
1、想到和得到,中间还有两个字,就是做到 。
There are two words in the middle of thinking and getting, which is do it.
Today, do not look back, do not hesitate, run hard for the dream!
3、好脾气从不留给得寸进尺的人,善良也是,爱也是 。
Good temper is never left to the man who has an inch, so is kindness and love.
Keep your love and enthusiasm for life and make every day hot!
5、不管一路上多么坦途或荆棘,那份努力一直在 。
No matter how smooth or thorny the way is, that effort has always been there.
6、别觉得你被世界抛弃了,世界根本就没空搭理你 。
Don't think you are abandoned by the world, the world has no time to pay attention to you.
7、没有一个冬天不可跨越,没有一个春天不会来临 。
There is no winter that cannot be crossed, and no spring will not come.
8、不要为别人而活着因为别人永远都不会为你而活 。
Don't live for others because they will never live for you.
9、不占熟人的便宜,是人际交往中的最高修养 。
Not taking advantage of acquaintances is the highest accomplishment in interpersonal communication.
10、低头走人生的上坡路,昂首走人生的下坡路 。
Head down to go up the road of life, head up to take the downhill road of life.
11、当我们的人格降低时,我们的趣味也跟着下降 。
When our personality declines, so does our taste.
12、成功的人总是愿意做没成功的人不愿意做的事 。
Successful people are always willing to do what unsuccessful people don't want to do.
13、有些机会来不及抓住,错过可能就一辈子了 。
Some opportunities are too late to seize, missed may be a lifetime.
Your career determines your way out, your words determine my attitude
15、除非你停止尝试,否则就永远不会是失败者 。
Unless you stop trying, you will never be a failure.
16、自得其乐,善于娱乐,知足常乐,助人为乐 。
Enjoy yourself, be good at entertainment, be content with everything and help others.
17、哪怕只有百分之一的希望,也要付百分之百的努力 。
Even if there is only one percent hope, we have to pay 100 percent effort.
18、做事是否快捷,不在一时奋发,而在能否持久 。
Whether to do things quickly, not in the moment to work hard, but in whether it can last.
19、当眼泪流下来,才知道,分开也是另一种明白 。
When tears flow down, just know, separate is another kind of understanding.
20、换位思考是成熟的开始,大家都不容易,不要生气 。
Empathy is the beginning of maturity. It's not easy for everyone. Don't be angry.
21、风雨后的彩虹最美丽,拼搏收获的果实最甜美 。
The rainbow is the most beautiful after the wind and rain, and the fruit harvested through hard work is the sweetest.
22、把语言化为行动,比把行动化为语言困难得多 。
It is much more difficult to turn language into action than to turn action into language.
Cowards complain that life is tense, and smart people have fun by themselves!
24、人生如戏,是喜剧还是悲剧,由你自己来撰写 。
Life is like a play. It's up to you to write whether it's a comedy or a tragedy.
25、你既然认准一条道路,又何必去打听要走多久 。
Since you have identified a road, why do you need to ask how long it will take.
26、让自己变得更好,不是为了悦人,而是悦己 。
Make yourself better, not to please others, but to please yourself.
27、做人做事不心面面俱到 。因为总有人会不满意你 。
I don't care about everything. Because there will always be people who are not satisfied with you.
28、优柔寡断的人,即使做了决定,也不能贯彻到底 。
Indecisive people, even if they have made a decision, can not carry it out to the end.
29、一颗心,是绝对不会因为追求梦想而受伤的 。
A heart will never be hurt by pursuing dreams.
30、用他、就要信任他;不信任他,就不要用他 。
If you use him, trust him; if you don't trust him, don't use him.
31、越来越发现,越是阳光,正能量的人,才越会好运 。
More and more found that the more sunshine, positive energy people, the more good luck.
32、获取自信最好的方法,就是去做令你害怕的事情 。
The best way to gain confidence is to do something that scares you.
33、幸福的事不是有很多人爱你,而是你爱的人也爱你 。
Happiness is not that many people love you, but that the people you love love also love you.
34、停下来休息的时候,不要忘记别人还在奔跑 。
When you stop to rest, don't forget that others are still running.
35、只有一个人能界定你一生的成就,那就是你自己 。
Only one person can define what you have achieved in your life, and that is yourself.
36、美丽的蓝图,落在懒汉手里,也不过是一页废纸 。
A beautiful blueprint, left in the hands of the lazy man, is just a page of waste paper.
37、你现在所想的和所做的,将会决定你未来的命运 。
What you think and do now will determine your future destiny.
38、见识越广,计较越少,经历越多,抱怨越少 。
The more you know, the less you care, the more you experience, the less you complain.
39、在坎坷的生命里,我们要有超越自我之感觉 。
In the rough life, we should have the feeling of surpassing ourselves.
40、不苦不累,生活无味;不拼不搏,等于白活 。
Life is tasteless if you are not bitter or tired; if you don't work hard, you will live in vain.
Come here, if you don't work hard, how can you live a life like this?
42、再苦再难,也要坚强,只为那些期待的眼神 。
No matter how hard it is, we should be strong, just for the look in the eyes.
43、不会为你的离去找理由就像当初我以为你不会走 。
I won't find a reason for your leaving, just like I thought you wouldn't go.
44、改变您的观念和态度,你就能得到您想拥有的一切 。
Change your ideas and attitudes, and you'll get everything you want.
45、回馈客户,从我做起,心中有情,客户有心 。
Give back to the customer, start from me, have feelings in the heart, the customer has the heart.
46、懂得生命真谛的人,可以使督促的生命延长 。
People who understand the true meaning of life can prolong the life of supervision.
47、人生的道路,无论是崎岖或平坦,都要靠自己去走 。
The road of life, whether rough or flat, depends on oneself to go.
48、背负行囊,执着向前,只为这一程,璀璨的光阴 。
Carry luggage, persistent forward, only for this journey, bright time.
49、每个人都是自我前途最权威的设计者和建筑师 。
Everyone is the most authoritative designer and architect of his own future.
50、认识自己,降伏自己,改变自己,才能改变别人 。
Only by knowing ourselves, subduing ourselves and changing ourselves can we change others.
51、既然退无可退,别回头,往前走,全力以赴 。
Since there is no way to retreat, don't look back, go ahead and do your best.
52、青春的舞动,是平凡;舞动的青春,是奇迹 。
The dancing of youth is ordinary; the dancing youth is a miracle.
53、布施不是有钱人的专利,而是一份虔诚的爱心 。
Giving is not the monopoly of the rich, but a devout love.
54、唯有坚持,才能成功,所谓坚持,就是不放弃 。
Only by persistence can we succeed. Persistence means not giving up.
Time, you are too slim sometimes, please eat more!
56、放手去做吧,就当事情根本不可能失败一样 。
Let go and do it as if it is impossible to fail.
57、每一天的努力只是为了让远方变得更近一些 。
Every day's effort is just to make the distance closer.
58、想放弃,想就此丢下,却又重新拾起,继续坚持 。
Want to give up, want to leave, but pick up again, continue to insist.
59、一旦科学插上幻想的翅膀,它就能赢得胜利 。
Once science has wings of fantasy, it can win.
60、不苦不累,三年无畏,不拼不搏,三年白活 。
Not bitter not tired, three years fearless, do not fight, three years live in vain.
