
1、彷徨的时候,要能看清目标,不变方向 。
When hesitating, we should be able to see the target clearly and keep the direction unchanged.
2、天下事难做,天下事易做,天下大事必须细做 。
It is difficult to do all things in the world, but it is easy to do things under the world.
3、孝顺父母 。不只是嘴上说说,即使多打几个电话也是很好的 。
Be filial to your parents. It's not just lip service, it's good to make a few more calls.
4、人生的历程,波折坎坷可以感悟世间冷暖艰辛 。
The course of life, ups and downs, you can feel the hardships of the world.
5、时光偷走的,永远都是我们眼皮底下看不见的珍贵 。
What time steals is always precious that we can't see under our eyes.
6、心里有阳光,雨天就是一种浪漫 。
With sunshine in my heart, rainy days are a kind of romance.
7、相扶到老不容易,是否更该去珍惜 。
It's not easy to help each other to the old. Should we cherish it more.
8、能力配不上野心,是所有烦恼的根源 。
Ability does not match ambition, is the root of all troubles.
9、抉择是一种智慧,更是一种心的写照 。
Choice is a kind of wisdom, but also a reflection of the heart.
10、平台再好,自己不参与,永远是局外人 。
No matter how good the platform is, if you don't participate, you will always be an outsider.
11、一种态度走天下,必然处处碰壁 。
A kind of attitude is bound to run into obstacles everywhere.
12、欲望以提升热忱,毅力以磨平高山 。
Desire to enhance enthusiasm, perseverance to smooth the mountains.
13、你不需要别人过多的称赞,因为你自己知道自己有多好 。
You don't need too much praise because you know how good you are.
14、我们都是天地的过客,很多事,我们都做不了主 。
We are all the passers-by of heaven and earth. We can't do a lot of things.
15、路不通时,选择转弯,转过去,前面就是艳阳天 。
When the road is blocked, choose to turn, turn in the past, the front is sunny day.
16、你还年轻,别凑合过,接下来的人生,还有万万种可能 。
You are still young. Don't make do with it. There are thousands of possibilities for the rest of your life.
17、梦想一旦被付诸行动,就会变得神圣 。
Once a dream is put into action, it becomes sacred.
18、敢在风暴当头立,勇做浪尖弄潮儿 。
Dare to stand at the head of the storm, bravely do the tide.
19、过去的靠现在忘记,将来的靠现在努力,现在才最重要 。
The past depends on the present to forget, the future depends on the present to work hard, now is the most important.
20、要踏踏实实,一步一步不断抬升自己 。
To be down-to-earth, step by step to constantly improve themselves.
21、要想获得什么,就看你付出的是什么 。
You have to pay what you want.
22、泉水,奋斗之路越曲折,心灵越纯洁 。
Spring, the more tortuous the road of struggle, the purer the soul.
23、生命之路只在于两条:一是选择,二是坚持 。
The second way is to stick to life.
24、三心二意,扬鞭奋蹄,四面出击,勇争第一 。
Two minds, whip and hoof, attack in all directions, fight bravely for the first.
25、经历付出了代价,也锤炼了成长 。
Experience pays the price, but also temper the growth.
26、每件事到最后一定会变成一件好事,只要你能够走到最后 。
Everything will become a good thing in the end, as long as you can go to the end.
27、心态不同,人生的境遇便会天差地别 。
Different mentality, the circumstances of life will be very different.
28、学会孤独,没有谁会把你当宝护着 。
Learn to be lonely, no one will protect you as a treasure.
29、我不是环境的附庸,而是自我选择的结果 。
I am not a vassal of the environment, but the result of my own choice.
When you develop unshakable self-confidence, your whole world will become better!
31、虽有参天古木之强,不如枝多叶茂之久 。
Although there are towering ancient trees, it is not as long as many branches and luxuriant leaves.
32、拥有梦想的人很多,但坚持梦想的人不多 。
There are a lot of people who have dreams, but not many people insist on them.
33、在人生中,你只有三个选择:放弃,让步,或者倾尽所有 。
In life, you have only three choices: give up, give in, or give up.
34、不断的跌倒,才有不变的顽强与收获 。
Constant fall, there is no change in tenacity and harvest.
35、不是自己的东西,要懂得放弃 。输了全世界,也不能输了微笑 。
What is not your own, you should know how to give up. Lose the whole world, also can't lose smile.
36、风华是一指流沙,拼搏是一段年华 。
Fenghua refers to quicksand, struggle is a period of time.
37、没什么高低之分,只要自己过得开心就好 。
There is no difference between high and low, as long as you have a good time.
38、我们不能控制环境,但可以改变情绪 。
We can't control the environment, but we can change our emotions.
39、全员实动,开张大吉,销售创意,呼唤奇观 。
All the staff work hard, open well, sell creatively, call for wonders.
40、旧的东西再不放开,即使新的来了,你也会因为腾不开手而错过 。
If you don't let go of the old things, you will miss them even if the new ones come.
41、每个人都应该有梦,有梦就别怕苦怕累 。
Everyone should have a dream. If there is a dream, don't be afraid of being tired.
42、众人拾柴火焰高,团队奋斗有依靠 。
When people gather firewood, the flame is high, and the team can rely on it.
43、把努力当成一种习惯,而不是三分钟热度 。
Make effort a habit, not a three minute heat.
44、意气风发一时起,持续奋斗双梦成 。
In a moment of high spirits, we continue to strive for double dream.
45、所有的愤怒,基本上都源自于没钱 。
All the anger, basically, comes from the lack of money.
46、上天给予每个人的都一样,但每个人的准备却不一样 。
God gives everyone the same, but everyone's preparation is different.
47、寻求安慰也无济于事,还徒增了别人的烦恼 。
It's no use seeking comfort, it just adds to other people's troubles.
I want to cherish the life in front of me, live my own life and refuel for my life!
49、你要相信接下来,会有始料不及的运气,会有突如其来的欢喜 。
You have to believe that next, there will be unexpected luck, there will be sudden joy.
50、再困难,咬咬牙,总会过去的 。
No matter how hard it is, it will be over.
51、对于有些人有些事,我们需要马桶精神,按一下,什么都干净了 。
For some people, some things, we need toilet spirit, click, everything is clean.
52、尽量减少与性格孤僻、搬弄是非、怨言多多、心态负面的人接触 。
Try to reduce contact with people who are eccentric, gossip, complain a lot and have a negative attitude.
53、只要坚持走下去,属于你的风景终会出现 。
As long as you keep going, your scenery will eventually appear.
54、除了成功,没有什么能证明你的存在 。
Nothing can prove your existence except success.
55、人生的成败得失,只在一念之间 。
The success or failure of life is only in one thought.
Whether the future is beautiful or not depends on whether you can spell it now!
57、生活从来都是公平的,你未来的模样,藏在你现在的努力里 。
Life has always been fair, your future appearance is hidden in your present efforts.
58、星光不问赶路人,时光不负有心人 。
The star does not ask the passer-by, time does not lose the heart of the people.
59、寂寞孤独中,哪怕被愁倒了,人也要敢于在忧郁中放声高歌 。
In loneliness and loneliness, even if you are upset, you should dare to sing in melancholy.
60、做对的事情,比把事情做对重要 。
【英语正能量句子简短】Doing the right thing is more important than doing it right.
