新冠变异毒株“德尔塔”在全球范围内迅速传播,再次给国内外MICE活动的恢复带来新的挑战 。这是一个充满不确定性的时代,也是充满无限机遇的时代 。在百年未有之大变局的背景下,MICE业也迎来了洗牌与重塑,MICE企业纷纷寻求突破困境,思考转型之策 。
【MICE转型的痛点与出路】在疫情常态化的时代,不断变化的市场环境给MICE企业的发展模式带来哪些难题?MICE企业在转型之路上有哪些痛点,怎样探索出适合自己的赛道?又如何走出一条可持续发展之路?本期《旅游会展》专题栏目策划“MICE转型的痛点与出路”,邀请MICE业界人士共同探讨后疫情时期MICE企业转型的难点与新路径 。
The Turnpoint and Breakthrough for Transformation of MICE
The Delta Variant of COVID-19 is spreading quickly all around the world,this again brings about new challenges for the recovery of MICE activities at home and abroad. This is an era full of uncertainty,but it also is filled with unlimited opportunities. The MICE industry is going to be transformed and reshaped in the context of great changes unseen for a century,and the MICE enterprise all are seeking for strategies of breakthrough and transformation. What issues has the changing market environment has brought to the development of MICE enterprises in the age when the pandemic is in the normal state? Which turnpoints will occur on the way of transformation of MICE enterprises? How can MICE companies find new paths suitable for their own development? And how to find out a sustainable development road? During this edition,MICE Business Tourism magazine features the Turnpoint and Breakthrough for Transformation of MICE,and professionals from the MICE industry are invited to jointly discuss the difficulties and new paths for the transformation of MICE enterprises.
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