1、所有人的坚强 , 都是柔软生的茧 。
The adamancy of a person is the callus formed upon his past softness.
2、世界太大还是遇见你 , 世界太小还是丢了你 。
The world is too big or meet you, the world is too small or lost you.
3、原来没有我的这些年你过得不好 , 这下我就放心了 。
It turns out that you haven't had a good time without me. I'm relieved.
4、时光不会倒着走 , 我也不会再回头 。
Time will not go backwards, and I will not look back.
5、我回头了一千次 , 一万次 , 你都不在我身后 。
I looked back a thousand times, ten thousand times, you are not behind me.
6、人人都说你活该如此下场 , 却没人懂你用情太长 。
Everyone says you deserve to end up like this, but no one knows that you use affection too long.
7、你动了我的心弦 , 让我遍地鳞伤 , 生命的江湖 , 惆怅彷徨 。
You moved my heartstrings, let me everywhere black and blue, the life of the lake, melancholy and hesitation.
8、爱你的人 , 已星夜兼程 , 走在来路 。
The one who loves you has been on the way to the future.
9、现在才知道 , 不了解一个人 , 还可以爱他 。
Now I know that if you don't know a person, you can still love him.
10、在真爱面前 , 不要放弃 , 哪怕你喜欢的人要求你放弃 。
In front of true love, don't give up, even if the person you like asks you to give up.
11、我回忆过去 , 但更向往未来 。
I look back on the past, but look forward to the future.
12、人们关注你的原因 , 你很漂亮 , 或濒临死亡 。
People care about you because you're beautiful or dying.
13、你记得关于他的所有事情 , 就是老记不住他不喜欢你 。
You remember everything about him, but you can't remember that he doesn't like you.
14、不要打扰我的生活 , 我的生活没有你 。
Don't disturb my life. My life is without you.
15、把别人看得太重、结果却被别人看成什么都不是 。
If you think too much of others, you will be regarded as nothing.
16、时间会告诉你伴你到最后的 , 不是旧人的手而是伤喉的酒 。
Time will tell you that it's not the old man's hand that accompanies you to the end, but the wine that hurts your throat.
17、原来的天荒地老 , 到最后成了各自安好 。
The old days of the past, to finally become their own well-being.
18、我真的很想知道 , 在你的世界里 , 我到底有多重要?
I really want to know how important I am in your world?
19、以离散为主线的感情戏太过苛刻 , 我演绎不了那华丽的场剧 。
The emotional drama with discrete as the main line is too harsh for me to perform that gorgeous play.
20、这世界太热闹 , 怎么倾听我的孤单跟感伤 。
This world is too busy, how to listen to my loneliness and sadness.
21、有一种爱 , 属于绝望 , 当你察觉时 , 一切还有转机 。
There is a kind of love, belonging to despair, when you notice, everything has a turning point.
22、你随时要认命 , 因为你是人 。
You have to admit your life at any time, because you are human.
23、有一种感觉比失恋还要痛苦 , 叫做自作多情 。
【女生放下一个人的说说心情短语英文】There is a feeling more painful than lovelorn, called narcissism.
24、你不找我是你不想找我 , 我不找你是咬着牙留点自尊 。
If you don't look for me, you don't want to look for me. If I don't look for you, you are biting your teeth and keeping some self-esteem.
25、哭久了会累 , 也只是别人的以为 。
Cry for a long time will be tired, only others think.
26、你那么平凡的名字、却牵扯到我那么多的情绪 。
You so ordinary name, but involve me so much emotion.
27、太繁华的城市不适合看星星 , 就像你的心不适合谈安定 。
Too prosperous city is not suitable to see the stars, just as your heart is not suitable for talking about stability.
28、擦肩而过的我们 , 有着无法表达的痛 。
Passing by, we have unspeakable pain.
29、虚情假意的人别说对不起 , 你滚就是最好的道歉 。
Hypocritical people do not say sorry, you go away is the best apology.
30、有一天你能到我的心里去 , 你会看到那里全是你给的伤悲 。
One day you can go to my heart, you will see that there is all your sorrow.
31、你有清澈完整的人生规划而我却不在内 。
You have a clear and complete life plan, but I'm not.
32、其实我一直都明白 , 能一直和一人做伴 , 实属不易 。
In fact, I have always understood that it is not easy to be with one person all the time.
33、不要那么相信自己的回忆 , 里面那个人 , 不一定同样想念你 。
Don't trust your memory so much. The person inside may not miss you as well.
34、你是我抽了一晚的烟 , 也是我回不去的从前 。
You are my smoking all night, and I can't go back to the past.
35、带上最合法的表情 , 不要看见别人 , 也藏好自己的心 。
Take the most legal expression, do not see others, also hide your heart.
36、纵然泪流成河 , 也要笑着祝贺 。
Even if tears flow into a river, we should also smile.
37、其实 , 你喜欢一个人就赋予了他伤害你的权利 。
In fact, if you like a person, you give him the right to hurt you.
38、我不知道自己在等待什么 , 就像不知道什么在等待着我 。
I don't know what I'm waiting for, just like I don't know what's waiting for me.
39、人是不会走散的 , 只是不想再见面 。
People will not be separated, just don't want to meet again.
40、最痛的距离 , 是你不在我身边 , 却始终在我心里 。
The most painful distance is that you are not by my side, but always in my heart.
41、可能他是真的有点喜欢你 , 但这一点都不妨碍他喜欢别人 。
Maybe he really likes you a little, but that doesn't stop him from liking others.
42、害怕冷却喜欢冬天 , 害怕失望却喜欢你 。
Afraid of cooling like winter, afraid of disappointment but like you.
43、我们在说没事的时候 , 却往往是最难受的时候 。
When we say it's OK, it's often the worst time.
44、不是所有的感情都会有始有终 , 就像路的尽头不一定是惶恐 。
Not all feelings will have a beginning and end, just like the end of the road is not necessarily fear.
45、有些人是可以被时间轻易抹去的 , 犹如尘土 。
Some people can be easily erased by time, just like dust.
46、我除了我爱你比你爱我多以外 , 没有任何条件优越你 。
I don't have any advantages over you except that I love you more than you love me.
47、第一次的爱 , 始终无法轻描淡写 。
The first love, always can not be understated.
48、错过的从前用将来补全 , 陪着你到静止的地方 。
Miss the past with the future to complete, accompany you to the static place.
49、过去的一页 , 能不翻就不要翻 , 翻落了灰尘会迷了双眼 。
The past page, can not turn, turn down the dust will be lost in the eyes.
50、你独独不该 , 在我心上 , 又退我千丈 。
You alone should not, in my heart, and retreat me thousands of feet.
51、不要在别人面前流眼泪 , 因为不会有人帮你擦泪 。
Don't shed tears in front of others, because no one will help you.
52、如果觉得眼前阴霾密布 , 试着转身吧 , 也许太阳就在你身后 。
If you feel haze in front of you, try to turn around. Maybe the sun is behind you.
53、我记得你爱我 , 或许是我记反了 。
I remember you love me, maybe I remember it backwards.
54、下雨了我给你撑伞 , 不喜欢我了我给你找新欢 。
I'll hold an umbrella for you when it rains. I don't like me anymore. I'll find you a new one.
55、不管什么时候 , 事先预定的别离总是比突然的别离更难 。
At any time, it's always harder to make a reservation than to leave suddenly.
56、我对你仍有爱意 , 我对自己无能为力 。
I still love you. I can't help myself.
57、我把所有的伤心走一遍 , 最伤心的是你不在终点 。
I take all the sad walk, the most sad is that you are not in the end.
58、不要依赖别人 , 是你还有人可以依赖的时候才说的出来的 。
Don't rely on others, it's when you still have someone to rely on.
59、我拦不住想走的人 , 也留不住变心的你 。
I can't stop people who want to go, and I can't keep you who are changing.
60、我不等你了 , 就当风没吹过 , 你没来过 , 我没爱过 。
I do not wait for you, when the wind has not blown, you have not come, I have not loved.
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