1、你是我最不想见到的人,却是我天天想念的人 。
You are the last person I want to see, but the one I miss every day.
2、不要以为你自己有多么厉害,其实你根本一文不值 。
Don't think you are so good, but you are not worth anything.
3、多亏我是个胖子,伤心时我可以捏捏肚子 。
Thanks to being fat, I can pinch my stomach when I'm sad.
4、最让我不安的是,你什么都知道,却什么都不说 。
What bothers me most is that you know everything and don't say anything.
5、有些事情失去了,就不再需要挽回 。
Some things are lost, they don't need to be retrieved.
6、姐今天是你的阶下囚,明天就是你惹不起的神 。
Sister, today is your prisoner, tomorrow is the God you can't afford.
7、我们站着不说话,就十分美好 。
It's wonderful for us to stand and not talk.
8、千万别迷恋网络游戏,要玩就玩好人生这场大游戏 。
Don't be infatuated with online games. Play the big game of life if you want to.
9、不成熟的爱情,无非就是你渣我瞎 。
Immature love is nothing but your slag and my blind.
10、如果我爱不到你,我就生一个像你一样的儿子 。
If I can't love you, I'll have a son like you.
11、一个固执的男人、心里装着一个不可能的女人 。
A stubborn man with an impossible woman in his heart.
12、时间游走,岁搁浅,斑驳的影子映着千言万语 。
Time travel, year-old stranded, mottled shadow reflected thousands of words.
13、你说,在不一样的坏境下生活,人都会变 。
You said that people will change when they live in different bad circumstances.
14、在乎的人不明白,明白的人不在乎 。
Those who care don't understand, those who understand don't care.
15、前进、前进、向前进 。奔向自己的目标 。
Forward, forward, forward. Run to your goals.
16、我赚了两亿,一个失忆,一个回忆 。
I made 200 million, one lost memory, one memory.
17、道理很简单,远离让你难受的人,靠近令你舒服的人 。
The truth is simple: stay away from the people who make you uncomfortable and stay close to the people who make you comfortable.
18、你可以高估你的手段,但请你别低估我的智商 。
You can overestimate your means, but please don't underestimate my IQ.
19、抬头仰望,别浪费了月亮 。
Look up, don't waste the moon.
20、我不好也不坏,也不是特别的出众,但我就是这么牛 。
I'm not good or bad, and I'm not particularly outstanding, but I'm just that good.
21、忘不掉的是回忆,继续的是生活,错过的,就当是路过 。
What we can't forget is the memory, what we continue is life, what we miss is just passing by.
22、只要你愿意,我永远都在 。
I'll always be there as long as you want.
23、还有星月可以寄望,还有宇宙浪漫不止 。
There are stars and moons to hope for, and more than romantic universe.
24、当我学会抽烟的那一刻,就不再需要安慰 。
When I learned to smoke, I didn't need comfort any more.
25、使人成熟的是经历,而不是岁月 。
What matures is experience, not years.
26、说好的,一辈子,缺一分缺一秒都不是一辈子 。
Well, a lifetime, missing a minute or a second is not a lifetime.
27、最无奈的事就是只能一个人的时候,静静地想你 。
The most helpless thing is only one person, quietly miss you.
28、如果爱情只是一场戏,我愿意陪你演到最后 。
If love is just a play, I would like to accompany you to the end.
29、身处人海也觉得孤独,看喜剧都会哭 。
I feel lonely in the sea of people. I cry when I watch a comedy.
30、在压力面前积蓄力量,然后无所惧地站起来 。
Build strength in the face of pressure and stand up fearlessly.
31、可不可以跟世界请个假,我想暂时离开一下 。
Can I ask the world for a leave? I want to leave for a while.
32、人生有时候,总是很讽刺 。一转身可能就是一世 。
【微信签名女生英语】Sometimes, life is always ironic. A turn around may be a lifetime.
33、人生得意须尽欢,胡吃海喝须尽兴 。
Life must be full of joy, eat the sea and drink to the full.
34、我不是一个喜欢争抢的人,但也并不意味着我与世无争 。
I'm not a person who likes to fight, but it doesn't mean I'm free from the world.
35、若别离,为何相逢?匆匆而过,不留痕迹,只留回忆 。
If parting, why meet? In a hurry, leaving no traces, only memories.
36、爱一个不爱你的人,就像在机场等一艘船 。
To love someone who doesn't love you is like waiting for a boat at the airport.
37、我不缺猫也不缺你,我只缺物质 。
I don't want cats or you. I'm short of material things.
38、曾经的深信不疑,如今的物是人非 。
Once deeply believed, today's things are not the same.
39、有些痛、说不出来、只能忍着、直到能够慢慢淡忘 。
Some pain, can not say, can only endure, until can slowly forget.
40、不要笑我没长大,我只是不想那么复杂 。
Don't laugh at me not growing up, I just don't want to be so complicated.
41、你是我挣扎过放弃过后悔过,但现在还是很爱很爱的人 。
You are the one I have struggled to give up and regret, but now I still love very much.
42、星辰是你,日月是你,三千弱水只取一瓢的也是你 。
The stars are you, the sun and the moon are you. It is you who take only one scoop of 3000 weak water.
43、开始降温了,你可以抱抱我 。
It's cooling down. You can hold me.
44、人生就像一杯茶,不会苦一辈子,但总会苦一阵子 。
Life is like a cup of tea, it will not be bitter for a lifetime, but it will be bitter for a while.
45、那些最终会让你陷进去的,一开始总是美好 。
It's always nice to start with what will eventually get you involved.
46、你现在所受的苦,都是你之前所作的死 。
What you are suffering now is the death you did before.
47、青春的符号,在惊天动地的那一刻凝固成悲音 。
The symbol of youth, at the moment of earth shaking, solidified into sad sound.
48、换个发型、换个心情 。
Change your hair style, change your mood.
49、只有抵住最黑的暗,才能收获最光的亮 。
Only by resisting the darkest darkness can we harvest the lightest light.
50、别跟我说晚安,我以为你想和我睡觉 。
Don't say good night to me. I thought you wanted to sleep with me.
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