1、坚持的理由只有一个,就算不能赢,也绝不能输 。
There is only one reason to insist. Even if you can't win, you can't lose.
2、也许你很了不起,但我未必看得起 。
You may be great, but I don't have to look up to it.
3、一见钟情、钟的不是情、钟的是脸、是金钱 。
Love at first sight is not love, but face and money.
4、人们说最怕迷路,我说最怕你哭 。
People say they are most afraid of getting lost. I say they are most afraid of you crying.
5、我从来都不是无聊找你,我找你,只是说明,这一刻,我很想你 。
I've never been bored looking for you. I'm looking for you. It just shows that at this moment, I miss you very much.
6、长得漂亮算什么,过的漂亮才是王道 。
What is beautiful? Being beautiful is the king.
7、人生本就是一场漫长的旅行,重要的不是终点,而是沿途的风景 。
Life is a long journey. What matters is not the end, but the scenery along the way.
8、一路有你苦一点也愿意,苦很多就算了 。
You are willing to suffer all the way. Even if you suffer a lot.
9、别人怎么看你,和你毫无关系,你要怎么活,也和别人毫无关系 。
What others think of you has nothing to do with you, and how you live has nothing to do with others.
10、做不到别人眼中的强者也有没关系,做到最好的自己就好 。
It doesn't matter if you can't be the strong in the eyes of others. Just do your best.
11、深情不矫情,随意也在意 。
Affectionate without affectation, casual also care.
12、抱怨就像搬起石头砸自己的脚,于人无益,于己不利,于事无补 。
Complaining is like lifting a stone and hitting yourself in the foot. It is not good for others, bad for yourself and useless.
13、都是第一次做人,给我一个让着你的理由 。
It's the first time to be a man. Give me a reason to let you.
14、九分喜欢,一分尊严,我可以很爱你,也可以没有你 。
Nine like, one dignity, I can love you very much or without you.
15、爱很简单,三分喜欢,七分珍惜 。
Love is very simple, three like, seven cherish.
16、如果一个人秒回了你,也只能说明,这个人在玩手机而已 。
If a person returns to you in seconds, it can only show that this person is playing with his mobile phone.
17、触目的潮湿阴暗,始终摆脱不了我不堪一击的脆弱 。
The eye-catching damp and dark can never get rid of my vulnerability.
18、我爱自己的内心,慢慢通过它,慢慢抵达世界,或者,抵达你 。
I love my heart, slowly through it, slowly reach the world, or reach you.
19、生活会给你糖果,也会给你伤疤 。
Life will give you candy and scars.
20、我等候的愿望总是失望,像流星耀眼却会坠亡 。
My waiting wish is always disappointed, like a meteor shining, but it will fall.
21、父母尚在苟且,你却在炫耀诗和远方 。
Parents are still lingering, but you are showing off poetry and distance.
22、生是虚妄,跋涉无人之境,源自虚空的,终要重回虚空 。
Life is vain. If you travel through an uninhabited place and come from the void, you will eventually return to the void.
23、人生总是这样,你想举起梦想的火炬,偏偏天空下起了雨 。
Life is always like this. You want to raise the torch of your dream, but it rains in the sky.
24、你全心全力做到的最好,可能还不如别人的随便搞搞 。
If you do your best with all your heart, you may not be as good as others.
25、起初,我们揣着糊涂装明白 。后来,我们揣着明白装糊涂 。
At first, we pretended to understand. Later, we pretended to be confused.
26、我一直以为人是慢慢变老的,其实不是,人是一瞬间变老的 。
I always thought that people grow old slowly. In fact, it's not. People grow old in an instant.
27、感觉到有些疲累,还有那种不知名的孤单和寂寞 。
Feel a little tired, and that unknown loneliness and loneliness.
28、明明生活过得很糟糕,却还要表现得若无其事 。
Obviously, life is terrible, but you have to act as if nothing had happened.
29、人性这种东西,不可言不可研不可验 。
Human nature is something that cannot be said, studied or tested.
Once upon a time, horses and cars were very slow and letters were far away. I only loved one in my life, but I could take a lot of concubines!
31、如果你不能很好的对待她,就不要在别人对她好的时候感到失落 。
If you can't treat her well, don't feel lost when others treat her well.
32、你所有那些不为人知的努力,都被旁人称之为:幸运 。
All your unknown efforts are called lucky by others.
33、不是人人都能活的低调,可以低调的基础是随时都能高调 。
Not everyone can live low-key. The basis of low-key is to be high-key at any time.
34、只有经得起生活的考验,才能锻炼出一颗独立自主的心 。
Only by standing the test of life can we exercise an independent heart.
35、人总是这样,终于到了懂得珍惜的年纪,却偏偏什么都走散了 。
People are always like this. At last, they know how to cherish, but everything is scattered.
36、我年轻时以为金钱至上,而今年事已高,发现果真如此 。
When I was young, I thought money was paramount, but this year, things have been high, and I found that it is true.
37、社会很单纯,复杂的是人 。
Society is very simple, complex is people.
38、拉我走近广场记忆的人是你,拉我离开的人也是你 。
You are the one who pulled me close to the square, and you are the one who pulled me away.
39、每个人都有自己的难处,别人无法看透,也无法感同身受 。
Everyone has his own difficulties, which others can't see through or feel.
40、在离手边近的地方,随时放一杯水 。
Keep a glass of water close to your hand at any time.
41、我可以一落千丈,但我就是要一鸣惊人 。
I can plummet, but I just want to be a blockbuster.
42、谁不是从一个心地善良的孩子被现实折磨成一个心机深重的疯子 。
Who is not tortured by reality from a kind-hearted child to a deep-seated madman.
43、不是某人使你烦恼,而是你拿某人的言行来烦恼自己 。
It's not someone who annoys you, but you annoy yourself with someone's words and deeds.
44、女人喜欢有安全感的男人;男人却往往被缺乏安全感的女人吸引 。
Women like men with a sense of security; Men are often attracted to women who lack a sense of security.
45、磨蚀一段爱情的,是光阴,治癒爱情创伤的,也是光阴 。
It is time that erodes a love, and it is time that heals the wounds of love.
46、只要你相信自己,你就会懂得如何生活 。
As long as you believe in yourself, you will know how to live.
47、你越来越善解人意,就没人在意你的计较和委屈 。
If you are more and more understanding, no one cares about your care and grievances.
48、知道为什么自古红颜多薄命吗?因为没有人在意丑的人活多久 。
Do you know why beauty has been so unlucky since ancient times? Because no one cares how long ugly people live.
49、成功的人一双腿,重实践!失败的人靠一张嘴,重辩解 。
Successful people have two legs and pay attention to practice! Losers rely on one mouth to defend again.
50、有些关系断的悄无声息,让人措手不及 。
Some relationships are broken quietly, which makes people unprepared.
51、不是读书没用,是你读的那点书没用 。
It's not that reading is useless, but that little book you read is useless.
52、记住一句话:不要跟眼界不一样的人争辩 。
Remember one sentence: don't argue with people with different horizons.
53、不要没完没了的修图,现实中你多丑,我们都知道 。
Don't fix the picture endlessly. We all know how ugly you are in reality.
54、自己没有展露光芒,就不应该怪别人没有眼光 。
If you don't show your light, you shouldn't blame others for their lack of vision.
55、有时候你不努力一把,都不知道什么叫做绝望 。
Sometimes you don't know what despair is if you don't work hard.
56、我不会遵循,我过的生活从来都是自己想要的 。
I won't follow it. My life has always been what I want.
57、你不要太小看了我,也别太高看自己了 。
Don't look down on me and don't look up to yourself.
58、世界上有两个我,一个假装快乐,另一个假装悲伤 。
There are two me in the world, one pretends to be happy and the other pretends to be sad.
59、假如你不懂我,那错的永远是我,不必惊讶,连解释都是多余 。
If you don't understand me, I'll always be wrong. Don't be surprised. Even explanation is superfluous.
60、把期望降低,把依赖变少,你会过得很好 。
Lower your expectations and reduce your dependence, and you will live well.
61、生气时说的话不一定是气话,也许就是藏在心底不敢说的秘密 。
What you say when you are angry is not necessarily angry. It may be a secret hidden in your heart.
62、若相遇,就不要轻易说分离,丘比特的爱箭不是随便就降临 。
If you meet, don't say separation easily. Cupid's love arrow doesn't come casually.
63、学了二十多年的对错,却发现现实只讲输赢 。
After learning right and wrong for more than 20 years, I found that reality only talks about winning or losing.
64、今天翻的书,就是明天数的钱 。
The book you turn today is the money you count tomorrow.
65、多数人的关系到最后就是:只走流量不走心 。
Most people's relationship to the end is: only take the flow, not the heart.
66、有时候,不需要说什么,沉默比话语表达得更多 。
Sometimes, there is no need to say anything. Silence expresses more than words.
67、你对一个人太好了,他就会得寸进尺不把你当回事 。
If you are too kind to a person, he will take you seriously.
68、如果,我知道有一天会这么爱你,我一定对你一见钟情 。
If I knew I would love you so much one day, I would fall in love with you at first sight.
69、我年华虚度,空有一身疲倦 。
All that the years of idleness leaves me is a whole bunch of weariness.
70、生活就像心电图,想要一帆风顺,除非你死了 。
【经典人生短句英语】Life is like an electrocardiogram. You want plain sailing unless you die.
- 年终总结经典口号
- 醉酒后的心情短句 喝酒喝醉了的说说
- 令人印象深刻的语录 觉醒时代的经典台词
- 送姐姐出嫁的短句
- 旅游景点短句
- 励志格言人生座右铭签名 鼓励你奋发图强的正能量签名
- 母亲节朋友圈文案短句
- 暖心的短句十字以内
- 少儿故事大全之兔子和刺猬的故事
- 睡觉前发朋友圈的短句子