
1、生活的路,注定是你一个人的孤独 。
The road of life is destined to be your loneliness.
2、常有人感叹,活得真累 。
People often lament how tired they are.
No one wants to give up, but save enough disappointment!
4、最悲伤的事莫过于在痛苦中,回忆往昔的快乐 。
The saddest thing is to remember the past happiness in pain.
5、做好准备,迎接每一个时间 。
Get ready for every moment.
6、想你的时候有点幸福,幸福的有点难过 。
Think of you when a little happy, happy a little sad.
7、我欣赏你的直言不讳,但请管好你的嘴 。
I appreciate your outspoken words, but please keep your mouth in check.
8、坏日子总要自己熬,就像臭袜子总要自己洗 。
Bad days are always cooked by yourself, just like bad socks are always washed by yourself.
9、苍白的思念,一味的坚持,只是伤痕累累的结局 。
Pale thoughts, blindly adhere to, is only the result of scars.
10、你不给自己烦恼,别人也不可能给你烦恼 。
You can't be bothered by others without bothering yourself.
11、因缘巧合,自然遇见 。
By chance, we meet naturally.
12、孤独的眼睛,思念最好的缘 。
Lonely eyes, missing the best fate.
13、时间留下的,不是财富,不是美丽,是真诚 。
What time leaves is not wealth, not beauty, but sincerity.
14、忍一时得寸进尺,退一步变本加厉 。
Bear to push forward for a while and step back to make progress.
Only by improving our own pattern can we bloom our life!
16、没有人在乎你的落魄,没有人感动你的泪水 。
No one cares about your downfall, no one touches your tears.
17、和好容易,如初太难 。
It's easy to reconcile, but it's too hard at first.
18、高山流水,人生无常 。
High mountains and flowing water make life changeable.
The past is written off, and we will not disturb each other for the rest of our lives!
20、老子来到这个世上,就没打算活着回去 。
When I came to this world, I didn't intend to go back alive.
21、如果时间可以倒流,我选择一开始就放弃 。
If time can be reversed, I choose to give up at the beginning.
22、未来事,未来心,何须劳心 。
Future things, future heart, why bother.
23、一个沉默,说明了什么 。
A silence, explains what.
24、不能后退,唯有硬扛 。
You can't back off, you have to carry it hard.
25、人活着,别缺德 。
People live, don't be immoral.
Fight for a year of spring and autumn, fight for life without regret!
27、正因要生存,我开始学习并领悟放下 。
Just to survive, I began to learn and understand to let go.
28、心灵的房间,不打扫就会落满灰尘 。
The room of the soul will be covered with dust if it is not cleaned.
If it is so easy to give up, who will choose to entangle!
30、压力无需挂嘴边,等闲视之平常心 。
Stress doesn't need to be talked about. It's just a matter of mind.
31、人生,除了生死,其他都是小事 。
Life, except for life and death, is all small things.
If life is just like the first time, I hope strangers don't see each other!
In this life, there will always be someone who can't live with you!
34、我态度好坏,取决于你怎么对我 。
My attitude depends on how you treat me.
After the wind and rain, we can see through the true and false hearts!
36、有一种爱叫做放手,只不过是自我安慰的借口 。
There is a kind of love called letting go, just an excuse for self comfort.
37、不要说我变了,直接说你厌倦了 。
Don't say I've changed, just say you're tired.
38、我把自己堵给了你,我输的一塌糊涂 。
I blocked myself up to you, I lost in a mess.
Life is not easy, you have to work very hard!
40、如果我放弃,不是因为我输了,而是因为我懂了 。
If I give up, not because I lose, but because I understand.
After middle age, I gradually understand!
42、孤独是一种境界,失去是一种无奈 。
Loneliness is a state, loss is a helpless.
43、是非对错,总能看见对的人 。
Right or wrong, always see the right person.
People in this life, cherish yourself!
It doesn't matter what you think of me!
You are the sunshine I want, but I can't win it!
47、世界上最遥远的距离,是你的道理和我的感受 。
The furthest distance in the world is your truth and my feeling.
Time is the most deceitful, but it can also make you understand!
Good faith grasp, but a reminder of life!
50、望眼成穿,满目山河全是你 。
Look into the eyes, see the mountains and rivers are all you.
Time wrapped with helpless, we still have to go through this life!
52、有些事情不是我不在意,而是我在意了又能怎样 。
Some things are not that I don't care, but what I care about.
Lost on the road, lost in heaven!
Some roads are far away, and it will be very tired to walk down!
55、就让我们一直走下去,直到世界一片纯白 。
Let's keep going until the world is white.
56、你的笑可以给任何人,但你的心,只能给我 。
Your smile can be given to anyone, but your heart can only be given to me.
57、因因果果人自在,放下舍得智慧来 。
Because of cause and effect, people are free and willing to give up wisdom.
【有关身上压力的英语句子】58、感悟人生,谁都不易 。
It's not easy to understand life.
The world is so big, what do you depend on to see!
You want everything, why don't you work hard!
61、与昨日老死不相往来,与明天执手天荒地老 。
It doesn't relate to yesterday's old death, but to tomorrow's old age.
62、现实生活没有彩排,都是现场直播 。
There is no rehearsal in real life. It's all live.
