
1、我喜欢温柔,也喜欢温暖,所以我喜欢人类 。
I like tenderness and warmth, so I like human beings.
2、黑豹,不只是一个乐队的名字,它更代表着一种精神 。
Panther is not only the name of a band, it also represents a spirit.
3、时间过得张牙舞爪,光阴逃得死去活来 。
Time flies, time flies.
4、情没了,就别回味了,再回味,也不是原来的心情了 。
No love, do not aftertaste, and then aftertaste, it is not the original mood.
5、生命里最难能可贵的,就是生活得平常 。
The most valuable thing in life is to live normally.
6、只想赶紧长大,然后离开这里,去做我想做的事 。
I just want to grow up and leave here to do what I want to do.
7、别以为你很重要,没了你我照样活,活的更精彩 。
Don't think you're very important. I'll still live without you. It's more wonderful.
8、不要浪费你的生命,在你一定会后悔的地方上 。
Don't waste your life where you will regret it.
9、越是忧愁则越忧愁,越是烦恼则越烦恼 。
The more you worry, the more you worry. The more you worry, the more you worry.
10、其实输并不可怕,可怕的是输了就鼓不起勇气面对世界 。
In fact, it's not terrible to lose. What's terrible is that if you lose, you can't summon up the courage to face the world.
11、莫道男儿心如铁,君不见满川红叶,尽是离人眼中血 。
Don't say that a man's heart is as iron as iron. You can't see the red leaves all over Sichuan. It's full of blood in people's eyes.
12、你嘲笑我一落千丈,我可怜你满足现状 。
You laugh at me and I feel sorry for you.
13、一个人无法放弃过去的无知,就无法走进智慧的殿堂 。
If one cannot give up his past ignorance, one cannot enter the palace of wisdom.
14、人生之所以精彩,是他愿意全然的接受一切 。
The reason why life is wonderful is that he is willing to accept everything completely.
15、人生,总有几分坎坷,生活,总有一些不顺 。
Life, there are always some ups and downs, life, there are always some problems.
16、做好事的乐趣乃是人生唯一可靠的幸福 。
The pleasure of doing good is the only reliable happiness in life.
17、摇篮告诉幼小的生命:人生是平静的,也是动荡的 。
Cradle tells young life: life is calm and turbulent.
18、知道自己犯了错误一定改正的人,便是好人 。
He is a good man who knows that he has made a mistake and will correct it.
19、如果有一天你不再爱我了,我会安静的离开 。
If one day you no longer love me, I will leave quietly.
20、天空黑暗到一定程度,星辰就会熠熠生辉 。
When the sky is dark enough, the stars will shine.
21、当真相在穿鞋的时候,谎言已经跑遍了全城 。
When the truth is wearing shoes, the lies have been all over the city.
22、用有限的时光做有意义的事情,活在当下 。
Do meaningful things with limited time and live in the present.
23、不坑不卑才是正直的人,做一个正直大气的不抱怨的人 。
Not pit not humble is the upright person, do an upright atmosphere of people do not complain.
24、被拥挤的时间,挤得只剩下呼吸的空隙 。
The time of being crowded is only the space of breathing.
25、劳累了,听听音乐,伤心了,侃侃心情 。
Tired, listen to music, sad, Kan Kan mood.
26、未来就像是太阳,我便是阳光,永远陪伴太阳 。
The future is like the sun, I am the sun, always accompany the sun.
27、别为模糊不清的未来担忧,只为清清楚楚的现在努力 。
Don't worry about the unclear future, just work hard for the clear present.
28、有很多人是用青春的幸福,作成功代价的 。
Many people use the happiness of youth as the price of success.
29、无话不说是我们的曾经,无话可说是我们的结局 。
Nothing to say is our past, nothing to say is our ending.
30、时间就像是拼搏的汗水,一点一滴的流去 。
Time is like the sweat of struggle, flowing bit by bit.
31、只要还活着,就要以最好的方式活下去 。
As long as you're alive, you have to live in the best way.
32、成功是从山丘一样的失败堆里爬出来的 。
Success is climbing out of a mountain of failures.
33、人生不要被金钱所控制,决定你幸福的,是知足 。
Life should not be controlled by money, it is contentment that determines your happiness.
34、上辈子一定是无家可归,这辈子才会宅成这样 。
I must have been homeless in my last life, but I'll live like this in my life.
35、三个忘记:忘记年龄,忘记过去,忘记恩怨 。
Three forgets: forgetting age, forgetting the past, forgetting gratitude and resentment.
36、让你难过的事情,有一天,你一定会笑着说出来 。
Let you sad things, one day, you will smile out.
37、与其说是别人让你痛苦,不如说是自己的修养不够 。
It's better to say that it's not enough for you to let others suffer.
38、勤奋固然重要,但没有方向的勤奋很可怕 。
Hard work is important, but hard work without direction is terrible.
39、即使是世界老大,也不可能谁都听它的 。
Even if it is the world's largest, it is impossible for everyone to listen to it.
40、如果我的未来有你在,那其他的什么我都不怕了 。
If I have you in my future, I'm not afraid of anything else.
41、我知道她想要什么,可是我能给你的,再也给不了她 。
I know what she wants, but what I can give you, I can't give her any more.
42、我要挥霍青春的岁月,然后去做铁石心肠的船长 。
I want to squander my youth, and then be a captain with a heart of stone.
43、你要信仰别人的光芒,也要相信自己的力量 。
You have to believe in the light of others, but also believe in your own strength.
44、半篇琴谱奏一世渊源,箫声萦绕叹一生惆怅 。
Half of the score of Qin is the origin of my life, and the sound of Xiao lingers and sighs for my melancholy all my life.
45、到祖国最需要的地方去锻炼自我,享受奉献,成就人生 。
Go to the place where the motherland needs most to exercise themselves, enjoy dedication and achieve life.
46、在乎够深的东西,别人碰一下都觉得是抢 。
If you care about something deep enough, others will think it's robbing.
47、人生的最大快乐,是自己的劳动得到了成果 。
The greatest happiness in life is the result of one's own labor.
48、有时,谎言只是一种保护,不知道真相也是一种幸福 。
Sometimes, lies are just a kind of protection, not knowing the truth is also a kind of happiness.
49、人生就像旅游,每个人都可以遇到喜欢的风景 。
Life is like tourism, everyone can meet the scenery they like.
You can find a reason to be sad, you can also find a reason to be happy!
51、请成为,永远疯狂,永远浪漫,永远清澈,的存在 。
Please become, always crazy, always romantic, always clear, the existence of.
52、生活中从来不缺少乐子,缺的只是发现乐子的眼睛 。
There is no lack of fun in life, only the eyes to find it.
53、已经失去的不妨让它失去,至少不再耽于等待 。
Have lost might as well let it lose, at least no longer delay in waiting.
54、做一个有感情的人,深味其中的意义和责任并为之努力 。
Be an emotional person, deeply appreciate the meaning and responsibility, and strive for it.
55、用感激的心去赢得微笑,用幸福的微笑去面对人生 。
With grateful heart to win a smile, with a happy smile to face life.
56、谁要是害怕走崎岖的山路,谁就只好永远留在山脚下 。
Anyone who is afraid to walk on the rugged mountain road will have to stay at the foot of the mountain forever.
57、生活是布满荆棘的小路,只有勇敢者才能通过 。
Life is a path full of thorns, only the brave can pass.
58、人生就是条平行线,一个是真实生活,一个是内心世界 。
Life is a parallel line, one is real life, the other is inner world.
59、任何一件事情,只要心甘情愿,总是能够变得简单 。
Anything, as long as willing, can always become simple.
Believe in others, give up their own, this is the beginning of many failed lives!
61、年少的爱情,赌上的是青春,赔上的是一去不返的时光 。
Young love, bet on youth, lost on the time is gone.
62、日子再穷,也不要挂在嘴边,因为没有人无故给你钱 。
No matter how poor you are, don't talk about it, because no one gives you money for no reason.
63、人既尽其才,则百事俱举;百事举矣,则富强不足谋也 。
If a man does his best, he will do everything; if he does everything, he will not be rich enough.
64、我想我会保持微笑,继续走完我未走完的路 。
I think I will keep smiling and continue to walk my unfinished road.
65、人生的光荣,不在永不失败,而在于能够屡败屡战 。
The glory of life lies not in never failing, but in being able to fight repeatedly.
66、生活的累,一半源于生存,一半来自攀比 。
Half of the tiredness of life comes from survival and half from comparison.
67、人生最大的光荣,不在于从不失败,而在于能屡仆屡起 。
The greatest glory of life lies not in never failing, but in being able to rise and fall repeatedly.
68、不要老在别人面前,倾诉你的困境袒露你的脆弱 。
Don't always talk about your difficulties in front of others and expose your vulnerability.
69、不要把心中的恨,埋的太深,宽容大度也是一种慈悲 。
Don't bury the hatred in your heart too deeply. Tolerance is also a kind of compassion.
70、勇敢站起来快步向前冲,是你唯一的出路 。
Standing up bravely and rushing forward quickly is your only way out.
