1、没有科比,我什么都不是 。
Without Kobe, I'm nothing.
2、愿天堂也有篮球,永远的MVP 。
May heaven also have basketball, the MVP forever.
3、忘了是那一天喜欢上你,因为太久了 。总之,那时候,你还年轻,我也正青春 。
Forget that day I like you, because it's too long. In a word, at that time, you were young and I was young.
4、像联盟里的很多年轻球员一样,我们很多人都是看着科比的比赛长大的 。
Like many young players in the league, many of us grew up watching Kobe Bryant play.
5、天啊,曼巴,愿你的灵魂安息,让回忆化为祝福 。
God, Mamba, may your soul rest in peace, and let memory be a blessing.
6、老飞侠科比,一代巨星陨落了,离我们远去的还有不朽的青春 。
Old flying hero Kobe Bryant, a generation of superstars fell, leaving us far away from the immortal youth.
7、感谢科比,最有意义的做法是,永远把科比装在心里,怀念 。
Thank Kobe, the most meaningful way is to always put Kobe in mind, miss.
8、一种深切的爱,我把我的全部都给了你,从我的思想和身体,到我的精神和灵魂 。
A deep love, I give you all I have, from my mind and body to my spirit and soul.
9、我的青春,我的信仰,我的偶像就在这一刻完全没了 。
My youth, my faith and my idol are all gone at this moment.
Heaven has a way, go! Great basketball superstar Kobe Bryant!
11、你见过凌晨四点的洛杉矶吗?而在这个焦虑弥漫的凌晨,很多人的青春戛然而止 。
Have you seen Los Angeles at 4 a.m? But in this anxious early morning, many people's youth suddenly stops.
12、他是名勇士,我觉得以后可能都不会再有这样的球员出现了 。
He's a warrior and I don't think there will be any more.
13、陪你长大的人,毫无征兆的离去,青春很痛,青春也很无力 。
Accompany the person that you grow up, leave without omen, youth is very painful, youth is also very powerless.
14、男孩子今天多睡一会吧 。
Let's get some more sleep for the boys today.
15、我们将一直想念你,科比 。
【致敬科比的句子英语】We'll always miss you, Kobe.
16、黑曼巴的骨子里有着无比的偏执和骄傲,从一开始到现在 。
Black Mamba's bones are full of bigotry and pride, from the beginning to the present.
17、曼巴精神,绝境求生 。
Mamba spirit, desperate for survival.
18、科比,承载着我父亲青年到中年的记忆,同样承载着我从童年到现在的记忆 。
Kobe, carrying my father's memories from youth to middle age, also carrying my memories from childhood to now.
19、我想变成科比,我现在真的特别难过 。愿灵魂安息,传奇 。
I want to be Kobe. I'm really sad now. May the soul rest in peace, legend.
This is the last night for the eldest brother. I hope the eldest brother can be happy in heaven!
21、神奇,这是我对他唯一的评价 。
Magic, that's my only comment on him.
22、世间再无科比,黑曼巴精神永存 。
There is no Kobe in the world, and the black mamba spirit will last forever.
23、当我们想得过且过时,是他告诉我们,第二名只能说明你是头号输家 。
When we want to muddle along, he tells us that the second place only means that you are the number one loser.
24、爱你三千遍,你好 。
Love you three thousand times, hello.
25、英雄来了又走,但传奇永不褪色 。
Heroes come and go, but legends never fade.
26、我从小就看他的比赛,看着他赢下总冠军,他就是我崇拜的偶像 。
I've been watching his games since I was a kid, watching him win the championship, and he's my idol.
27、你打球时,我是科黑,因为你夺走太多人的梦想 。
When you play, I am Kohei, because you take away too many people's dreams.
Age will not limit him, because his heart is always full of passion!
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