Youth is a too hasty book! Read with tears!
2、当你不再年轻了,你就觉得爱情仿佛没有那么重要了 。
When you are no longer young, you feel that love is not so important.
Do not sigh the vicissitudes of life, open-minded mood, youth never old!
4、青春时,最怕的就是谈梦想,因为我还不知道,梦想是什么 。
When I was young, I was afraid to talk about dreams, because I didn't know what dreams were.
5、青春是最美丽的花朵,青春是跳动的音符,青春是最动人的诗行 。
Youth is the most beautiful flower, youth is a beating note, youth is the most moving lines of poetry.
6、送你一首歌,唱响青春 。
Send you a song, sing youth.
7、岁月你别催,让我坐在袅袅茶烟中,理一段心绪,念一段心经 。
Time you don't rush, let me sit in the curl of tea smoke, manage a period of mood, read a period of heart.
8、放飞青春梦想,绽放青春年华,展示青春风采 。
Let youth dream fly, bloom youth time, show youth style.
9、走自己的路,不畏艰难,不负青春 。
Take their own road, not afraid of difficulties, live up to youth.
10、青春的岁月,要填满快乐,让笑容绽放最美丽 。
Youth years, to fill with happiness, let the smile bloom the most beautiful.
Since youth is a brilliant meteor, why not let it bloom the most dazzling light?
12、你不折腾,哪能对得起大好青春 。
If you don't make trouble, you can't live up to your youth.
13、我只想要铭记这瞬间,我们一起走过的光年 。
I just want to remember this moment, the light years we have gone through together.
14、青春是一条永不结冰的湍河,在急流中穿梭,集结着勇敢 。
Youth is a never frozen turbulent River, shuttling in the rapids, gathering courage.
15、青春,是一江水,奔流不止 。
Youth, is a river, flowing.
16、落花有意,流水无情,襄王情深,神女梦浅 。
The falling flower is intentional, the flowing water is merciless, the king of Xiang is deeply in love, and the goddess dream is shallow.
17、再见青春,再见灿烂的忧伤,再见青春,再见永恒的迷惘 。
Goodbye to youth, to brilliant sadness, to youth, to eternal perplexity.
It's so happy to change the boundary line and go back to youth!
19、青春是什么?青春是美,青春是火,青春是福 。
What is youth? Youth is beauty, youth is fire, youth is happiness.
20、如果现在在外面打拼的你很累,希望你能回去看看那个校园 。
If you are very tired now, I hope you can go back to see the campus.
21、苦痛的生命挣扎,逝去了青春年华 。
Painful life struggle, lost youth.
22、因为年轻,所以没有选择,只有试试 。
Because young, so no choice, only try.
23、广大青年要志存高远,让青春在坚定理想中闪光 。
The majority of young people should have lofty ideals and let them shine in their firm ideals.
24、撇开友谊,无法谈青春,因为友谊是点缀青春的最美的花朵 。
Apart from friendship, we can't talk about youth, because friendship is the most beautiful flower to decorate youth.
25、怀念青春,逝者如斯夫不舍昼夜 。
In memory of youth, time goes by like this, day and night.
26、让我们灿烂青春的笑脸,把蓬勃朝气传开往 。
Let's have a bright smile of youth to pass on the vigor and vitality.
27、没什么比青春,更无敌 。
Nothing is more invincible than youth.
28、让我们把握青春的时光,歌唱人生的赞歌 。
Let's seize the time of youth and sing the praises of life.
29、即使青春是一种错误,也是一种迅速得到纠正的错误 。
Even if youth is a mistake, it is a mistake that can be corrected quickly.
30、无奋斗,不青春 。每一个坚定走在人生路上的人,都是不平凡的 。
No struggle, no youth. Every person who firmly walks on the road of life is extraordinary.
31、那些年的作业,一个人错了全班都错了 。
In those years, one person was wrong and the whole class was wrong.
32、白日不到处,青春恰自来 。苔花如米小,也学牡丹开 。
Youth comes when the day is not everywhere. Moss flowers as small as rice, but also learn to open peony.
33、蓦然一惊,已到中年,所有青春的轻狂,化作酒一杯,凝成过往 。
Suddenly a surprise, has reached middle age, all the youth frivolity, into a cup of wine, condensed into the past.
34、让坚强打败脆弱,不负青春,不负自己 。
Let the strong defeat the frailty, live up to the youth, live up to ourselves.
Youth does not end, can not pull the time, leave us can not sad?
36、还记得青春时说的傻话,我们若成过往,当永不相见,永不相知 。
I still remember the silly words we said when we were young. If we were in the past, we would never meet and never know each other.
37、曾在阳光下幻想着云游四海,浪迹天涯 。
Once in the sun, fantasy travel around the world, wandering around the world.
38、青春就这么回事,那么喧嚣,最后却沉寂到无人知晓 。
Youth is such a thing, so noisy, but finally silent to no one knows.
39、青春是道明媚的忧伤 。
Youth is a beautiful sadness.
40、你把青春献给公司,公司未必把未来还给你 。
If you devote your youth to the company, the company may not return the future to you.
41、青春不能太懒惰,要奋斗,不要等到老了,斗也斗不动了 。
Youth can not be too lazy, to struggle, do not wait for old, fight also can not move.
May time live up to your efforts and your youth to live up to yourself!
43、挽着时间一路走,连途中的风景都来不及回顾 。
Holding time all the way, even the scenery on the way has no time to review.
44、人生短短几十年,何不重走青春疯狂一次,不在人世留下遗憾 。
Life is just a few decades, why not go back to youth madness once again, not leave regret in the world.
45、让往事都随风,让青春都落在回忆里 。
【青春的英文句子】Let the past go with the wind, let the youth fall in the memory.
46、岁月不老,青春不朽 。愿你永远年轻,永远热泪盈眶!
Time is not old, youth is immortal. May you always be young and tearful forever!
47、青春,我们曾拥有过你 。
Youth, we once had you.
48、没有人能够永远年轻,但永远有人正年轻着 。
There are young people who can never be young.
49、青春留有太多的感动和遗憾,却恰巧遇上最不懂珍惜的年纪 。
Youth left too much moving and regret, but happened to meet the most do not know how to cherish the age.
50、无论何时,请以童年的信仰去爱生活 。
Whenever you are, please love life with your childhood beliefs.
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