
1、我打算把喜欢自己,当成最紧要的事情放在心上 。
I plan to like myself, as the most important thing in mind.
2、有人试图和你无理取闹,安静的看着他,说:祝你好心情 。然后离开 。
Someone tries to make trouble with you, looks at him quietly and says: I wish you a good mood. And then leave.
3、像一年四季都被你变成夏天,我才会在你面前总是被晒红了脸 。
Like all the year round, you turn me into summer, and I will always be sunburnt in front of you.
4、我们一直想学会平静,其实吧,这事儿不用学,经历的多了,就平静了 。
We have always wanted to learn to be calm. In fact, we don't need to learn about it. If we experience more, we will be calm.
5、记住,永远不要爱别人超过自己和家人 。
Remember, never love others more than you and your family.
6、爱情不伤人,伤人的是永远实现不了的海誓山盟 。
Love doesn't hurt people, what hurt people is a vow never to be realized.
7、世上有两难,登天难,求人更难;世上有两险,社会险,人心更险 。
There are dilemmas in the world, it is more difficult to ask for help; there are two risks in the world, social insurance, and people's hearts are more dangerous.
8、最美好的,也是最痛苦的就是爱情!最大高贵的也是最低贱的就是婚姻和家庭 。
The most beautiful and painful thing is love! The most noble and the lowest are marriage and family.
9、小时候哭是觉得自己太委屈,长大了哭是对自己太失望 。
When I was a child, I felt that I was too aggrieved, but when I grew up, I was too disappointed.
10、别不好意思拒绝别人,反正那些好意思为难你的人,也不是什么好人 。
Don't be embarrassed to refuse others. Anyway, those who are trying to embarrass you are not good people.
11、无限漫长的时光里的温柔,无限温柔里的漫长时光,一直都在 。
The tenderness in the infinite long time, the long time in the infinite gentleness, has been in.
12、旧的东西再不放开,即使新的来了,你也会因为腾不开手而错过 。
If you don't let go of the old things, you will miss them even if the new ones come.
13、明明想念的不得了,却还要装出一副很淡然的样子自己想想都觉得心酸 。
I miss it very much, but I still have to pretend to be indifferent. I feel sad when I think about it.
14、成长就是:渐渐温柔,克制,朴素,不怨不问不记,安静中渐渐体会生命盛大 。
Growth is: gradually gentle, restraint, simple, do not complain, do not ask, do not remember, quiet gradually realize the grand life.
15、愿你所有快乐,无需假装 。愿你此生尽兴,赤诚善良 。
I wish you all happiness without pretending. Wish you a happy life, sincere and kind.
16、我想马上去见你,因为短信听不到声音,电话看不到表情 。
I want to see you right away, because the text message can't hear the voice, the phone can't see the expression.
17、所谓被时光放过,只是我的错觉 。
The so-called let go of time is just my illusion.
18、生活从来都不会停止向前,保持专注,别因为后悔而放慢脚步 。
Life never stops moving forward. Stay focused. Don't slow down because of regret.
19、想你却佯装看透的日子里,连沉默都是嘴硬 。
Think of you but pretend to see through the day, even silence is hard.
20、我们所有的等待,不过是为了遇见一个对的人 。
All our waiting is just to meet the right person.
21、原本你该哭该闹,你却选择了不言不语微微一笑,这意味着你长大了 。
Originally you should cry and make, but you choose to smile quietly, which means you grow up.
You have made a mark in my heart, and I may not be a stranger in your heart!
23、在一起时能够牵手疯狂撒欢,分开时懂得各自成长 。
When we are together, we can hold hands and enjoy ourselves. When we are apart, we know how to grow up.
24、你还会再爱一些人,但不会再次画出窗外的月亮了 。
You will love some more people, but you won't draw the moon out of the window again.
25、没有水的地方就是沙漠,没有声音的地方就是寂寞 。
Where there is no water is desert, where there is no sound is loneliness.
26、一般人听到你说话,朋友们会聆听你说话,好朋友会听你没有说出的话 。
Most people will hear you, friends will listen to you, good friends will listen to what you don't say.
27、那些曾经以为念念不忘的事情就在我们念念不忘的过程里,被我们遗忘了 。
Those things that we once thought we would never forget were forgotten by us in the process of our nostalgia.
28、适当地用理智控制住爱情,有利无弊,发疯似的滥施爱情,有弊无利 。
Control love properly with reason. There is no harm in it. There is no advantage in abusing love like crazy.
29、永远太远,我们都承诺不起 。时光变换,若干年后,变了的恐怕不只是容颜 。
It's always too far away for us to promise. Time changes, a few years later, I'm afraid it's not just appearance that has changed.
30、你永远都不会知道,为你乱想的人有多么爱你 。
You'll never know how much someone who thinks about you loves you.
31、并不是你面对了,任何事情都能改变 。但是你不面对,什么也改变不了 。
It's not that you face it. Anything can change. But you can't change anything if you don't face it.
32、我敬往事一杯酒,故事与你不强留 。
I salute the past a glass of wine, the story and you do not force.
33、真正的朋友,不必甜言蜜语,而是在精神上默默支持、鼓励、帮助你的人 。
A true friend is a person who supports, encourages and helps you in spirit.
34、看不见的东西固然可怕,但人心不是更可怕吗 。
The unseen things are terrible, but the human heart is not more terrible.
35、人成熟的标志,就是该动脑子的时候,不再动情 。
The sign of maturity is that when it is time to use your brain, you will not be emotional.
36、多少的曾经,都变成回忆 。
How many once, all become memories.
37、握不住的沙,干脆扬了它 。
If you can't hold the sand, just lift it.
38、没事,你抱紧她,千万别让她一个人回家,我不会流泪也不会逃 。
It's OK. Hold her tight. Don't let her go home alone. I won't shed tears or escape.
39、人生很多事,就像智齿 。最佳的解决方式,是拔掉,而不是,忍受 。
Many things in life are like wisdom teeth. The best solution is to pull it out, not to put up with it.
40、我听闻你为她废了一身风雅,饮水无茶,从此落魄离魂,半城烟沙 。
I heard that you abandoned her elegant style, drinking water without tea, since then, the soul of the city, smoke sand.
41、每一个矜持淡定的现在,都有一个很傻很天真的曾经 。
Every reserved and calm now, have a very silly very naive once.
42、那天我把乞丐装满钱的碗拿走后,竟然治好了他多年来的残疾 。
That day, I took the bowl full of money from the beggar and cured him of his disability for many years.
43、总有些事放不下,让人忘了时间 。总有些事必须放下,因为还有明天 。
There are always some things that can't be left behind, which makes people forget the time. There is always something to put down, because there is still tomorrow.
44、爱上一个人容易,等平淡了后,还坚守那份诺言,就不容易了 。
It's easy to fall in love with a person. It's not easy to stick to that promise when it's dull.
In fact, the most afraid is not to pay back, but to pay the heart, but also disgusted!
46、爱情应当使人的力量的感觉更丰富起来,并且爱情确正在使人丰富起来 。
Love should enrich the sense of power, and love is enriching it.
47、细看方知美丽,细品才解可爱,你便是如此 。
Only when you look carefully can you know beauty, and you can understand loveliness only by fine taste.
48、我不否认我爱你,但这不是你肆意伤害我的理由 。
I don't deny that I love you, but this is not the reason why you hurt me wantonly.
49、喜欢一个人,她说没有吃饭,我就觉得饿 。
Like a person, she said that without eating, I feel hungry.
50、任何关系,你想陌生,我根本不会多看你一眼 。
【抖音很火潮流的英文句子】Any relationship, you want to strange, I will not look at you more.
