
1、善待自己 , 善待他人 , 学会宽容地活着 。
Be kind to yourself and others, and learn to live with tolerance.
2、有时候 , 问题很复杂 , 答案却很简单 。
Sometimes, the questions are complex and the answers are simple.
3、忘不了就不要忘记 , 但有些人注定只能怀念 。
Don't forget, but some people are destined to miss.
4、牵手时 , 即使你的手有多汗 , 也别放开 。
When holding hands, even if your hands are sweaty, don't let go.
5、没有什么是过不去的 , 除非你走的是回头路 。
Nothing can't pass, unless you are going back.
6、出家未必是修行 , 修行未必要出家 。
Becoming a monk is not necessarily practice, and practice is not necessarily about becoming a monk.
7、时光如水 , 总是无言 。若你安好 , 便是晴天 。
Time is like water, always speechless. If you are well, it will be sunny.
8、梦想不是一个目标 , 是一种气质 。
Dream is not a goal, but a temperament.
9、做自己的女王 , 让生命如玫瑰般怒放 。
Be your own queen and let life bloom like a rose.
10、学会忘记才不会愁 , 知道惧怕才不会危 。
Learn to forget will not worry, know fear will not be dangerous.
11、不空洞 , 不浮躁 , 做一个丰盈的人 。
Not empty, not impetuous, to be a rich person.
12、余光是你 , 余生也是你 。该多好啊 。
You are the rest of your life. How wonderful.
13、有时候 , 选择快乐 , 更需要勇气 。
Sometimes, it takes courage to choose happiness.
14、你不能控制他人 , 但你可以掌握自己 。
You can't control others, but you can control yourself.
15、付出艰辛与努力 , 收获丰硕的果实 。
Pay hard and hard work, harvest rich fruit.
16、给我一个支点 , 我能把地球撑起来 。
Give me a fulcrum, I can hold up the earth.
17、没有无缘无故的恨 , 却有想不出缘故的不顺眼 。
There is no hatred for no reason, but there is something wrong that can't think of a reason.
18、自己把自己征服了 , 是一种人生的成熟 。
He conquered himself, is a kind of maturity of life.
19、烦恼是智慧的化身 , 烦恼与智慧成正比 。
Worry is the embodiment of wisdom, which is proportional to wisdom.
20、世间事 , 除了生死 , 哪一桩不是闲事 。
In the world, apart from life and death, which one is not idle.
21、今天没所谓 , 明天无所为 。
There is nothing to be said today, nothing to be done tomorrow.
22、没有痛苦 , 没有牺牲 , 我们将一无所有 。
Without pain, without sacrifice, we will have nothing.
23、今天的流的泪 , 待到他日 , 也不过一场笑谈 。
Today's tears, stay in the future, but also a laugh.
24、有心甘情愿的态度 , 去过随遇而安的生活 。
Have a willing attitude and live a life of ease.
25、大家都不认为是机遇的机遇 , 才是最好的机遇 。
We don't think that the opportunity is the best opportunity.
26、我们总是希望被理解 , 却又害怕别人看穿 。
We always want to be understood, but we are afraid that others will see through.
27、先把第一口饭咽下去 , 再开始吃第二口饭 。
First swallow the first bite of rice, and then start eating the second.
28、哭过 , 才知道心痛是什么感觉 。
Cry, just know what feeling is heartache.
29、人的一生中 , 总会有很多遗憾 。
There are always many regrets in one's life.
30、不要错过最后一班车 , 和一个深爱你的人 。
Don't miss the last bus and someone who loves you.
31、四年分手了 , 你有人陪而我只能默默的关注 。
Four years broke up, you have someone to accompany, and I can only silent attention.
32、一日平安一日福 , 一天利人一天香 。
One day peace, one day happiness, one day benefit, one day fragrance.
33、死鱼随波逐流 , 活鱼逆流而上 。
Dead fish drift with the current, and live fish swim upstream.
34、合理的安排时间 , 就等于节约时间 。
Reasonable arrangement of time is equal to saving time.
35、人生没有彩排 , 每天都在现场直播 。
There is no rehearsal in life. It's live every day.
36、你对我好 , 我自然也会对你好 。就这么简单 。
You are good to me, and I will be good to you. That's it.
37、发展是硬道理 , 诚信是软环境 。
Development is the absolute principle and integrity is the soft environment.
38、女人为情毁自己 , 男人为性毁女人 。
Women destroy themselves for love, men destroy women for sex.
39、没有谁 , 胸中的心 , 一生纯粹到底 。
No one, the heart in the heart, life is pure to the end.
40、从来不需要想起 , 永远也不会忘记 。
Never need to remember, never forget.
41、死生一世付鸿毛 , 人生到世方英杰 。
Life and death pay Hongmao, life to the world Fang Yingjie.
42、要迎着晨光实干 , 不要面对晚霞幻想 。
Do it in the morning, not in the sunset.
43、人生有多残酷 , 我们就该有多坚强 。
How cruel life is, how strong we should be.
44、旅行 , 是心灵的阅读 , 而阅读 , 是心灵的旅行 。
Travel is the reading of the mind, and reading is the travel of the mind.
45、无论是谁都会在不经意间失去什么 。
No matter who you are, you will lose something inadvertently.
46、别人说真心换真情 , 可我却是真心换伤心 。
Others said that the true feelings for the true feelings, but I was really for the sad.
47、少年易学老难成 , 一寸光阴不可轻 。
It is easy for a young man to learn, but hard to become an old man.
48、没有过不去的事情 , 只有不远前行的心境 。
There is nothing that can't be done, only the mood of not far ahead.
49、于一切相 , 离一切相 , 即是无相 。
In all phases, away from all phases, is no phase.
50、只有想不到的人 , 没有做不到的事 。
Only unexpected people, nothing can't be done.
51、如果你不快乐 , 那就出去走走 。
If you're not happy, go for a walk.
52、只有不畏艰险的人 , 才能享受冒险的乐趣 。
Only those who are not afraid of danger can enjoy the pleasure of adventure.
53、真为生死 , 发菩提心 。以深信愿 , 持佛名号 。
For the sake of life and death, Bodhisattva. To believe in the will, hold the name of Buddha.
54、望来已是几千载 , 只似当时初望时 。
It has been thousands of years, just like when we first looked at it.
55、想你 , 但不打扰 , 留最后一点尊严给自己 。
Miss you, but don't disturb, leave a little dignity to yourself.
56、永不言败 , 是成功者的最佳品格 。
Never say die is the best character of a successful person.
57、陶瓷娃娃没心没肺 , 只会傻傻的笑 。
Ceramic dolls are heartless and can only smile foolishly.
58、看似偶然 , 实为必然 , 这就是人生 。
Seemingly accidental, but actually inevitable, this is life.
59、赠人以言 , 重于珠玉;伤人以言 , 甚于刀剑 。
It is more important to give words than pearls; to hurt is better than sword.
60、习惯了不被得到 , 觉得天生就该没有 。
【英语哲理句】Used to not get, feel born should not.
