
1、Wish you a happy Christmas and a happy New Year!
【平安夜的祝福语简短英文】2、A true friend ,  no matter where he is ,  always pays attention and love. Wish you a safe and happy Christmas!
3、明亮的灯火 , 是我含笑传情的眼睛 , 它缀在夜空 , 为你照亮黑暗的前方 , 保护你旅途顺利 。
4、In this special day ,  give you special blessing! Wish you a happy and happy night! May beauty and happiness be with you!
5、在这无雪飘零的冬日 , 在这无你陪伴的平安夜 , 请允许我对你说声:圣诞快乐 , 我永远爱你!
6、深深祝福、丝丝情谊、串串思念 , 愿化作一份礼物 , 留在你的心中 , 祝你圣诞快乐 , 新年幸福!
7、In this snowless winter ,  in this silent Christmas Eve ,  please allow me to say to you: Merry Christmas ,  I love you forever!
8、The bright light is my smiling eyes. Its hung in the night sky ,  illuminating the dark front for you and protecting your journey.
9、在这个特别的日子里 , 给你特别的祝福!愿你在平安夜里开心 , 快乐!愿美丽与幸福陪伴在你的左右!
10、相识系于缘 , 相知系于诚 , 一个真正的朋友不论身在何处 , 总时时付出关和爱 , 愿好友圣诞平安快乐!
11、On Christmas Eve ,  I wish you ,  no discount for popularity ,  romance ,  warmth ,  happiness ,  luck ,  peace ,  more ,  more and more!
12、Dear ,  I am very lonely without you around me. Your warm arms are my safe harbor. I wish my husband a smooth and safe work on Christmas Eve.
13、如果圣诞老人给我一个机会 , 我会对你说:圣诞快乐!一定要在快乐上加上一个期限 , 我希望是:一万年!
14、你的离去我不知如何面对 , 你没有给我任何安慰 。我的眼中有泪水 , 圣诞节你会回来吧?不要让我再次心碎!
15、If Santa Claus gives me a chance ,  I will say to you: Merry Christmas! We must add a time limit to our happiness. I hope it will be 10000 years!
16、亲爱的 , 你比圣诞树上的星星还明亮、你比驯鹿还可爱、但你能把胡子剃了吗?我可不想你和圣诞老人一个摸样!
17、亲爱的 , 没你在我身边是我无比的孤单 , 你温暖的怀抱是我平安的港湾 , 平安夜已到祝老公工作顺利 , 平平安安 。
18、我在圣诞树旁静静的许愿 , 希望这宁静的夜的我的思念能随着飘絮的心情飞到你的身边 , 一个你我美好的圣诞夜!
19、思念为时间写诗 , 祝福为想念歌唱 , 真心为祝福祈祷 , 祈祷你的平安快乐 , 朋友 , 平安夜我祈求神保佑你平安健康 。
20、星光眨眼说想你 , 灯光闪亮说爱你 , 圣诞树缠绕着恋你 , 钟声敲响来抱你 , 平安夜的祝福送给你 , 平安夜快乐如意 。
21、如果你是圣诞 , 我就是元旦 , 你是圣诞老人 , 我就是驯鹿道夫 , 你是圣诞老婆婆 , 我就是圣诞老公公 , 老婆 , 祝你圣诞乐!
22、A little greeting ,  a deep memory ,  a thick feeling ,  a sweet memory ,  a warm blessing ,  a sincere heart ,  wish you a happy Christmas Eve ,  beautiful music!
23、平安夜到 , 愿你删去昨日的烦恼 , 确定明天的美好 , 储存身体的强健 , 复制幸福在身边 , 粘贴平安无界限 , 升级美好到永远 。
24、平安夜 , 传喜悦 , 吉祥氛围飘万里;钟声响 , 雪花飘 , 温馨浪漫到你家;欢喜夜 , 送祝福 , 祝你一生永平安 。祝平安夜快乐!
25、天空飘落的雪花 , 就象我的心情 , 思念不断蔓延 , 从遥远的另一端努力奔向你 , 不能相伴 , 情愿化做雪花 , 将你砸的人仰马翻 。
26、平安夜 , 幸福的烛光为你点亮 , 幸运的星光灿烂吉祥 , 幸会的目光读懂渴望 , 幸存的月光留住希望 。平安夜 , 吉祥夜 , 祝快乐!
27、跳动的烛光 , 闪烁的火焰 , 最美的是你的脸;温暖的祝福 , 体贴的挂牵 , 最想要的是你的平安 。亲 , 平安夜幸福快乐吉祥平安 。
28、Honey ,  you are brighter than the stars on the Christmas tree ,  you are cuter than the reindeer ,  but can you shave your beard? I dont want you to be like Santa!
29、I make a quiet wish beside the Christmas tree. I hope my thoughts on this quiet night will fly to you with the floating mood. A beautiful Christmas night for you and me!
30、平安钟声响 , 祝福身边傍 。万事都顺畅 , 成功任徜徉 。爱情喜洋洋 , 甜蜜心中漾 。身体都健康 , 幸福万年长 。祝平安夜快乐欢唱!
31、我是圣诞树上飘落的雪花 , 为你送上温情的祝福;我是平安夜里悠扬的钟声 , 给你带去平安的问候 。祝你圣诞快乐 , 平安夜平安!
32、清清的风吹来悠悠的云 , 悠悠的云含着纷纷的雪 , 纷纷的雪缠着绵绵的浪漫 , 绵绵的浪漫陪伴你渡一个浪漫的平安夜 。圣诞快乐!
33、A red apple for you on Christmas Eve! Red: on behalf of your career ,  apple: on behalf of your life ,  fruit: on behalf of your dream. May every effort of yours be fruitful!
34、平安夜上 , 温暖的炉火 , 浪漫的雪花 , 满是星星的圣诞树 , 屋内满是温馨的气息 , 燃亮烛光 , 许上愿望 , 圣诞星光从此为你而闪亮 。
35、平安夜 , 报平安 , 今夜如果祥和的旋律从你的梦中流过 , 那么你是否想到 , 那是我跨越关山千万重来入梦 , 送给你我最真挚的祝福!
36、我把沙漏倒过来 , 过去就变成未来 。愿时光为你定格 , 永远停在快乐的那一刻 。平安夜 , 祈愿你一生平平安安 , 日子过得幸福美满!
37、祥云飘飘吉祥到 , 喜气洋洋幸福来 , 平安夜里降平安 , 开心快乐好运来 , 愿君平安夜里笑呵呵 , 快乐幸福更如意 , 心想事成万事顺!
38、送你一颗聚满礼物的圣诞树 , 顶上最大最亮的那颗星是我的真心 , 下面挂的是我的痴心 , 制造材料的是我一颗不变有心:圣诞快乐!
39、I dont know how to deal with your departure ,  you didnt give me any comfort. I have tears in my eyes. Will you come back at Christmas? Dont break my heart again!
40、即将来到的节日 , 早早的把你想起 , 剩下的是祝福 , 全部赠于你 , 朋友 , 圣诞节来了 , 预祝你平平安安过平安夜 , 开开心心过圣诞节 。
41、平安夜祝你 , 人缘不打折 , 浪漫不打折 , 温馨不打折 , 快乐不打折 , 福气不打折 , 幸运不打折 , 平安更加 , 更加 , 更加 , 更加不打折!
42、我把沙漏倒转过来 , 过去就变成未来 。愿时光为你定格 , 永远停在快乐的那一刻 。平安夜 , 祈愿你一生平平安安 , 日子过得幸福美满!
43、所谓平安 , 就是身体健康 , 无病无恙 。事业有成 , 无克无难 。生活美满 , 无波无折 。今天是平安夜 , 愿主赐予你这一切 。祝幸福快乐 。
44、On Christmas Eve ,  report peace. If the peaceful melody flows through your dream tonight ,  do you think its my most sincere blessing to cross the mountains and dream again!
45、The bell of peace rings ,  and I wish you all the best. Everything is smooth and success is free. Love is joyful and sweet. All of them are healthy and happy. Happy Christmas Eve!
46、The coming festival reminds you of it early. The rest is blessings. All of them are for you ,  friends. Christmas is coming. I wish you a safe Christmas Eve and a happy Christmas.
47、今夜 , 我为你祈福:平安夜 , 夜平安 , 平平安安你我欢!今夜 , 我为你祝福:你平安 , 我平安 , 快快乐乐你我欢!今夜 , 我们一起狂欢!
48、平安是福 , 健康有福 , 平安夜里更享福 , 我已许下平安愿 , 愿您身体健康精神爽 , 快快乐乐享太平 , 人旺运旺事业旺 , 心顺气顺百事顺!
49、我把雪花放在手上 , 它融化在我的手中;我把铃铛敲响 , 声音回荡在我的耳畔;我把祝福轻轻折好 , 愿它到达你的心间:祝你圣诞快乐!
50、流星雨划过夜空 , 黑夜漫过了你的长发 , 而我却躲进了你的梦里 , 守卫着你 , 让你夜夜平安的度过 , 愿你的每天都如在平安夜一般快乐!
51、个小小的问候 , 一份深深的怀念 , 一片浓浓的情意 , 一次甜甜的回忆 , 一声暖暖的祝福 , 一份诚诚的心意 , 祝愿你平安夜快乐 , 美美乐乐!
52、我的祝福无限 , 我把快乐买断;对你的问候有限 , 期限一万年 。在一个温馨的平安之夜 , 用月辉把幸福载到 , 让你惊喜不断 。平安夜快乐 。
53、阵阵冬风 , 给你吉祥 , 一串串铃铛 , 给你健康 , 一首首圣诞的歌谣 , 给你好运 , 一棵棵美丽的圣诞树 , 给你幸福 。祝你平安夜圣诞节快乐!
54、不知你陪我度过了多少孤独的平安夜 , 当别人合家欢乐的时候 , 我们还在拼命地工作 。可爱的鹿儿 , 祝你一生平安 , 让我们的工作再创佳绩 。
55、平安夜送你一个红苹果!红:代表你的事业红红火火;苹:代表你的生活平平安安;果:代表你的梦想开花结果 。愿你的每份努力都有成果!
56、平安夜送你一件外套:前面是平安 , 后面是幸福 。吉祥是领子 , 如意是袖子 , 快乐是扣子 , 口袋里满是温暖 , 穿上吧 , 让它相伴你的每一天!
57、平安夜里钟声扬 , 雪绒花飞云色淡 。长袜高高挂床头 , 孩童甜睡显娇憨 。鹿车飞过叮铃响 , 白须公公送祝愿 。今夕平安夜 , 愿君暖意藏心间!
58、我愿化作圣诞树上轻轻飘落的雪花儿 , 为你送上温馨的祝福;我愿化作平安夜里悠扬回荡的钟声 , 给你带去平安问候!情满朝晖!圣诞节快!
59、我的心如冬天的雪花 , 在这寒冷的圣诞慢慢的飘落 , 无论我在哪里 , 我离你只有一个转身的距离 , 让我的心陪你在这个平安夜里的共同舞起 。
60、My heart is like snow in winter ,  falling slowly in this cold Christmas. No matter where I am ,  I only have a turning distance from you ,  let my heart dance with you in this safe night.
61、圣诞节来庆圣诞 , 平安夜送平安 。圣诞老人载马车 , 礼物祝福一起临 。祝你圣诞快乐 , 合家幸福 , 财源滚滚 , 好运连连 , 健康安泰 , 美好未来!
62、带上诚挚的祝福 , 我们上路 , 平安夜是快乐的起点 , 是烦恼的终点 , 但愿你记得这两点 , 每天开心多一点 。祝平安夜是你的狂欢节!节日快乐!
63、带上诚挚的祝福 , 请你在平安夜让自己的笑容绽放 , 请你在平安夜让自己的心情愉悦 , 请你在平安夜笑语欢歌 , 请你在平安夜守着幸福和快乐!
64、平安夜念平安 , 安则平平就安 , 行路要平稳 , 心态要平衡 , 生活要平常 , 待人要平等 , 怀平常心说平常话做平常人 , 安稳就是福 , 平淡才是真 。
65、平安夜送你一件外套吧:前面是平安 , 后面是幸福 。吉祥是领子 , 如意是袖子 , 快乐是扣子 , 口袋里满是温暖 , 穿上吧 , 让它相伴你的每一天!
66、平安日子道祝福 , 平安夜里道平安 。平平安安到永远 , 安安平平梦也长 。送个苹果保佑你 , 愿你一生都平安 。圣诞日平安夜 , 祝福串串飘过来!
67、用雪一般的绚烂 , 为你颂赞;用花一般的芬芳 , 愿你浪漫 。盛开了美丽花瓣;迎来了温馨圣诞 。提前祝你:平安夜里平平安 , 圣诞节日快快乐!
68、I put the snowflake in my hand ,  it melts in my hand; I ring the bell ,  the sound reverberates in my ear; I fold the blessing gently ,  wish it reach your heart: wish you a merry Christmas!
69、I turn the hourglass upside down and the past becomes the future. May time freeze for you and stop at the happy moment forever. On Christmas Eve ,  I wish you a peaceful life and a happy life!
70、On Christmas Eve ,  warm fire ,  romantic snowflakes ,  a Christmas tree full of stars ,  warm breath in the house ,  light candles ,  make wishes ,  and the Christmas stars will shine for you.
71、If you are Christmas ,  I am new years day ,  you are Santa Claus ,  I am reindeer doffer ,  you are Santa mother-in-law ,  I am Santa father-in-law ,  wife ,  I wish you a merry Christmas!
72、Meteor shower across the night sky ,  the night over your long hair ,  but I hide in your dream ,  guard you ,  let you spend the night safely ,  wish you happy every day as in the Christmas Eve!
73、Dancing candlelight ,  twinkling flame ,  the most beautiful is your face; warm blessing ,  thoughtful hanging ,  the most want is your peace. Dear ,  happy ,  auspicious and safe on Christmas Eve.
74、The so-called peace means good health and no illness. Success in business is without exception. Life is full and smooth. This is Christmas Eve. May the Lord give you all this. I wish you happiness.
75、Missing writes poems for time ,  blessing sings for missing ,  sincerely prays for blessing ,  prays for your peace and happiness ,  friend ,  on Christmas Eve I pray God to bless your peace and health.
76、A gust of winter wind ,  give you luck ,  a string of bells ,  give you health ,  a Christmas ballad ,  give you good luck ,  a beautiful Christmas tree ,  give you happiness. Happy Christmas Eve to you!
77、Praise you with the splendor of snow ,  and wish you romance with the fragrance of flowers. Blooming beautiful petals; ushering in a warm Christmas. I wish you a peaceful night and a happy Christmas day!
78、I am the snowflake falling on the Christmas tree ,  sending you warm wishes; I am the melodious bell sound on Christmas Eve ,  bringing you greetings of peace. Wish you a merry Christmas and a safe night!
79、Send you a Christmas tree full of gifts. The biggest and brightest star on the top is my heart. Whats hanging below is my infatuation. Whats making materials is my unchanging heart: Merry Christmas!
80、Tonight ,  I pray for you: Christmas Eve ,  night ,  peace ,  peace ,  I love you! Tonight ,  I bless you: you are safe ,  I am safe ,  happy you and I are happy! Tonight ,  lets have a good time together!
81、With sincere blessing ,  please let your smile bloom on Christmas Eve ,  please make your mood happy on Christmas Eve ,  please smile and sing on Christmas Eve ,  please keep happiness and happiness on Christmas Eve!
82、Auspicious clouds flutter to auspicious ,  happy and happy to come ,  peace at night ,  happy and good luck to come ,  I wish you peace at night laugh ha ha ,  happy and happy more Ruyi ,  think everything is going well!
83、Blessing on a safe day ,  and peace on a safe night. Safe and secure forever ,  safe and peaceful dream is long. Send an apple to bless you. May you be safe all your life. Christmas Eve ,  wish a string of floating over!
84、The clear wind blows the long clouds. The long clouds contain the snow in succession. The snow is wrapped with the continuous romance. The continuous romance accompanies you to spend a romantic Christmas Eve. Merry Christmas!
85、The stars blink and say they miss you ,  the lights flash and say they love you ,  the Christmas tree twines and loves you ,  the bell rings to hold you ,  the blessing of Christmas Eve is given to you ,  happy Christmas Eve.
86、Peace is bliss ,  health is bliss ,  and peace night is more blissful. I have made a wish for peace. I wish you good health ,  good spirit ,  happy enjoyment of peace ,  prosperous people ,  prosperous career and smooth heart!
87、My blessings are infinite ,  I buy up my happiness; my greetings to you are limited ,  with a term of 10000 years. In a warm night of peace ,  with the moon to carry happiness ,  let you surprise constantly. Happy Christmas Eve.
88、Lets give you a coat on Christmas Eve: peace ahead ,  happiness behind. Auspicious is the collar ,  Ruyi is the sleeve ,  happiness is the button ,  the pocket is full of warmth ,  put it on ,  let it accompany you every day!
89、On Christmas Eve ,  may you delete yesterdays troubles ,  make sure tomorrows beauty ,  store your bodys strength ,  copy happiness around you ,  paste peace without boundaries ,  and upgrade your beauty to forever.
90、Christmas Eve to send you a coat: the front is peace ,  the back is happiness. Auspicious is the collar ,  Ruyi is the sleeve ,  happiness is the button ,  the pocket is full of warmth ,  put it on ,  let it accompany you every day!
91、Christmas Eve ,  spread joy ,  auspicious atmosphere floating thousands of miles; bells ring ,  snowflakes floating ,  warm romantic to your home; happy night ,  send blessings ,  I wish you a lifetime of peace. Happy Christmas Eve!
92、I dont know how many lonely Christmas Eve you spent with me. When other peoples families are happy ,  we are still working hard. Dear deer ,  I wish you peace in your life ,  and let our work make great achievements again.
93、With sincere blessing ,  we are on our way. Christmas Eve is the starting point of happiness and the end of worry. I hope you can remember these two points and have more fun every day. May Christmas eve be your Carnival! Happy holidays!
94、On Christmas Eve ,  happy candlelight lights up for you ,  lucky stars are bright and auspicious ,  lucky eyes understand the desire ,  and the surviving moonlight keeps the hope. Christmas Eve ,  auspicious night ,  I wish you happiness!
95、Christmas to celebrate Christmas ,  Christmas Eve to send Christmas. Santas carriage ,  gifts and blessings come together. I wish you a merry Christmas ,  a happy family ,  a good fortune ,  good luck ,  good health and a bright future!
96、I would like to turn into the snowflakes falling gently on the Christmas tree and send you warm wishes. I would like to turn into the melodious ringing of the bell on Christmas Eve and bring you greetings of peace! Full of love! Christmas is fast!
97、The snowflakes falling in the sky are like my mood. My yearning keeps spreading. I try my best to run to you from the other end of the distance. I cant go with you. Im willing to make snowflakes and turn the people you hit on their backs.
