【英语简短佳句】Want to be your pillow book, cat in my arms, man in my dream!
2、所有物是人非的景色里,我最喜欢你 。
I like you the most among all the different scenery.
Thousands of miles across, which one is my sword?
4、如何心平气和,那就是不在意 。
How calm, that is not to care.
5、微笑再也掩饰不了我,那千疮百孔的心 。
Smile can no longer cover me, the heart full of holes.
6、一生二二生三,三生万物不如你 。
Life is two, two, three. Everything is not as good as you.
7、人生没有彩排,每一天都是现场直播 。
Life has no rehearsal, every day is live.
8、有你在,我愿意为你独守那片天 。
With you in, I would like to guard that day for you alone.
9、如果你竭尽全力,你就不用担心失败 。
If you do your best, you don't have to worry about failure.
10、恩欲报,怨欲忘;报怨短,报恩长 。
Gratitude to repay, resentment to forget; short complaint, long reward.
11、这辈子、只有你才能让我流眼泪 。
In this life, only you can make me cry.
12、能安慰自己的人,比较容易快乐 。
People who can comfort themselves are more likely to be happy.
13、你管我俊不俊呢,又没给你当媳妇 。
You don't care whether I am handsome or not, and you haven't been your daughter-in-law.
14、雪覆盖了痛苦,只剩下苍白 。
Snow covered the pain, leaving only pale.
15、暧昧的很纠结,一切都恍然如梦 。
Ambiguous very tangled, everything suddenly like a dream.
16、薄荷和雪碧是兄弟,他们都透心凉 。
Peppermint and Sprite are brothers. They are cold.
17、为你赌上一切,结果输的身无分文 。
Gamble everything for you, and lose penniless.
18、现实很近又很冷,梦想很远却很温暖 。
The reality is very close and cold, the dream is far away but very warm.
19、时间就是金钱,效率就是生命 。
Time is money, efficiency is life.
20、给自己一巴掌,告诉自己该醒醒了 。
Slap yourself and tell yourself it's time to wake up.
21、最近睡得很坏,最好你搬过来 。
I've been sleeping badly recently. You'd better move here.
22、我要的爱,无非就是希望你一直在 。
I want love, just hope you are always there.
23、新的,不一定是好的,可能还是旧的好用 。
The new one is not necessarily good, but the old one may be easy to use.
24、在爱情中,越是主动的人,死的越快 。
In love, the more active people are, the faster they die.
25、你在享受着阳光,我的阴天也就晴朗 。
You are enjoying the sunshine, and my cloudy day will be clear.
26、想和你恩爱,直到末日终点 。
I want to love you until the end of the day.
27、因为不知道永远,所以要珍惜现在 。
Because you don't know forever, you should cherish the present.
28、宁愿深爱无归路,也不愿浅喜变淡薄 。
Would rather love no way back, rather than shallow joy become thin.
29、甜甜圈,串在蓝天,拼迩旳笑脸 。
Doughnuts, string in the blue sky, spell your smile.
30、不拘张三李四,都来锦上添花 。
No matter Zhang San Li Si, all come to the icing on the cake.
31、说的好有道理,我竟无言以对 。
What I said was reasonable, but I couldn't say anything.
32、也许不再喜欢了,但始终会在意 。
Maybe no longer like it, but always care.
33、有人天生就是主角,即使她不看镜头 。
Someone is born to be the protagonist, even if she doesn't watch the camera.
34、飞越茫茫银河,前往爱的国度 。
Fly across the Milky way to the land of love.
35、玩归玩,闹归闹,谁对我好我知道 。
I know who is good to me.
36、独饮是和自己对话,约酒是和兄弟交心 。
Drinking alone is to talk to yourself, and to make an appointment is to make heart to heart with your brother.
37、说爱你的勇气,已消失成空气 。
The courage to say I love you has disappeared into air.
38、我只有两个心愿:在你身边,你在身边 。
I have only two wishes: by your side and by your side.
39、别担心,有我在,我会保护你的 。
Don't worry. I'll protect you with me.
40、我爱你、爱了整整一个曾经 。
I love you, love a whole once.
41、英雄不问出路,流氓不看岁数 。
Heroes don't ask for a way out, and hooligans don't look at their age.
42、给你最后的疼爱,是手放开 。
The last love for you is to let go of your hand.
43、我只顾着喜欢,却忘了不合适 。
I just care about like, but forget not suitable.
44、只是沉迷,曾经的,甜言蜜语 。
Just indulge, once, sweet talk.
Love you, set happiness on the road of life!
46、珍惜时光,珍爱生命,善待自己 。
Cherish time, cherish life and treat yourself well.
47、越是试图忘记你,越是记得深刻 。
The more I try to forget you, the more I remember.
48、没有什么放不下,伤心了自然会放下 。
Nothing can not put down, sad nature will put down.
49、独自撑着伞子、任那狂风吹雨打 。
Holding the umbrella alone, let the wind and rain blow.
50、你看我们,彼此相爱,又彼此伤害 。
You see, we love each other and hurt each other.
I'm a kite with broken line. I'm at the mercy of the wind!
52、你是要长大的小朋友,拜托撑着别倒下去 。
You're going to grow up. Please hold on.
53、你一百种样子,我一百种喜欢 。
You have a hundred looks, I like a hundred.
54、酒逢知己千杯少,话不投机半句多 。
A thousand cups of wine and a bosom friend are few, and half a word is more.
55、哭过以后,眼泪还是不停的流 。
After crying, tears still keep flowing.
56、向来心是看客心,奈何人是剧中人 。
The heart has always been a spectator's heart, but who is the playwright.
57、若你我可抱着睡,连命也甘心短几岁 。
If you and I could sleep in my arms, even my life would be a few years shorter.
You make me happy, let me excellent, I love you all my life!
59、自己要先看得起自己,别人才会看得起你 。
You have to look up to yourself, others will look up to you.
You idiot! In such a case, stand behind me!
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