 。
In fact, I miss you very much, but you are very good. It's inconvenient for me to disturb you.
17、教育的目的 , 是替年轻人的终生自修作准备 。
The purpose of education is to prepare young people for lifelong self-study.
18、愚昧来自懒惰 , 聪明来自勤奋 。
Ignorance comes from laziness, and wisdom comes from diligence.
19、顽强的毅力 , 可以征服世界上任何一座高峰!
Tenacious perseverance can conquer any peak in the world!
20、路是自己选的 , 就要对自己负责 。
If you choose your own way, you should be responsible for yourself.
21、每个女孩都该做到两点:有品位并光芒四射 。
Every girl should do two things: have taste and shine.
22、我生来就是高山而非溪流 , 我欲于群峰之巅俯视平庸的沟壑 。
I was born a mountain rather than a stream. I want to look down on the mediocre gullies at the top of the peaks.
23、最珍贵的不是你现在有多好 , 而是努力让每天的你都更好 。
The most precious thing is not how good you are now, but trying to make you better every day.
24、要努力 , 成为爸爸哈哈哈底气 。
We should work hard and become the confidence of our parents.
25、做一个优雅的女生 , 只让懂得真爱的男人才能获得的芳心 。
To be an elegant girl, only a man who knows true love can get your heart.
26、一个人最大的破产是绝望 , 最大的资产是希望!
A person's biggest bankruptcy is despair, and his biggest asset is hope!
27、亲爱的自己 , 你要自信一点 , 失去你是别人的损失!
Dear yourself, you should be more confident. Losing you is the loss of others!
28、你很勇敢 , 第一个举起手来 , 说错不要紧 。
You're brave. You're the first to raise your hand. It doesn't matter if you're wrong.
29、我们的背包已装满晴朗 , 出发去山顶晒月光 。
Our backpacks are full of sunshine. We set out to the top of the mountain to bask in the moonlight.
30、要紧的事情是别浪费 , 你的青春和元气 。
The important thing is not to waste your youth and vitality.
31、有些人想想就算了 , 别去找了 , 说不定他早把你忘了 。
Some people just think about it. Don't look for it. Maybe he forgot you long ago.
32、在强者的眼中 , 没有最好 , 仅有更好 。
In the eyes of the strong, there is no best, only better.
33、辛勤的蜜蜂永没有时间悲哀 。
Hard working bees never have time to be sad.
34、教育不在于使人知其所未知 , 而在于按其所未行而行 。
Education consists not in making people know what they don't know, but in doing what they don't do.
35、人若软弱就是自己的敌人 。
If a man is weak, he is his enemy.
36、跌倒了 , 站起来 , 赢了再哭 。
Fall, stand up, win and cry.
37、创业如上山打虎 , 下海抓鳖 , 需要能力 , 更需要胆量!
Entrepreneurship, such as fighting tigers in the mountains and catching turtles in the sea, requires both ability and courage!
38、永远不要说你已经够努力了 , 因为你总可以更努力一点 。
Never say you've worked hard enough, because you can always work harder.
39、沒有艰辛就沒有幸福 。
No hardship, no happiness.
40、认真的事情要重复做 。
Do serious things over and over again.
41、一在事实面前 , 我们的想象力越发达 , 后果就越不堪设想 。
In the face of facts, the more developed our imagination is, the more unimaginable the consequences will be.
42、有时候 , 我需要振作自己 , 继续生活 。除了坚强 , 别无选择?
Sometimes I need to cheer myself up and move on. Have no choice but to be strong?
43、努力让自己跳出束缚你的圈子 , 成为自己想成为的人 。
Try to get yourself out of the circle that binds you and become the person you want to be.
44、愿你不期而遇 , 亦以笑脸而迎 。
May you meet me unexpectedly and greet me with a smiling face.
45、爱你的人已星夜兼程 , 走在来路 。
The one who loves you has gone all the way, walking on the way.
46、有时 , 并不是我们太过偏执 , 而是其他的人不曾坚持 。
Sometimes, it is not that we are too paranoid, but that other people have not insisted.
47、竹笋虽然柔嫩 , 但它不怕重压 , 敢于奋斗 , 敢于冒尖 。
Although bamboo shoots are tender, they are not afraid of heavy pressure, dare to struggle and rise to the top.
48、路 , 要一步一步足踏实地地往前走 , 才能获得成功!
Road, to step by step to move forward in a down-to-earth manner, in order to achieve success!
49、女人的确要活得精致 , 细腻 , 懂得善待自己和不断充实自己 。
Women really need to live a delicate and delicate life, know how to be kind to themselves and constantly enrich themselves.
50、梦想一旦付诸行动 , 就会变得神圣!
Once a dream is put into action, it will become sacred!
51、改变能改变的 , 接受不能改变的 , 顺应社会 , 适者生存 。
Change what can be changed, accept what cannot be changed, adapt to the society and survive the fittest.
52、做了过河卒子 , 只能拼命向前 。
As a pawn, I can only move forward desperately.
53、挫折 , 其实就是迈向成功所应缴的学费 。
Setback is actually the tuition fee for success.
54、要学好多动脑 , 要学深须认真 。
If you want to learn a lot, use your brain. If you want to learn deeply, you must be serious.
55、十年寒窗无人问 , 一举成名天下知 。
No one asked after ten years of cold window and became famous all over the world.
56、妄自尊大与妄自菲薄 , 都是严重的错误 。
Arrogance and belittlement are serious mistakes.
57、生活中的10%将是你经历的事 , 而剩下的90%是你对它的过程 。
10% of life will be what you experience, and the remaining 90% will be your process of it.
58、志在山顶的人 , 不会贪恋山腰的风景 。
Those who aim at the top of the mountain will not be greedy for the scenery on the hillside.
59、不求难题都做 , 先求中低档题不错 。
It's good to ask middle and low-grade questions first.
60、学会化精巧淡雅的妆容 。理解呈现在什么场所着什么服装 。
Learn to apply delicate and elegant makeup. Understand where and what clothes are presented.
61、我相信你能找回学习的信心 。
I believe you can regain your confidence in learning.
62、微笑是快乐的象征 , 也是友好的象征 。
Smile is a symbol of happiness and friendship.
63、风月很好看 , 人间也浪漫 。
It's romantic and romantic.
64、亲爱的自己 , 你要自信一点 , 一个人你也可以过得很精彩!
Dear yourself, you should be more confident. You can have a wonderful life alone!
65、学习是一个孤独的过程 , 最终还是要靠自己 。
Learning is a lonely process, and ultimately depends on yourself.
66、读不尽的书 , 走不完的路 。
Endless books, endless roads.
67、女人要有四立:思想独立、能力独力、交通独立、经济独立 。
Women should have four independence: ideological independence, ability independence, transportation independence and economic independence.
68、不用着急 , 慢慢地说 , 大家相信你务必会说得很好 。
Don't worry. Speak slowly. I'm sure you can speak very well.
69、我为实现梦想而生 , 要么选择精彩的活 , 要么选择赶紧死!
I live to realize my dream, either choose a wonderful life or choose to die quickly!
70、你给了我那么多温柔和热情 , 已经让我忘了怎么去独立 。
You have given me so much tenderness and enthusiasm that I have forgotten how to be independent.
71、越是憧憬 , 越要风雨兼程 。
The more you look forward to, the more you want to go through both wind and rain.
72、贵恒 , 何必三更起 , 五更眠 , 最无益 , 只怕一日曝 , 十日寒 。
Guiheng, why do you have to get up at three o'clock and sleep at five o'clock? It's the most useless. I'm afraid it's cold in ten days if it's exposed in one day.
73、暂时的分离 , 是为了重逢的惊喜 。
The temporary separation is for the surprise of reunion.
74、亲爱的自己 , 你要相信太在乎别人往往受伤害的总是自己!
Dear yourself, you should believe that it is always yourself who cares too much about others and is often hurt!
75、在疲倦的生活里就要有些温柔的梦想 。
In the tired life, we should have some gentle dreams.
76、独立不是女人向男人宣战 , 仅仅是自我尊重 。
【英语励志语录】Independence is not women's declaration of war on men, it's just self-respect.
77、不要跟着时髦走 , 不要追赶浪潮 , 要有领导潮流的勇气 。
Don't follow the fashion, don't catch up with the tide, and have the courage to lead the tide.
78、既然一切都会过去 , 那咱们必须要抓住此刻的 。
Since everything will pass, we must seize the moment.
79、我走的很慢 , 但我永远不会后退 , 一个人的努力是加法 。
I walk very slowly, but I will never go back. One's efforts are addition.
80、你过得好不好 , 别人未必知道 , 但你以胖 , 别人就看出来了 。
Others may not know whether you are doing well, but if you are fat, others will see it.
81、自己选择的'路、跪着也要把它走完 。
The road you choose and kneel should also finish it.
82、跑起来就有风啦 。
It's windy when you run.
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