
1、没有世间的绝情,如何学会哀莫大于死心 。
There is no such thing as a desperate feeling in the world. How to learn to be sad is better than to die.
Can I live on memories?
3、哪有故事,不过都是挣扎的呐喊,拉扯着心伤 。
Where has the story, but all is struggles the cry, pulls the heartbreak.
4、谢谢你的绝情,成就了我现在的百毒不侵 。
Thank you for your unfeeling, which makes me invincible.
5、不快乐的开关在哪,我要把它拆掉 。
Where is the unhappy switch? I'll take it down.
6、不要说我变了,直接说你厌倦了 。
Don't say I've changed, just say you're tired.
7、最怕他有了爱人还不忘对你说晚安 。
I'm afraid that he will not forget to say good night to you when he has a lover.
8、合群是堕落的开始,优秀的开始是孤行 。
Gregarious is the beginning of depravity, and the beginning of excellence is solitude.
9、我自己都过不好这一生,却老喜欢给人讲道理 。
I can't live a good life myself, but I always like to reason with others.
10、举头三尺有神明,我抬头并没有神明,只有黑夜惶惶 。
【伤心的英语句子说说心情】There is a God three feet up. I have no God but night.
11、今天没有你没关系,反正明天也不会有 。
It doesn't matter if you don't exist today, or tomorrow.
12、我们旁观一座城市的伟大却可能永远不会真正属于它 。
We look on the greatness of a city and may never really belong to it.
13、我有酒,你有故事 。余生很贵,每天都要尽兴 。
I have wine, you have a story. It's expensive for the rest of your life. Enjoy it every day.
14、不要等我变了以后,才说怀念以前的我 。
Don't wait for me to change, to say I miss the past.
15、你的心情好吗?借我几天,我的坏了 。
Are you in a good mood? Lend me a few days. Mine's broken.
16、往后余生,洗衣服是你,做饭是你,洗碗还是你 。
For the rest of your life, it's you who do the laundry, you who do the cooking, you who do the dishes.
17、沉默是一个女孩最大的哭声 。
Silence is a girl's biggest cry.
18、青春就是让你张扬的笑,也给你莫名的痛 。
Youth is to let you laugh, but also give you inexplicable pain.
19、我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁 。
I love you not for who you are, but for who I am in front of you.
20、或许你会想起我,像想起一朵永不重开的花 。
Maybe you will think of me like a flower that will never bloom again.
21、给我一个暂停键吧,我真的累了 。
Give me a pause button, I'm really tired.
22、这世界有时候就是这样,你善良,别人都来占你便宜 。
Sometimes in this world, you are kind and others come to take advantage of you.
23、你是我生命中最美的夏天,也是我难以回去的昨天 。
You are the most beautiful summer in my life, and it's also yesterday that I can't go back.
24、曾经信誓旦旦的承诺,如今变成不值得一提的心酸 。
Once a promise, now it is not worth mentioning.
25、日子和我,都有点难过 。
The days are a little bit sad for me.
26、你好,我叫不开心,很难过认识你 。
Hello, my name is unhappy. I'm sorry to meet you.
27、这南墙我是撞了,丢了的自己是捡不回来了 。
I bumped into the south wall. I can't pick up what I lost.
28、人海十万里,没有人善待你 。
No one treats you kindly.
29、在个世界,看你笑话的人,永远比在乎你的多 。
In a world, there are always more people watching your jokes than caring about you.
30、生活不止眼前的苟且,还有前任的喜帖 。
Life is not just about living in front of you, but also about your ex's wedding.
31、这个世界挺有趣的,没意思的是我 。
The world is very interesting. What's not interesting is me.
32、但愿下一世,不会再这么寂寞了 。
I hope the next life will not be so lonely.
33、苦已经受过了,如果没成长那就太亏了 。
I've already suffered. If I don't grow up, it's too bad.
34、希望你到夜里就失落,后悔从来没有珍惜过我 。
I hope you will lose in the night, regret never cherished me.
35、但我仍奔向你,如鸟投林 。
But I run to you like a bird to the forest.
36、我哪里还敢走近你,你身边总有不同的人陪 。
Where dare I come near you? There are always different people around you.
37、一句习惯了,容下了多少失望和心酸 。
A habit, how much disappointment and sad.
38、你眼里的难过,都快溢出来了 。
The sadness in your eyes is overflowing.
39、曾经相濡以沫,却又不能再一起 。
We used to be together, but we couldn't be together again.
40、说不出的话叫心事,留不住的人叫故事 。
What can't be said is thought, and what can't be kept is story.
41、你伤我如此之深,我心里却全是你的甜言蜜语 。
You hurt me so deeply, but my heart is full of your sweet words.
42、我们都在路上,仍不解为何而忙 。
We are all on the way, still wondering why we are busy.
43、没有人有义务对你好,所以对你好的人一定要感恩 。
No one has an obligation to be nice to you, so be grateful to your people.
44、实不相瞒,我还是会想你,但能克服,问题不大 。
To be honest, I will still miss you, but I can overcome it. The problem is not big.
45、我们曾经那么好,现在却连声问候,都怕是打扰 。
We used to be so good, but now even greetings, are afraid to disturb.
46、为什么每一次等来的都是失望 。
Why are you disappointed every time you wait.
47、何必让回忆比经历还长,何必让自己一再负伤 。
Why do you have to remember longer than experience? Why do you have to hurt yourself again and again.
48、我发现你在我心里,扎根的很深很深 。
I found you in my heart, deeply rooted.
49、大概孤独是常态,熬过去就好了 。
Maybe loneliness is the norm. Just go through it.
50、越活越冷清,也不指望谁做我的救星 。
The more I live, the colder I am. I don't expect anyone to be my Savior.
Is there a person, let you think, the heart is sour?
52、但愿日子清净,余生无怨无悔 。
I hope the days are clean and I have no regrets for the rest of my life.
53、习惯了,是个很强大的词,可以代替所有的一言难尽 。
Used to, is a very powerful word, can replace all the words.
54、谎言和诺言,一个听的人当真了,一个说的人当真了 。
Lies and promises are taken seriously by one who listens and one who speaks.
