
1、偶尔我会想起他 , 心里有一些牵挂 , 有些爱不得不各安天涯 。
Occasionally I will think of him, there are some concerns in my heart, some love have to settle down.
2、如果没有办法忘记她 , 就不要忘记好了 。真正的忘记是不需要 。
If there is no way to forget her, don't forget it. The real forgetting is not necessary.
3、不可思议的是 , 即使他令你心碎 , 你却依然用破碎的心爱着他 。
It's incredible that even if he breaks your heart, you still love him with a broken heart.
4、没有爱情的人生是什么?是没有黎明的长夜 。
What is life without love? It's a long night without dawn.
5、错将陈醋当成墨 , 写得半生纸上酸 。
If you mistakenly take vinegar as ink, it will make half life paper sour.
6、好怕听你说累 , 好像我们这段感情都是累赘 。
I'm afraid to hear that you are tired. It seems that our relationship is a burden.
7、我本是百毒不侵 , 谁料你万毒俱全 。
I was invincible to all kinds of poisons, but you have all kinds of poisons.
8、人生的轨迹不一定会按你喜欢的方式运行 。
Life doesn't have to go the way you like.
9、一切都忘了 , 不能忘的是最初的那段感情 , 失去了才懂得珍惜 。
Forget everything, can't forget is the initial period of feelings, lost just know how to cherish.
10、当依赖变成了习惯、却再也舍不得离开 。
When dependence has become a habit, but no longer willing to leave.
11、以前有十分的好都想给你但现在我想更爱自己一些 。
In the past, I wanted to give you very good things, but now I want to love myself more.
12、感情这东西最折磨人 , 放下心痛 , 不放心伤 。
Emotion is the most tormenting thing. Let go of heartache and worry about hurt.
13、你来时携带风雨我无处躲避 , 你走时乱了四季我旧病难医 。
You come with the wind and rain, I have no place to avoid, you leave the four seasons, I can't cure the old disease.
14、爱你、不是看你想要什么 , 而是我有什么给什么 。
Love you, not to see what you want, but what I have to give.
15、不是抓紧每一分钟学习 , 而是抓紧学习的每一分钟 。
Not to study every minute, but to study every minute.
16、你不必牵强的说爱我 , 我也不再逞强的对你好 。
You don't have to be farfetched to say that you love me, and I don't want to be brave anymore.
17、希望我们都能慢慢变成更好的自己 。早安!
I hope we can all become better ourselves. good morning!
18、爱所有人 , 相信一部分人 , 不要对不起任何人 。
Love everyone, trust some people, don't be sorry to anyone.
19、得到的时候你在毁 , 失去的时候你在悔 。
When you get it, you are destroying it. When you lose it, you are regretting it.
20、如果有一天我不再计较那么多了 , 那不是体谅 , 而是放弃 。
If one day I no longer care so much, it is not understanding, but give up.
21、躲得过对酒当歌的夜 , 躲不过四下无人的街 。
I can't avoid the night when I'm drinking, but I can't avoid the street where there is no one around.
22、明明只删了一个你 , 却空了一整个列表 。
Clearly only deleted a you, but empty a whole list.
23、凡真心尝试助人者 , 没有不帮到自我的 。
Those who sincerely try to help others can help themselves.
24、多希望你能明白我 , 即使我什么也不说 。
I hope you can understand me, even if I don't say anything.
25、任何业绩的质变都来自于量变的积累 。
Any qualitative change of performance comes from the accumulation of quantitative change.
26、我很爱你 , 但有些不可告诉你的理由要离开你请原谅 。
I love you very much, but there are some reasons I can't tell you to leave you. Please forgive me.
Go to bed early at night! I don't want to see you on the water drop!
28、有一种落差是:你配不上自己的野心 , 也辜负了所受的苦难 。
There is a gap: you are not worthy of your own ambition, but also live up to the suffering.
29、不离不弃的因为稀有 , 所以珍贵 , 因为懂得 , 所以珍惜 。
Never give up, because rare, so precious, because understand, so cherish.
30、爱一个不爱你的人 , 伤了自己 , 为难了别人 。
To love someone who doesn't love you hurts yourself and embarrasses others.
31、人生有两种境界:一种是笑而不语 , 另一种是痛而不言 。
There are two realms in life: one is to laugh without speaking, the other is to pain without speaking.
32、就算我们分手了 , 我还是想去那条遇见你的路 。
Even if we break up, I still want to go that way to meet you.
33、我喜欢你就是喜欢 , 想等你就是等你 , 不遮遮掩掩的 。
I like you is like, want to wait for you is waiting for you, no cover up.
34、别放弃、也许你喜欢的人也正在喜欢着你 。
Don't give up. Maybe the person you like is also loving you.
35、昨夜暖燕江南去 , 泪撒江面 , 勾起千般忆 。
Last night, the warm swallow went to the south of the Yangtze River, tears scattered on the river, evoking a thousand memories.
36、让我道歉可以、但你必须跪着听 。
Let me apologize, but you have to listen on your knees.
37、喜欢就在一起 , 不喜欢就分开 , 何必为难自己 。
Like to be together, don't like to separate, why embarrass yourself.
38、我一直都在这里 , 带着满满的笑意和一点点的委屈 。
I have always been here, with a full smile and a little grievance.
39、我有足够的野心 , 来迎接任何人的狂 。
I have enough ambition to meet anyone's mania.
40、对我的感情 , 可以像对人民币一样的坚定!
My feelings can be as firm as RMB!
41、人生得意须尽欢 , 胡吃海喝须尽兴 。
You must enjoy your life when you are satisfied, and enjoy yourself when you eat and drink.
42、我用三生烟火 , 换你一世迷离 。
I use Sansheng fireworks, in exchange for your life lost.
43、昨天参加了一个放鸽子大赛 , 结果 , 比赛时就我一个人去了 。
Yesterday, I took part in a pigeon competition. As a result, I went alone.
44、不要骗我 , 你知道即使你的谎话 , 我都会相信 。
Don't lie to me, you know that even if you lie, I will believe it.
45、你所有的不好 , 也只因为你对我的那一点好而消失的干干净净 。
All of your bad, just because you are good to me and disappear clean.
46、我总是告诉自己不要太贪心 , 因为太好的总是留不住 。
I always tell myself not to be greedy, because too good always can't stay.
47、我有一瓢酒 , 可以慰风尘 。
I have a scoop of wine to soothe the wind and dust.
48、是我的心太伶仃 , 才能铭记 , 你十年的容音 。
My heart is too lonely to remember your ten years of Rongyin.
49、有些歌词深入人心、我们听的到底是歌还是自己 。
Some lyrics are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, we listen to the song or ourselves.
50、很多时候 , 人生就在这期盼中失望 , 再是在冥冥之中走散 。
【qq个性签名英语短的】Most of the time, life is disappointed in this expectation, and then separated in the dark.
