
1、道德的事实现是由行为,不是由文字 。夸美纽斯
Moral things are realized by behavior, not by words.
2、人人相亲,人人平等,天下为公,是谓大同 。康有为
Everyone is on a blind date, everyone is equal, and the world is for the public.
3、生的价值,即以其人对于当代所做的工作为尺度 。徐玮
The value of life is measured by the work they have done for the present age.
4、粗鲁损坏一切,甚至损坏理智和公正 。格拉西安
Rudeness damages everything, even reason and justice.
5、自学成才的人具有百折不挠的特点 。艾迪斯勒里
The self-taught man is indomitable.
6、背灯和月就花阴,已是十年踪迹十年心 。纳兰容若
The back lamp and the moon are in shade. It has been ten years' trace and ten years' heart.
7、礼貌是最容易做到的事,也是最珍贵的东西 。冈察尔
Politeness is the easiest thing to do and the most precious thing.
8、对人生命的最大威胁是以车代步,而不是交通事故 。怀特
The biggest threat to people's lives is to use cars instead of walking, not traffic accidents.
9、坚持意志伟大的事业需要始终不渝的精神 。伏尔泰
To adhere to the cause of great will requires unswerving spirit.
10、世上总有一颗心在期待、呼唤着另一颗心 。塞万提斯
There is always a heart in the world looking forward to calling another heart.
11、偶然乘兴、步过东冈 。正莺儿啼,燕儿舞,蝶儿忙 。秦观
By chance, he crossed Donggang. The Orioles are singing, the swallows are dancing, and the butterflies are busy.
12、青年男女即使在悲哀中也总有自己的光彩 。雨果
Even in sorrow, young men and women always have their own brilliance.
13、只有在患难的时候,才能看到朋友的真心 。克雷洛夫
Only in times of adversity can we see the sincerity of a friend.
14、生命最长久的人并不是活得时间最多的人 。索尔仁尼琴
The man who lives the longest is not the one who lives the longest.
15、勤勉而顽强地钻研,永远可以使你百尺竿头更进一步 。舒曼
Assiduous and tenacious study, can always make you further.
16、爱情埋在心灵深处,并不是住在双唇之间 。丁尼生
Love is buried deeply in one's heart, not between the lips.
17、我们的心是一块海绵,我们的心怀是一道河水 。纪伯伦
Our heart is a sponge, our heart is a river.
18、少年与爱永不老去,即便披荆斩棘,丢失怒马鲜衣 。莫峻
Youth and love will never grow old, even if we cut through the thorns and lose the fresh clothes of angry horses.
19、以赠品收买的朋友,则他能被别人收买 。莎士比亚
A friend who buys with gifts can be bought off by others.
20、青春是一种持续的陶醉,是理智的狂热 。拉罗什富科
Youth is a constant intoxication, a mania of reason.
21、人并不因为美丽而可爱,而是因为可爱才美丽 。托尔斯泰
People are not lovely because they are beautiful, but because they are lovely.
22、真者,精诚之至也 。不精不诚,不能动人 。庄子
The true is the most sincere. If it is not refined or sincere, it cannot be moved.
23、我们都会变成另一个模样,尽管我们都不相信 。廖一梅
We're all going to be different, even if we don't believe it.
24、短篱残菊一枝黄 。正是乱山深处、过重阳 。吕本中
The short hedge chrysanthemum is yellow. It is in the depths of the chaotic mountains that pass through Chongyang.
25、任何工作都是体面的,丢脸的是懒惰 。富兰克林
Any job is respectable, the shame is laziness.
26、只关心自己幸福的人,不能和他成为知己 。维吾尔族
He who only cares about his own happiness can't be a confidant with him.
27、我这个人走得很慢,但是我从不后退 。亚伯拉罕林肯
I'm a slow walker, but I never walk back.
28、治理阶层的领导才能是刺激员工努力工作的原能源 。毕雷敦
The leadership of the governing class is the source of energy to stimulate employees to work hard.
29、只要坚持用心的理想,就能产生奋斗的勇气 。舒勒
As long as we adhere to the ideal of heart, we can have the courage to struggle.
30、物不经锻炼,终难成器;人不得切琢,终不成人 。李贽
If things are not tempered, they will not become tools.
31、人最凶恶的敌人,就是他的意志力的薄弱和愚蠢 。高尔基
Man's worst enemy is his weakness and stupidity.
32、愁一箭风快,半篙波暖,回头迢递便数驿 。周邦彦
Worry about an arrow wind fast, half a pole wave warm, back to the distant delivery will count the post.
33、对骄傲的人不要谦虚,对谦虚的人不要骄傲 。杰弗逊
Don't be humble to the proud and not proud to the humble.
You let my soul get noble intoxication! Work needs to be intoxicated!
35、一时的成就以多年的失败为代价而取得 。勃朗宁
A temporary achievement is achieved at the cost of years of failure.
36、立志是事业的大门,工作是登堂入室的旅程 。巴斯德
Ambition is the gate to career, and work is the journey to enter the house.
37、人生下来不是为了拖着锁链,而是为了展开双翼 。雨果
Born not to drag chains, but to spread wings.
38、在股市,没有值得百分之百依赖的对象 。邱永汉
In the stock market, there is no one to be 100% dependent on.
39、最可怕的敌人,就是没有坚强的信念 。罗曼罗兰
The most terrible enemy is not strong faith.
40、没有单纯、善良和真实,就没有伟大 。列夫托尔斯泰
There is no greatness without simplicity, goodness and truth.
41、对杀人的凶手不能讲慈悲,否则就是鼓励杀人了 。莎士比亚
We can't show mercy to the murderer, otherwise we will encourage the killing.
42、当时间的主人,命运的主宰,灵魂的舵手 。罗斯福
When the master of time, the master of fate, the helmsman of the soul.
43、家庭之所以重要,主要是因为它能使父母获得情感 。罗素
The main reason why family is important is that it can make parents get emotion.
44、善于利用时间的人,永远找得到充裕的时间 。歌德
People who are good at using time can always find plenty of time.
45、如果说我看得远,那是因为我站在巨人的肩上 。牛顿
If I can see far, it is because I stand on the shoulders of giants.
46、我若飞升成仙,不为长生,只为佑你喜乐平安 。仓央嘉措
If I ascend to immortality, not for longevity, but for your joy and peace.
47、书籍是屹立在时间的汪洋大海中的灯塔 。惠普尔
Books are lighthouses standing in the sea of time.
48、理想的人是品德、健康、才能三位一体的人 。高尔基
The ideal person is the trinity of morality, health and talent.
49、明者视于无形,聪者听于无声,谋者谋于未成 。武则天
The wise see the invisible, the wise listen to the silent, and the schemer never succeed.
50、做一番伟大的事业,总得在青年时代开始 。歌德
A great cause must begin in youth.
51、每件东西都会穿破用烂,最后被人丢开的 。狄更斯
Everything will be worn out and rotten, and finally be thrown away.
52、几个苍蝇咬几口,决不能羁留一匹英勇的奔马 。伏尔泰
A few flies bite, never detain a brave galloping horse.
53、愚蠢总希望自己有追随者与伙伴,而不希望孤行 。塞万提斯
Stupidity always wants to have followers and companions rather than walk alone.
54、迎头搏击才能前进,勇气减轻了命运的打击 。德谟克里特
Courage relieves the blow of fate.
55、真理的蜡烛往往会烧伤那些举烛的人的手 。布埃斯特
The candle of truth often burns the hands of those who hold it.
56、思悠悠,恨悠悠,恨到归时方始休,月明人倚楼 。白居易
Think leisurely, hate leisurely, hate to return to just stop, Yueming people leaning on the floor.
57、真者,精诚之至也,不精不诚,不能动人 。庄子
True, sincere to also, not refined or sincere, not moving.
58、知人者智,自知者明 。胜人者有力,自胜者强 。老子
He who knows others is wise, and he who knows himself is wise. The winner is strong, and the winner is strong.
59、春光与希望,是长驻的;自然与人生,是调谐的 。徐志摩
Spring and hope are permanent; nature and life are tuned.
60、只有愚者才等待机会,而智者则造就机会 。培根
【名人句子英文】Only fools wait for opportunities, but wise men make them.
