1、不计后果做事是我风格,事后不后悔是我作风 。
It's my style to act recklessly, and it's my style not to regret afterwards.
2、婚姻的杀手,有的时候不是小三,而是时间 。
Sometimes the killer of marriage is not a junior, but time.
3、对我不好的女人,诅咒你被护舒宝吸干大姨妈 。
To my bad woman, curse you to be sucked by hushubao big aunt.
4、泪,自己尝 。痛,自己扛 。未来,自己去闯 。
Tears, their own taste. Bear the pain by yourself. In the future, go ahead by yourself.
Every exam is the Sun Tzu, son invigilator, Laozi will not!
Sorry, you don't deserve my respect, and you don't deserve to be hated by me!
7、下辈子我要做你嘴里面的牙,因为我痛你也会痛 。
Next life I want to be your mouth teeth, because I hurt you will also pain.
8、宁愿像个孩子,永远不长大,这样单纯一辈子 。
Would rather like a child, never grow up, so simple for a lifetime.
9、如果你认为我好骗,那请你继续,我看着你表演 。
If you think I'm easy to cheat, please go on. I'll watch you perform.
10、等到我想起给你送木炭的时候,天空不下雪了 。
When I think of sending you charcoal, the sky won't snow.
11、即便在伤心,也要微笑的说一句,你大爷的 。
Even in the sad, also want to smile to say a word, your uncle.
12、你瞪我的样子跟我家狗讨食的样子,简直绝配 。
The way you stare at me matches my dog's way of begging for food.
13、做一个吃货无忧无虑,当一个痴货无牵无挂 。
To be a carefree eater, to be a fool is to be carefree.
14、地球是运动的,它可以让你倒立也可以让你正立 。
The earth is moving. It can make you stand upright or upside down.
15、把时间浪费在不喜欢的人和事上面,人会变丑 。
If you waste time on people and things you don't like, people will become ugly.
You don't even have a pixel standard, so you can count your face as a quality?
17、暖一个女生的叫暖男,暖好多女生的那叫热狗 。
Warm a girl called warm man, warm a lot of girls that called hot dog.
18、别再对我笑了,我怕以后得不到,也忘不掉 。
Don't laugh at me again, I'm afraid I won't get it or forget it.
19、时间会告诉你,谁是真的爱你,谁是玩玩而已 。
Time will tell you who really loves you and who is just playing.
20、有些东西失去了,比拥有更让我们刻骨铭心 。
Some things lost are more unforgettable than having them.
21、和对自己有恶意的人绝交 。人有绝交,才有至交 。
Break up with people who are hostile to you. Only when a man has a good friend, can he have a close friend.
22、聪明的人考试靠实力,我考试一般只靠想象力 。
Smart people test by strength, I usually only rely on imagination.
23、森林这么大,我却找不到一颗可以让我上吊的树 。
The forest is so big, but I can't find a tree that can let me hang.
24、我在人间贩卖黄昏,只为收集世间温柔去见你 。
I sell the dusk in the world, only to collect the gentle world to see you.
25、心不动,则不痛,没有什么难过能与众不同 。
If the heart doesn't move, it doesn't hurt.
26、你可千万不要对我忽冷忽热,那样我会感冒的 。
Don't be cold or hot to me. I'll catch a cold.
27、时间会教你看清,谁是真朋友谁是喂不熟的狗 。
Time will teach you to see who is a real friend and who is feeding a dog that is not familiar.
28、别说把我当空气,不然我会以为你没我活不下去 。
Don't treat me as air, or I will think you can't live without me.
29、如果有一天谁伤害了我,我会直接送他去天堂 。
If one day someone hurt me, I will send him directly to heaven.
30、像国庆这种大事,放一个月举国同庆才是最好的 。
It's the best time to celebrate the national day for a month.
31、男人不穿衣服是禽兽,穿了衣服就是衣冠禽兽 。
A man is a beast without clothes, but a man with clothes is a beast in his clothes.
32、别拿你弹视频的速度,来挑战哥拉黑的技术 。
Don't challenge goracher's technology with the speed at which you play video.
33、作为一个过来人,我给年轻人的建议是:别过来 。
As a passer-by, my advice to young people is: don't come.
34、女人别奢求的太多,其实简单就是幸福,明白 。
【关于感情的英语句子酷】Women do not want too much, in fact, simple is happiness, understand.
35、当事情发展到想象不到的地步,还有谁值得信赖 。
When things go beyond imagination, who else can be trusted.
36、世界上除了生死都是小事,所以从现在微笑吧 。
In addition to life and death are small things in the world, so smile from now on.
37、别以为你带个二逼眼镜框,你就是文艺青年 。
Don't think you are a young man of literature and art if you wear a spectacle frame.
38、我没有那么矫情,不是说爱上你,就低到尘埃 。
I am not so affectation, not to say fall in love with you, low to dust.
Why are all the handsome men in the barber shop while the beauties are in the red light district?
40、等我后有钱,我定要杯香飘飘,看能能绕地球圈 。
When I have money, I will have a cup of fragrant fragrance to see if I can circle the earth.
41、你只不过是我在人生中,遇见的一处风景而已 。
You are just a scenery I met in my life.
42、想想那时上学辛酸泪,现在上班是真苦逼啊 。
Think about the bitter tears of school at that time, it's really hard to go to work now.
43、烟对肺不好,咖啡对胃不好,爱情对心脏不好 。
Smoking is bad for the lungs, coffee is bad for the stomach, and love is bad for the heart.
44、听最煽情的歌,喝最烧喉的酒,爱最纯粹的你 。
Listen to the most sensational songs, drink the most throat burning wine, love the purest you.
45、对相爱的人来说,对方的心才是最好的房子 。
For people who love each other, the heart of each other is the best house.
46、道不同不相为谋,你讨厌我,我也未必喜欢你 。
You hate me and I may not like you.
47、下辈子我要做你的心脏,至少我不跳你就得死 。
Next life I want to be your heart, at least I don't jump you have to die.
48、不得不佩服女性朋友,这么冷的天,还穿超短裤 。
I have to admire my female friends for wearing short pants on such a cold day.
49、对于一些人我只想说,我的巴掌很适合你的脸 。
For some people, I just want to say that my slap fits your face very well.
I was born with deadly arrogance. I can't stand you biting me!
51、我不是天才,因为我第一步不是穿雀氏纸尿裤 。
I'm not a genius, because my first step is not to wear a Nestle diaper.
52、任何平静的现在,都有一段坎坷纷乱的曾经 。
Any quiet now, there has been a period of ups and downs.
53、你已入土半截,所以别再我面前拽,你这颗大树 。
You are half buried, so don't drag in front of me, you big tree.
54、感谢我的不完美,让我看清了身边的是人是狗 。
Thanks to my imperfection, let me see that the people around me are dogs.
55、我发现我离不开你,想要永远躺在你怀里:枕头 。
I find I can't leave you. I want to lie in your arms forever: pillow.
56、我不奢求人生顺风顺水,但求坎坷走尽有人陪 。
I don't expect life to be smooth, but I want to be accompanied by people when I go through rough times.
57、心里只有你一个频道最可恨的是还没有广告 。
You are the only channel in my heart. The most hateful channel is that there is no advertisement.
58、我们都不是什么成功人士,就别互相指点人生了 。
We are not successful people, so don't tell each other about life.
59、你应该感谢每个让你蜕变的人,无论方式好坏 。
You should be grateful to everyone who makes you change, good or bad.
60、我们曾经那么好,现在却连声问候,都怕是打扰 。
We used to be so good, but now even greetings, are afraid to disturb.
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