1、亲爱的 , 愿你拥有愉快的生日!
Dear, wish you a happy birthday!
2、朋友 , 在这美好的日子里 , 紧握属于你的幸福 。祝你生日快乐!
Friends, in this beautiful day, hold on to your happiness. Happy birthday to you!
3、生日快乐 , 亲爱的朋友 , 愿你天天快乐 , 年年好运 , 一生幸福!
Happy birthday, my dear friend. I wish you happiness every day, good luck every year and happiness in your life!
May your every day be as beautiful as a picture! Happy birthday!
5、愿我的祝福 , 如一缕灿烂的阳光 , 在您的眼里流淌 , 生日快乐!
May my blessing, like a ray of brilliant sunshine, flow in your eyes, happy birthday!
6、愿我的祝愿 , 生日快乐 , 幸福直抵你的心里 。
May my best wishes for a happy birthday and happiness to your heart.
7、祝福我们彼此安好 , 生活越来越好哈!
We wish each other well, life is better and better!
8、愿你每一年的每一天都充满快乐、明媚和爱 。祝你生日快乐!
May every day of your year be filled with joy, beauty and love. Happy birthday to you!
9、不念过往 , 不畏将来 , 不忘初心 , 生日快乐 。
Don't read the past, do not fear the future, do not forget the original heart, happy birthday.
10、祝你早日脱单 , 事业顺顺利利一切平平安安 。
I wish you take off the order as soon as possible, your career is smooth and smooth, and everything is safe and sound.
11、所有人都祝你生日快乐 , 我只愿你 , 遍历山河 , 觉得人间值得 。
Everyone wishes you a happy birthday, I only wish you, traversing the mountains and rivers, feel the world is worth it.
12、愿君长似少年时 , 初心不忘乐相知 。
May the king like a youth, the original heart does not forget the joy of knowing each other.
13、祝你的心情永远像周五的下午 。
May your mood always be like Friday afternoon.
14、生日快乐 , 祝你今天过得愉快!
Happy birthday. Have a nice day!
15、愿我如星君如月 , 夜夜流光相皎洁 。
I wish I were like the star king and the moon, and the streamer was bright every night.
16、支支灿烂的烛光 , 岁岁生日的幸福 。幸运的你 , 明天会更好!
Bright candle light, happy birthday. Lucky you, tomorrow will be better!
17、愿我的祝福 , 是一道彩虹 , 为你收获惊喜 。
May my blessing be a rainbow, a surprise for you.
18、祝你今天愉快 , 明天的愉快留给我明天祝福 。
I wish you a happy day, tomorrow's happiness to me, tomorrow's blessing.
19、我最要好的朋友 , 祝你生日快乐!
Happy birthday to you, my best friend!
20、愿以后有人陪你烧烤火锅焖大虾 , 也有人陪你素琴调弦品香茶 。
May someone accompany you to barbecue and stew prawns in hot pot, and some will accompany you to taste fragrant tea with violin.
21、永远严肃正直 , 永远欢喜可爱 。
Always serious and upright, always happy and lovely.
22、愿如梁上燕 , 岁岁常相见 。生日快乐!
I wish I could be like a swallow from Liang Shangyan. Happy birthday!
23、祝你生日笑嘻嘻 , 开心从此不分离 。
I wish you a happy birthday, happy never separated.
24、生日就像一首歌曲 , 奏着美妙的旋律!
Birthday is like a song, playing a wonderful melody!
25、愿此后的眼泪 , 都是喜极而泣 。
May the tears after that cry with joy.
26、愿你遍历山河 , 觉得人间值得 。
May you walk through the mountains and rivers and feel that the world is worth it.
27、祝你新尝试的美食总比想象中的更好吃 。
I hope your new food is always better than you think.
28、愿你想要的都拥有 , 得不到的都释怀 。
May you have what you want and let go of what you can't get.
29、愿你前程似锦 , 平安喜乐 。永远拥有一颗善良努力谦虚的心 。
Wish you a bright future, peace and joy. Always have a kind, diligent and modest heart.
30、生日快乐 , 亲爱的 。你是世上最可爱的人 。
Happy birthday, honey. You are the cutest person in the world.
31、今夜星光为贺 , 明朝暖日相伴 。
Tonight, the star light is congratulatory, the warm day of Ming Dynasty accompanies.
Happy birthday to you! My dear friend!
33、祝你生日快乐一整天 , 甜甜美美一辈子!
I wish you a happy birthday all day, sweet and beautiful life!
34、层层绿意中 , 祝福一重重 , 祝你生日快乐!
Layers of green, blessing a lot, I wish you a happy birthday!
35、世界多残酷 , 愿以后生活不亏待你 。
How cruel the world is, I hope that life will not treat you badly in the future.
36、亲爱的朋友 , 美好的祝福请收下 , 愿你幸福安康 , 福寿延年!
Dear friends, good wishes please accept, wish you happiness and health, longevity!
37、一愿识尽天下好人 , 二愿读尽世间好书 , 三愿看尽世间好山水 。
One is willing to know all the good people in the world, the second is to read all the good books in the world, and the third is to see all the good mountains and rivers in the world.
38、早上好 , 今天是你的生日 , 祝你生日快乐!
Good morning. Today is your birthday. Happy birthday to you!
39、如花似叶 , 年年岁岁 , 永沐春风 。
Like flowers and leaves, year after year, spring breeze forever.
40、愿余生有人素面白纱 , 陪你度恬淡年华 。
I hope someone will spend the rest of your life with you.
41、生日快乐!愿在这特殊的日子里 , 你的每时每刻都充满欢乐 。
Happy birthday! May every moment of your life be filled with joy on this special day.
42、祝你喜欢的人恰巧也喜欢你 。
May the people you like happen to like you.
Good luck is always in my mind! Happy birthday!
44、过好每一个当下 , 就能过好一生 。
Live every moment, you can live a good life.
45、愿你幸福围绕 , 亲朋好友常聚身边 。
【英文生日短语】Wish you happiness around, friends and relatives often around.
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