1、梦里夜里不在有你陪、孤独的我、孤独的美 。
In the dream night is not to have you to accompany, the lonely me, the lonely beauty.
2、我知道你不是喜欢我,你只是喜欢我喜欢你 。
I know you don't like me, you just like me, like you.
3、现在所有的不快乐,都将是将来你快乐的源泉 。
All the unhappiness now will be the source of your happiness in the future.
4、我不能给你全世界,但我的全世界都给你 。
I can't give you the whole world, but my whole world is for you.
5、我已经什么都没有了,只有我们的回忆了 。
I have nothing but our memories.
6、恋爱不是你想不想,而是自然而然陷入其中的 。
Love is not whether you want to or not, but naturally fall into it.
7、我一直在关注你,以你知道或不知道的方式 。
I've been following you, in ways you know or don't know.
8、半夏锦年、流逝青春哀伤,看不见的过眼云烟 。
Pinellia brocade year, the passage of youth sadness, invisible clouds.
9、纵然万丈光芒,也无法替代你曾给过的温暖 。
Even if the light, can not replace you have given the warmth.
10、我了解你所有的故事,但里面全都是她的名字 。
I know all your stories, but it's all her name.
11、你何必跟我虚情假意,不如直截了当黑白分明 。
You don't have to be insincere with me. It's better to be clear about black and white.
12、别说我变了,我没理由为你保留最初的自己 。
Don't say I have changed, I have no reason to keep the original self for you.
13、谁我都不想等了,以后就等红灯等雨停等死 。
I don't want to wait any more. I'll wait for the red light to stop raining and die.
14、如果相遇之后依然有别离,那我但愿从未相遇 。
If there is still a parting after meeting, I hope I never meet.
15、我会一直爱你,直到你不爱我的那一天为止 。
I will always love you until you don't love me.
16、突然间想起某个人,一阵傻笑然后,一阵失落 。
Suddenly think of someone, a giggle, and then, a burst of loss.
17、一切都回不到原点,只剩下感情无畏的捆绑 。
All can not return to the origin, only the feelings of fearless binding.
18、爱情里的重新开始,也代表不要再次选错人 。
A new start in love also means not to choose the wrong person again.
19、与其说是别人让你痛苦,不如说自己修养不够 。
It's not so much that others make you miserable, it's better to say that you are not well-educated.
20、长大,就要学会,心平气和的面对兵荒马乱 。
When you grow up, you should learn to face the chaos peacefully.
21、充当可有可无的位置,就没必要那么执着了吧 。
As a dispensable position, there is no need to be so persistent.
22、谁明白我初衷,烦躁也是个梦,但我真的痛 。
Who knows my original intention, irritability is also a dream, but I really hurt.
23、社会就像江湖,总是让人身不由己,言不由衷 。
Society is like the river and lake. It always makes people involuntarily and insincerely.
24、人生活得是否快乐,关键是具有什么样的心态 。
Whether people live a happy life, the key is what kind of mentality.
25、我还会不会收到你的短信、然后一遍遍地看 。
Will I receive your text messages and read them over and over again.
26、凡是过往,皆为序章,凡是经历,皆为馈赠 。
All the past is a prelude, and every experience is a gift.
27、因为我的不断示好,才让他人觉得我无可救药 。
Because of my constant courtship, it makes others feel that I am hopeless.
28、慢慢的往下走,期待你出现在下一个路口 。
Slowly go down, expect you to appear in the next intersection.
29、一个人再怎么努力,也撑不起两个人的天空 。
No matter how hard a person tries, he can't support the sky of two people.
30、浮生流年里,我们的时光怎是残忍二字可解 。
Floating time, how our time is cruel can be explained.
31、分离或许是最好的选择,这样就不会在疼苦了 。
Separation may be the best choice, so that there will be no pain.
32、仔细一看,原来陪自己的一直都是自己的影子 。
Take a closer look, the original with their own shadow has always been their own.
33、我没有很想你,只是把你来电调成唯一的铃音 。
I didn't miss you very much. I just tuned your call to the only ring tone.
34、我要怎样、才能做你心中那个最完美的女人 。
How can I be the most perfect woman in your heart.
35、自从遇见你,我一切的不快的情绪都因你而起 。
Since I met you, all my unhappiness is due to you.
36、没有与生俱来的傲气,只有后天伪装的冷漠 。
There is no inherent pride, only the acquired camouflage of indifference.
37、如果不开心,就来找我,我来给你肩膀和依靠 。
If you are not happy, come to me and I will give you shoulder and support.
38、有时我沉默,不是不快乐,只是想把心净空 。
Sometimes I am silent, not unhappy, just want to clear my heart.
39、我还在原地等待着你,一人在回忆中慢慢死去 。
I am still waiting for you, a person in the memory of slowly dying.
40、各自安好,你从来没有喜欢过我,一直都没有 。
You've never liked me, never.
41、你对我好,我自然也会对你好 。就是这么简单 。
You are good to me, and I will be good to you. It's that simple.
42、我总是口是心非让你看不懂,其实我也不好受 。
I always make you can't understand my duplicity. In fact, I don't feel well.
43、你所厌恶的现在,是未来的你回不去的曾经 。
You hate the present, is the future you can not go back to the past.
44、我要的不多,只要以朋友的名义在你身边就好 。
I don't want much, as long as in the name of friends in your side.
45、现在的你已经太遥不可及,只能留在我记忆 。
Now you have been too far away, can only stay in my memory.
46、世界让我遍体鳞伤,但伤口长出的却是翅膀 。
The world makes me black and blue, but the wound grows wings.
47、遇见你,我多了一份牵挂,更多了一份精彩 。
Meet you, I am more concerned about, more a wonderful.
48、我们的回忆没有皱褶,却要用离开烫下句点 。
Our memories do not wrinkle, but to leave the end.
49、我的伤从没有声张,宠爱着你到丧尽天良 。
My injury has never made a statement, doting on you to the heartless.
50、承诺再多,都做不到,那也只不过还是谎言 。
No matter how many promises you make, you can't do it. It's just a lie.
51、你认真起来的那一瞬间,真有点像路边贴膜的 。
The moment you get serious, it's a bit like a roadside film.
52、躲过了大悲大喜得极端,却躲不过对你的喜欢 。
Avoid the great sorrow, great joy extreme, but can not hide to you like.
53、你可不可以看出我的不坚强,给我安心的拥抱 。
Can you see that I am not strong, give me a reassuring hug.
54、那时的天空常常是蓝色的,回忆却悄悄变了 。
At that time, the sky was often blue, but memories changed quietly.
55、不是我不够坚强,是我的坚强被你一点点击垮 。
It's not that I'm not strong enough. It's my strength that you beat down a little bit.
56、道理都懂,但是就像鱼活在水里,也死在水里 。
We all know the truth, but just like a fish living in the water, it also dies in the water.
57、原来遇到真爱的时候,是那么一发不可收拾 。
The original encounter love, is so out of control.
58、爱又怎样,不爱又怎样,最后的结局都一样 。
Love and no love, the final result is the same.
59、脑钟叫醒的是我的躯壳,却叫不醒我沉睡的心 。
The brain clock wakes my body, but not my sleeping heart.
60、其实,很多事我很介意,只是笑着说没关系 。
【有哪些让人听了心疼的句子双语】In fact, a lot of things I care about, just smile and say it's OK.
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