1、站起来的次数能够比跌倒的次数多一次,你就是强者 。
If you can stand up more times than you fall down, you are the strong one.
2、世界还是世界,你还是你 。
The world or the world, you or you.
3、有一种思念,叫保重身体;有一种在乎,叫天冷加衣 。
There is a kind of missing, called take care of your body; there is a kind of care, called the cold weather plus clothes.
4、人生自古谁无老?老有所乐己沉醉 。
Who is not old in life since ancient times? Old people enjoy themselves.
5、无论何时何地,一定记得保重身体 。
No matter when and where, remember to take care of yourself.
6、去运动吧,生命在于运动,生命不止,运动不止 。
Go to sports. Life lies in sports. Life is more than sports.
7、爱惜自己的身体,珍惜身边的家人 。
Cherish your body and your family.
8、木已成舟便要顺其自然 。
Let it be as it is.
9、情不知所起,一往而深;恨不知所终,一笑而泯 。
If you don't know where you start, you go deep; if you don't know where you end up, you smile and die.
10、愉悦要懂得分享,才能加倍的愉悦 。
Pleasure must know how to share, in order to double the pleasure.
11、请善待自己,注意身体健康 。
Please treat yourself well and pay attention to your health.
12、愉悦,不是永恒的;痛苦,也不是永恒的 。
Pleasure is not eternal; pain is not eternal.
13、别人的咀咒,会变成你的祝福 。
Other people's curse will become your blessing.
14、要吃的苦,躲不过 。
You can't avoid the pain.
15、干脆放手,一别两宽 。
Just let it go, one other two wide.
16、运动,情绪治愈之良药 。
Exercise is a good medicine to cure emotion.
Dear attention to the body, the temperature drops, take good care of yourself!
18、只要你要,只要我有 。
As long as you want, as long as I have.
19、低头要有勇气,抬头要有底气 。
You have to have courage to bow your head and have confidence to raise your head.
20、再丑的人也能结婚,再美的人也会单身 。
No matter how ugly people are, they can get married. No matter how beautiful people are, they will be single.
21、不要怕爱会带来伤害,要相信,他伤的只是,不是你 。
Don't be afraid that love will hurt you. Believe that what he hurt is not you.
22、永远扭曲别人善意的人,无药可救 。
There is no cure for those who always distort the good will of others.
23、广结众缘,就是不要去伤害任何一个人 。
To make friends is not to hurt anyone.
Smile, embrace every day, be a warm woman like sunflower!
25、人生的真理,只是藏在平淡无味之中 。
The truth of life is just hidden in the insipid.
26、内心没有分别心,就是真正的苦行 。
If there is no difference in heart, it is true asceticism.
27、幸福如人饮水,冷暖自知 。
Happiness is like drinking water.
28、别说出痛苦,愿不幸一直微笑到,被风带走 。
Don't say the pain, may the misfortune smile until it is taken away by the wind.
29、快乐要懂得分享,才能加倍的快乐 。
Happiness must know how to share, in order to double the happiness.
30、人这辈子,有个好身体,活个好心情 。
People in this life, have a good body, live a good mood.
31、人生在世,多多保重身体 。
Take good care of yourself in life.
32、天已许,甚不教,白头生死鸳鸯浦 。
Heaven has promised, very not teach, white head life and death yuanyangpu.
33、再累,也要记得锻炼身体;再苦,也要记得犒劳自己 。
No matter how tired you are, remember to exercise; no matter how bitter you are, remember to reward yourself.
34、我只能装作坚强,欺骗着周围的所有人,说我很好 。
I can only pretend to be strong, deceive all the people around me and say I'm good.
35、生命太过短暂,今天放弃了明天不一定能得到 。
Life is too short. If you give up today, you may not get it tomorrow.
36、并不是每一次的握手言和,都能抚平伤害 。
Not every handshake can heal the hurt.
37、很多事情,明明知道要放弃,心不答应 。
Many things, clearly know to give up, the heart does not agree.
38、不要担心,我们会一直陪着你 。
Don't worry, we will always be with you.
39、青春没有不老的脸,就在岁月里留下最好的颜 。
Youth does not have an ageless face, leaving the best face in the years.
40、不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有 。
Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.
41、温馨加温暖,甜蜜加祝愿,愿您保重身体,幸福久久 。
Warm and warm, sweet and wish, wish you take care of your body, happiness for a long time.
42、快乐生活,关键是身体好,心情才能好 。
Happy life, the key is good health, good mood.
43、别躲,别绕,别硬撑,也别失去希望 。
Don't hide, don't walk around, don't hold on, and don't lose hope.
44、一切都会好起来的,即使不是在今天,总有一天会的 。
Everything will be fine, even if not today, one day.
It's cold, my friend, please pay attention to your health!
46、不沉溺幻想,不庸人自扰 。
Don't indulge in fantasy, don't disturb others.
47、当坚持之苦大过放弃之痛,是该放手的时候了 。
When the pain of persistence is greater than the pain of giving up, it's time to let go.
48、给不了我天长地久,但请你不要剥夺我的曾经拥有 。
Can't give me forever, but please don't deprive me of what I once had.
49、如果不懂,就说出来,如果懂了,就别说,笑笑即可 。
If you don't understand, say it. If you understand, don't say it. Just smile.
50、让未来到来,让过去过去 。
Let the future come, let the past go.
51、关心身体和心情,成为最好的自己 。
Take care of your body and mood to be the best you can be.
52、保养好身体,健康平安才是最大的福气 。
Good health and safety is the greatest blessing.
Which autumn is not sad, which winter is not cold?
54、失去了他,还有整个世界 。
Without him and the whole world.
55、请别再说我变了,只是你没有跟上我的步伐 。
Please don't say that I have changed, but you didn't keep up with me.
56、愿天上的每一个流星,都为你而闪耀天际 。
May every meteor in the sky shine for you.
57、假设不懂,就说出来,假设懂了,就别说,笑笑即可 。
If you don't understand, say it. If you understand, don't say it. Just smile.
58、独自一人更要注重养生,身体棒棒哒,心情美美哒 。
Alone should pay more attention to health, good body, good mood.
59、不要过于计较别人的评价 。
Don't worry too much about other people's comments.
60、要爱惜自己的身体,重视、珍惜、照顾好自己的身体 。
【安慰朋友的暖心句子英文】We should cherish our bodies, attach importance to, cherish and take good care of them.
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