
1、知道你不会伤害我,所以我怕会伤害你 。
I know you won't hurt me, so I'm afraid I'll hurt you.
2、如果我不做自己的观众,还以为在爱着他 。
If I'm not my own audience, I think I'm in love with him.
3、用一千年的时间去爱你 。再用一万年的时间去忘记 。
Love you for a thousand years. Another 10000 years to forget.
4、谁把光阴剪成了烟花,一瞬间,看尽繁华 。
Who cut the time into fireworks, in a moment, see the prosperity.
5、你若安好,便是晴天,你若幸福,便是我欢 。
If you are well, it will be sunny. If you are happy, it will be my joy.
How to find the fragrance of spring wine?
7、下那么浪漫的约定,为何也只剩下文字的回音 。
Under such a romantic agreement, why only the echo of the text.
8、小小的心房,却装着那么多的痛苦往事 。
Small atrium, but with so many painful past.
9、每次遇到你我都会笑,转身过后眼泪会掉 。
Every time I meet you, I will smile, turn around and tears will fall.
10、如果我不变的更好,我拿什么要你后悔 。
If I don't change better, what can I do for you to regret.
【悲伤英语句子短句】11、没经历过我的事,就没资格谈论我的好坏 。
You don't have the right to talk about me if you haven't experienced me.
12、你说你好累,良人不再归 。
You say you are so tired that your lover will not return.
13、真希望我脸上无所谓的时候,心里也无所谓 。
I really hope that when my face doesn't matter, my heart doesn't matter.
14、用自己的方式书写着自己的悲欢离合,喜怒哀乐 。
With their own way to write their own joys and sorrows, joys and sorrows.
This summer, we will walk out of the classroom with a smile!
16、我为你写的情书,被六月的风带走了 。
The love letter I wrote for you was taken away by the wind in June.
17、接受了各种各样的失望后,发现一个人真好 。
After accepting all kinds of disappointments, I find it nice to be alone.
18、决定放弃的人,再遇到就别再心潮澎湃了 。
Don't give up when you meet someone who is passionate.
19、望着这狼藉一片,我苦笑着 。
Looking at this mess, I smile bitterly.
20、不能再逗留你的心,因为已经没有了我的位置 。
Can not stay in your heart, because there is no place for me.
21、多希望时间不再流转,让一切停留在相拥的时刻 。
I hope that time will not flow, let everything stay in the moment of embracing.
22、我喜欢我望向别处时,他望向我的目光 。
I like the way he looks at me when I look away.
23、眼眶的温度在沸腾那一秒,留给年华一段刻骨线条 。
The temperature of the eyes in the boiling that second, leaving a period of time engraved lines.
24、我甚至一秒都没有拥有你,却好像失去了你一万次 。
I didn't even have you for a second, but I lost you 10000 times.
25、曾经海枯石烂,抵不过好聚好散 。
Once the sea was dry and the rocks were rotten, but it was better to gather and scatter.
26、泪水终将突破防线,只是风吹痛了双眼 。
Tears will eventually break through the defense line, but the wind hurt my eyes.
27、从此我的生活,都将不会再提起你 。
From now on, my life will never mention you again.
28、爱情只是个笑话,笑死了别人,笑疼了自己 。
Love is just a joke. It kills others and hurts yourself.
29、得意淡然,失意坦然;喜而不狂,忧而不伤 。
It is easy to be complacent, calm to be frustrated, happy but not crazy, worried but not hurt.
30、原来你的世界已经有了爱的人,为什么还要我的加温 。
Originally your world already had the person who loves, why also want my heating.
31、那些让我发火的人,你永远不会知道我忍了你多少次 。
Those who make me angry, you never know how many times I put up with you.
32、我寂寞寂寞就好,你真的不用来我回忆里微笑 。
I'm lonely, you really don't have to smile in my memory.
33、都说晶莹的泪珠最可贵,其实骄纵的你才可爱 。
It is said that the crystal tears are the most valuable, but in fact, you are lovely.
34、最后,我们都成为了彼此最熟悉的陌生人 。
In the end, we all became the most familiar strangers to each other.
35、当失望变成绝望的那一刻一切都已不重要了 。
When disappointment turns into despair, everything doesn't matter.
36、愿有岁月可回首,且以深情共白头 。
May there be years to look back on, and a total of white head with deep love.
37、有时候你必须一个人走,这不是孤独,而是选择 。
Sometimes you have to go alone. It's not loneliness, it's choice.
38、这世上没有谁会永远等谁,更没有谁会永远相信谁 。
There is no one in the world who will wait for or believe in forever.
In his twenties, he was in a hurry, flustered and had nothing!
When the equator keeps snowflakes and tears, melting fine sand, will you cherish me?
41、我想要告诉你,我爱你,这份爱,没有谁可以代替 。
I want to tell you, I love you, this love, no one can replace.
42、从没关系再见,到谢谢你爱过 。
Never mind. Goodbye. Thank you for loving me.
43、站在属于自己角落,假装自己是个过客 。
Standing in their own corner, pretending to be a passer-by.
44、最终背叛你的朋友,其实一开始就不是你的朋友 。
The friend who betrays you in the end is not your friend in the beginning.
45、这一生我有我的遇见,你有你的所爱 。
This life I have met, you have your love.
46、有些人走着走着就散了,比如我和你 。
Some people walk away, like me and you.
47、当初的我,现在在你的心中可有一丝位置 。
The original me, now in your heart can have a trace of position.
48、成功的反义词不是失败,而是什么都不去做 。
The opposite of success is not failure, but doing nothing.
49、我其实都没忘,只是学会了深藏 。
I didn't forget it. I just learned to hide it.
50、若我他日嫁得良人,定谢你当年不娶之恩 。
If I marry a beloved one day, I will thank you for not marrying me.
