1、你不是演员,却吸引着学生饥渴的目光 。
You are not an actor, but you attract the eyes of students.
2、老师,我们歌颂你的师德 。
Teacher, we praise your virtue.
3、你是雨露,滋润我们柔弱的心灵 。
You are the rain and dew, moisten our weak soul.
4、一心教书传知识,不忘育人明事理 。
One's heart is to teach and impart knowledge, and never forget to educate people and understand things.
5、是你那渊博的智慧,教我在这里放飞梦想 。
It is your profound wisdom that taught me to fly my dream here.
6、您是蜡烛,燃烧着自己的青春 。
You are a candle, burning your youth.
7、老师是蜡烛,燃烧自己,照亮别人 。
A teacher is a candle that burns himself and lights others.
8、老师就像是海,带你在知识的海洋中翱翔 。
Teachers are like the sea, taking you to soar in the ocean of knowledge.
9、您用质朴的爱,续写生命荣光 。
You write the glory of life with simple love.
10、春风化雨润花蕊,三尺讲台写春秋 。
Spring wind and rain moisten the stamen, and the three foot podium writes about the spring and Autumn period.
11、难忘记,你的伟大艰辛 。
Hard to forget, your great hardships.
12、人生有了您,才有了壮美和绚丽 。
Life with you, there is a magnificent and gorgeous.
13、老师是一盏明灯,照亮我们前行的方向 。
The teacher is a light, illuminating the direction of our advance.
14、您用知识砖瓦,盖起人生大厦 。
You build the mansion of life with the bricks and tiles of knowledge.
15、您用辛勤的耕耘,培育祖国的花朵 。
You cultivate the flowers of the motherland with your hard work.
16、最念的,是您博大的亲恩 。
What I want most is your great kindness.
17、丹心一片倾情尽,热泪千行诉意坚 。
A heart of love to do, a thousand lines of tears Suiyi Jian.
18、伴我成长,助我前行 。
Grow with me and help me move forward.
19、言传身教如父爱,教我做人清又白 。
Words and deeds are like father's love. They teach me to be clear and white.
20、你用青春挥洒汗水,让我们快乐健康成长 。
You sweat with youth, let us grow up happily and healthily.
21、夜灯长明,呕心沥血浇灌桃李天下 。
The night lamp is always on, and we have worked hard to irrigate the peach and plum world.
22、您用青春,谱写诗歌 。
You write poetry with your youth.
23、一番谆谆教诲,吐露情意真挚的话 。
A kind of earnest instruction and sincere words.
24、莘莘学子心,难忘恩师情 。
The heart of students, unforgettable teacher.
25、我们有了您,才有了更美好的人生 。
We have you, we have a better life.
26、我在远方思念,祝福穿越千山 。
I miss in the distance, blessing across the mountains.
27、送您康乃馨,健康常在 。
Carnation for you, health is always there.
28、您用浩瀚知识,引领我幸福远航 。
With vast knowledge, you lead me to a happy voyage.
29、您在蒙昧的土地上,播撒希望的种子 。
You sow the seeds of hope in the land of ignorance.
30、您是春蚕,春蚕到死丝方尽 。
You are the spring silkworm, the spring silkworm will die.
31、常忆过去求学日,尤念耳边教导声 。
I often remember the past school days, especially the teaching voice in my ear.
32、我从幼苗长成大树,却永远是您的学生 。
I grow from a seedling to a big tree, but I will always be your student.
33、您用微笑,将我们的疑问化解 。
You use a smile to resolve our questions.
34、伴着教师节的深情,把美好送给老师 。
Along with the teacher's Day affection, gives the good to the teacher.
35、您的教诲,日日驻在我心田 。
Your teaching is in my heart day by day.
36、无私奉献,传授知识从未想到回报 。
Selfless dedication, imparting knowledge, never thought of return.
37、您的教诲,常驻在我的心田 。
Your teaching is always in my heart.
38、三尺讲台桃李艳,浇园灌水百花鲜 。
Three feet podium Taoli Yan, irrigation garden fresh flowers.
39、最甜的,是您浸润的话语 。
The sweetest is your words.
40、草儿冉冉出土,忘不了甜美的雨露 。
Grass slowly unearthed, can not forget the sweet rain.
41、您是灯塔,照亮学生人生路 。
You are the lighthouse, illuminating students' life.
42、你的人生是无悔的格言,把责任担起 。
Your life is a no regrets maxim, take responsibility.
43、您用纯朴的情,融化心灵的锁 。
You use simple feelings to melt the lock of heart.
44、不说不表示不惦念,不见不表示不牵挂 。
【英文祝福语老师】Don't say don't mean don't miss, don't see don't mean don't care.
45、以关爱为和弦,奏出温暖的歌谣 。
Love as a chord, playing a warm ballad.
46、难忘记,你的执着不悔 。
Hard to forget, your persistence does not regret.
47、对你为我付出的辛劳,我无以为报 。
I can't repay you for your hard work.
48、您用执着的爱,谱写青春无悔 。
You use persistent love to compose the spring without regret.
49、祝您的花园里鲜花灿烂,果园里硕果累累 。
May your garden be full of flowers and fruits.
50、当年恩情记脑海,殷殷敬意短信载 。
In those days, the gratitude was recorded in my mind, and I was honored by SMS.
51、没有你,我不懂得做人的道理 。
Without you, I don't know the truth of life.
52、老师是松,苍翠欲滴 。
The teacher is pine, green and green.
53、有一种恩不能忘,那是您的教育之恩 。
There is a kind of grace that can't be forgotten. It is the grace of your education.
Students wish, teachers happy, longevity boundless!
55、有一种光荣的职业,叫老师 。
There is a glorious profession called teacher.
56、您的眼光满是慈爱,如春风拂过我的心间 。
Your eyes are full of love, like the spring breeze blowing through my heart.
57、你是辛勤的园丁,培育我们茁壮成长 。
You are a hardworking gardener, nurturing us to thrive.
58、教风严谨人楷模,抱病执鞭敬业情 。
The teaching style is rigorous, the model of people, and the dedication.
59、难忘师恩,人生旅途精心的呵护 。
Unforgettable Teacher's kindness, careful care of life journey.
60、您是大树,开出桃李满天下 。
You are a big tree, open peach and plum all over the world.
61、难忘记,你的谆谆教诲 。
Hard to forget, your earnest instruction.
62、愿您健康长乐,幸福美满,桃李满天下 。
Wish you health, happiness, peach and plum all over the world.
63、我愿是一把教鞭,为你指引幸福的方向 。
I would like to be a pointer to guide you in the direction of happiness.
64、老师你是蜡烛,为我们照亮前行的路 。
Teacher, you are a candle to light our way forward.
65、不慕名利和地位,平凡之中见伟大 。
Do not admire fame and wealth and status, ordinary see great.
66、因为有了你,世界才如此美丽动人 。
Because of you, the world is so beautiful and moving.
67、您是希望烛光,将前途照亮 。
You are the hope candle light, will illuminate the future.
68、我们顺利成长,忘不了老师的谆谆教诲 。
We grow up smoothly, can't forget teacher's earnest instruction.
69、道不尽,恩师情,念念不忘记心中 。
The way does not end, the teacher's affection, reads does not forget the heart.
I wish you happiness and good health!
71、您没有诱人的财富,却拥有真挚的情感 。
You do not have attractive wealth, but have sincere feelings.
72、你的手是智慧的海洋,把知识书写 。
Your hand is an ocean of wisdom, writing knowledge.
73、以关爱为支点,撬起知识的大地 。
With love as the fulcrum, pry up the earth of knowledge.
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