
1、将喜欢的一切留在身边,这便是努力的意义 。
It is the meaning of effort to leave everything you like around.
2、慈悲心是拔出一切众生的痛苦,给予一切众生安乐 。
Compassion is to pull out the pain of all living beings and give all living beings happiness.
Trees do not have skin, will die no doubt! People don't want to face, the world is invincible!
4、生活是95%的失望+5%的希望,而那5%在支撑着我们 。
Life is 95% disappointment + 5% hope, and that 5% is supporting us.
5、把期望降低,把依赖变少,你会过的很好 。
Lower expectations and reduce dependency, and you'll be fine.
6、就算不开心,我们也要没心没肺的大笑掩饰悲伤 。
Even if we are unhappy, we should laugh heartlessly to cover up our sadness.
7、是,穷家女,图出身,总有行差踏错的时候 。
Yes, poor women, picture origin, there are always bad time.
8、如果可以从新开始,我一定会毫不犹豫地点头 。
If I could start from the new one, I would nod without hesitation.
9、人生只是一场过客,而我们刚好只是路过而已 。
Life is just a passing pass, and we just pass by.
What is the most important in this society, the most important is money, because society is realistic!
【英语句子摘抄简短】11、学问多深也别满足,过失多小也别忽略 。
Learn much and don't satisfy, and don't ignore too much fault.
The road of hometown, familiar, but cordial, the strong flavor of the local!
13、没有权势没有票,拼搏的我们必须吃苦耐劳 。
Without power and no tickets, we must bear hardships and hardships in the struggle.
14、我对政治不感兴趣,世界的问题不是我份内的事 。
I'm not interested in politics. The world problem is not my part.
15、人生太搞,梦想不老,为了梦想,加油瞎搞 。
Life is too much, dream is not old, for dream, refuel.
Life is like a cup of tea, will not suffer for a lifetime, but always bitter for a while!
It's hard to grow up and mature, just cheer up!
18、过年没有人想不回家,每一个不回家的人都有他的故事 。
No one wants to go home in the new year. Everyone who doesn't go home has his story.
19、时间,可以抹杀的一切,都不是真正存在的东西 。
Time, everything that can be wiped out, is not really something.
20、要是爱你爱得少些,话就可以说得多些了 。
If you love you less, you can say more.
21、人生的意志和劳动将创造奇迹般的奇迹 。
The will and labor of life will create miracles.
22、一个人的成功不在于你知道多少,而在于你行动了多少 。
One's success is not how much you know, but how much you've done.
23、突如其来的脾气,大概是积攒了很久的委屈 。
Sudden temper, probably accumulated for a long time grievance.
24、我们会费尽周折来完成一件事,让这件事变得简单 。
We make it easy to do one thing with our dues.
25、有棱角的坏处,就是让别人咬起你来很容易下口 。
The bad thing about corners is that it's easy to bite you.
26、路没有脚长,山没有人高,要相信自己是强者 。
The road is not long, the mountain is not tall, and you should believe that you are the strong.
27、不管脚步有多慢都不要紧,只要你在走,总会看到进步 。
No matter how slow your steps are, as long as you are walking, you will always see progress.
28、消沉与低谷终将过去,积极才是人生的主流 。
Depression and depression will eventually pass, and positive is the mainstream of life.
I'm right. What's the result of our lives?
30、没有房子就没有家,努力只为给她一个真实的家 。
There is no house without a house, and try to give her a real home.
31、最浓的情,不是山盟海誓,而是真心付出 。
The strongest love is not a vow from the mountains and seas, but a sincere commitment.
32、信念如果怕,就没有勇闯格局的战斗力 。
If you are afraid of faith, you will not have the fighting power to break through the pattern.
I can't fart before I go to college. I will fart when I come to college!
34、使你疲劳的不是远方的高山,而是鞋里的一粒沙 。
It is not the mountain far away that makes you tired, but a grain of sand in your shoes.
35、当你了解世间一切的空性,你就知道要学着不在乎 。
When you know the emptiness of everything in the world, you know to learn not to care.
36、爱情固然美好,但也不值得你赌上自己的一生去冒险 。
Love is good, but it is not worth your life to take risks.
37、人充满劳绩,但还诗意地安居于大地之上 。
People are full of achievements, but they are still poetically settled on the earth.
38、命运赐予你的,实际上并不全部属于你 。
What fate gives you, in fact, does not belong to you.
39、没有亲眼所见,就不用急着用你的嘴巴来证明 。
Without seeing it with your own eyes, you don't have to rush to prove it with your mouth.
40、相信自己,相信伙伴 。把握先机,容易成功 。
Believe in yourself, trust partners. Grasp the first chance, easy to succeed.
41、永远不要对任何事情感到后悔,因为它曾是你的选择 。
Never regret anything, because it was your choice.
42、不要强制性改变自己,那样会有反作用 。
Don't force yourself to change, that will have a reaction.
43、为了一个人养成的习惯,可惜,后来却给了另一个人看 。
For one person to form the habit, unfortunately, but later gave another person to see.
44、过去就想一场很久的梦,梦醒后就不在属于那里 。
I used to think of a long dream, and I didn't belong there after I woke up.
45、千变万化的是人心纹丝不动的才是命运 。
What changes is the fate of the people who are motionless.
46、忍受和坚持是苦楚的,但它会逐给你优点 。
It's hard to endure and stick to it, but it will give you the advantages.
47、清醒时做事,糊涂时读书,大怒时睡觉 。
Do things when you are awake, read when you are confused, and sleep when you are angry.
48、不要羡慕别人的成功,那是牺牲了安逸换来的 。
Don't envy others' success, it is sacrifice of ease.
49、而你在最好的时光里离开了,这也是最好的事情 。
And you left in the best time, and that's the best thing.
50、得之坦然,失之淡然,顺其自然,争其必然 。
To gain it is calm, to lose, to be natural and to fight for its necessity.
51、如果来生太远寄不到诺言,不如学着放下许多执念 。
If the next life is too far to send a promise, it is better to learn to put down a lot of ideas.
52、我从不知道顺其自然有多自然,但我知道现实有多现实 。
I never know how natural it is to be, but I know how realistic reality is.
53、知识象烛光,能照亮一个人,也能照亮无数人 。
Knowledge is like a candle light, it can illuminate one person, and can illuminate countless people.
54、人的生命常常忘记了静,反而尽量用动态去消耗自己 。
People often forget the static, but try to use dynamic to consume themselves.
55、莫厌夏日长,莫愁冬日短 。欲识短复长,君看寒又暖 。
Don't be tired of long summer days, not worry about the short winter days. To know short and long, you see cold and warm.
56、别冷了一颗热的心,别淡了一份真挚的情 。
Don't cold a hot heart, don't light a sincere feeling.
57、君子就是不大眼界,抢占眼前小便宜的人 。
Gentleman is not a big eye, snatch the small and cheap people in front of you.
58、回忆再羙丶终究是过去 。话再好听,那也只是逢场作戏 。
Memories are the past. It's just a good time to listen.
59、没有青春的爱情有何滋味?没有爱情的青春有何意义 。
What is the taste of love without youth? What is the significance of youth without love.
60、让我珍惜时间,因为珍惜时间就是珍惜生命 。
Let me cherish time, because cherish time is cherish life.
61、谁虚度年华,青春就要裉色,生命就会抛弃他们 。
Who spend their time in vain, youth will be color, life will abandon them.
62、我允许别人比我强,但我不允许我没有别人努力 。
I allow others to be better than me, but I don't allow me to have no other people working hard.
63、虽未曾穿渡星河万顷,我还是有幸与你相逢 。
Although I have not crossed the star river for a thousand hectares, I am still fortunate to meet you.
64、帮助别人不希望得到回报的人,心里不感到失落 。
Helping people who don't want to get paid back doesn't feel lost in their hearts.
65、人类的生活方式总是倾向于不断盯着未来 。
Human life style always tends to keep looking at the future.
66、再绅士的男人也不过是女人的胯下之臣 。
A gentleman is nothing but a woman's crotch minister.
67、愿望有多重,梦想就离现实有多么的远 。
If you want to have multiple dreams, you can see how far away from reality.
68、坚定的信念,是冲破一切束缚的砥柱中流 。
Firm belief is the mainstay of breaking through all the constraints.
69、生活可以让我弯腰,但是我绝不会倒下 。
Life can make me bend, but I will never fall.
70、使我们的对手成就了我们,使我们更精进 。
It made our opponents achieve us and made us more refined.
