1、每段青春都会苍老,但我希望记忆里的你一直都好 。
Every youth will be old, but I hope you are always good in my memory.
2、最使人疲惫的往往不是道路的遥远,而是你心中的郁闷 。
The most exhausting thing is not the distance of the road, but the depression in your heart.
3、别把我想得太好,省的我把缺点展现给你的时候又说我变了 。
Don't think too well of me. I'll show you my shortcomings and say I've changed.
4、时间是最好的良药,是我吃错药才没有成效 。
Time is the best medicine, I take the wrong medicine is not effective.
5、主动久了会很累,在乎久了会崩溃 。
Active for a long time will be very tired, care for a long time will collapse.
6、长大后的你,一定会感谢现在努力奋斗的你 。
When you grow up, you will thank you for your hard work.
7、我们都有一个通病:和爱的人吵架,却和陌生人讲心里话 。
We all have a common problem: quarrel with the people we love, but talk with strangers.
8、如果你不热爱自己正在做的事,你就不会成功 。
If you don't love what you're doing, you won't succeed.
【英文说说带翻译伤感简短】9、把爱全都给了你,我又怎么去爱我自己 。
How can I love myself when I give you all my love.
10、会当凌绝顶,一览众山小 。
It will be the top of the mountain.
11、人在做天在看,我做事要你管 。
People are doing things and the day is watching. I want you to take care of my work.
12、无聊侵袭人身,好似滚滚大潮,人的理智顿时变得苍白无力 。
Boredom invades the human body, like a rolling tide, people's reason suddenly becomes pale and powerless.
13、思念是幸福的,因为你有你爱的人让你思念 。
Missing is happy, because you have someone you love to miss.
14、因为有所期待,才会失望 。
Because of expectations, we will be disappointed.
15、黑夜不会亏待晚睡的人,它会赐你黑眼圈 。
Night will not treat people who sleep late, it will give you black eye.
16、后悔的感情一文不值,没有人会为别人的悔恨而感到歉疚 。
The feeling of regret is worthless. No one will feel sorry for the regret of others.
17、别在意不了解你的人批评你,狗只向它们不认识的人吠叫 。
Don't mind if people who don't know you criticize you. Dogs bark at people they don't know.
18、分明才二十来岁,却已失意半生 。
I'm in my twenties, but I've been frustrated for half my life.
19、风决定了蒲公英的方向,而你决定了我的心情 。
Wind determines the direction of dandelion, and you determine my mood.
20、真正的遗憾,是遇见了以后,发现自己无力拥有而遗憾 。
The real regret is to find that I can't have it when I meet you.
21、难过的时候把眼泪滴完,再以微笑盖过眼角的悲伤 。
Sad when the tears drop, and then smile over the corner of the eye sadness.
22、只有奋斗,可以给我们生路,而且只有奋斗可以给我们快乐 。
Only struggle can give us life, and only struggle can give us happiness.
23、爱就这么回事,虽然死不了人,却在心上最疼的地方扎上一针 。
Love is such a thing, although can not die, but in the heart of the most painful place on a needle.
24、哑巴只是不能说话不是不想说话、我只是不想说话 。
Dumb just can't speak, not don't want to speak, I just don't want to speak.
25、朝着心中目标前进的人,整个世界都在为他让路 。
The whole world is making way for the person who is moving towards the goal in his heart.
26、再回到那地方,已没有那时那种感觉 。
When I go back to that place, I don't have that feeling.
27、我希望以后可以不用送你回家,而是我们一起回我们的家 。
I hope we can go home together instead of sending you home.
28、缘分是本书,翻得不经意会错过,读得太认真会流泪 。
Fate is a book, turn inadvertently will miss, read too seriously will shed tears.
29、最好的时光,就是你喜欢我,我也喜欢你,可我们都还没表白 。
The best time is that you like me and I like you too, but we haven't expressed it yet.
Don't give up, or I'm sorry for myself!
31、他在你身上宣泄着寂寞,你天真的以为那是爱情 。
He's venting his loneliness on you. You think it's love.
32、人不伤,不成长;心不伤,不坚强 。
People do not hurt, do not grow; heart does not hurt, not strong.
33、生活不易,希望我们都能被温柔以待 。
Life is not easy, I hope we can be treated gently.
34、一个知己就好像一面镜子,反映出我们天性中最优美的部分 。
A confidant is like a mirror, reflecting the most beautiful part of our nature.
35、先变优秀,再遇见一个不需要取悦的人 。
First become excellent, and then meet a person who doesn't need to please.
36、颓废是勇气,懒惰是反抗,空虚是性感,骂你是我的专利 。
Decadence is courage, laziness is resistance, emptiness is sexy, scolding you is my patent.
37、人生每天都是现场直播,不仅收视率低,而且收费不高 。
Life is live every day, not only the audience rating is low, but also the charge is not high.
38、无法驾驭的东西,从一开始就应该远离,比虚伪的相处舒服 。
Things that can't be controlled should be far away from the beginning, which is more comfortable than hypocrisy.
39、希望你可以记住我,记住我这样活过,这样在你身边呆过 。
I hope you can remember me, remember that I lived like this, so I stayed by your side.
40、人生下来不是为了拖着锁链,而是为了展开双翼 。
Life is not to drag the chain, but to expand the wings.
41、一些人,一些事,在这随手可拾的记忆里还魂 。
Some people, some things, in this easy to pick up the memory of the soul.
42、不是你的东西不要拿,也不要去幻想,得不到就是得不到 。
Don't take what is not yours, and don't fantasize about it. If you can't get it, you can't get it.
43、做个坚强的女孩,即使流血也绝不会再流泪 。
Be a strong girl, even if you bleed, you will never cry again.
44、话语本身不伤人,除非,说这话的人对你而言很重要 。
Words don't hurt unless the person who says them is important to you.
45、生活是个吃软怕硬的东西 。你弱他就强,你强他就弱 。
Life is a soft and hard thing. If you are weak, he will be strong. If you are strong, he will be weak.
46、你要告诉自己,请不要因为情绪而做自己会后悔会难过的事 。
You should tell yourself, please don't do things that you will regret or feel sad because of your emotions.
47、来生愿做朝云暮雨,朝朝暮暮,天涯相随 。
The next life is willing to do morning and evening, day and night, with the end of the world.
48、失眠的人连做梦的权利都没有 。
Insomniacs don't even have the right to dream.
49、不能做到改变世界,那就做到改变自己 。
If you can't change the world, change yourself.
50、天赋决定上限,努力决定下限 。
Talent decides the upper limit, effort the lower limit.