1、奉献友爱,互助进步 。
Dedication, friendship and mutual progress.
2、爱心无限,大爱无边 。
Love is infinite, great love is boundless.
Please yourself and help others!
4、用爱心撑起一片艳阳天 。
Hold up a sunny day with love.
5、人人奉献,人人分享 。
Everyone gives and everyone shares.
6、清心奉献,华彩青春 。
Pure heart dedication, colorful youth.
7、奉献爱心,收获希望 。
Give love and harvest hope.
8、心有多大,责任有多大 。
How much heart, how much responsibility.
We are not afraid of hardship and fatigue!
10、用陪伴予人快乐 。
Give pleasure with company.
11、奉献爱心,构建和谐 。
Contribute love and build harmony.
12、片片爱心,缕缕深情 。
Pieces of love, strands of deep love.
13、倾心奉献,华彩青春 。
Dedication, colorful youth.
14、小荷心,文明行 。
Small lotus heart, civilized line.
15、志愿路上,不言辛苦 。
Volunteer on the road, not to mention hard.
16、爱的奉献,心的呼唤 。
The dedication of love, the call of heart.
17、爱心助学,点燃希望 。
Love students, ignite hope.
18、恪尽职守,尽我所能 。
Do my duty, do my best.
19、传递真爱,情暖人间 。
Pass on true love and warm the world.
20、时间风干不了理想 。
Time is not ideal.
You're in front, we're in the back!
22、无惧脏,不怕委屈 。
No fear of dirty, no fear of injustice.
Smile, make the scenery more beautiful!
24、志愿互助,友爱共享 。
Volunteer to help each other, love and share.
It's a pleasure to be a volunteer!
Will volunteer to the end!
27、予人玫瑰,手有余香 。
Give people roses, hands have fragrance.
Your wish, our wish!
29、未忘初衷,未负流年 。
Never forget the original intention, not negative years.
30、有阳光的地方就有快乐 。
Where there is sunshine, there is happiness.
31、巾帼志愿,贴心服务 。
Women volunteer, close service.
32、爱,无处不在 。
Love is everywhere.
33、奉献爱心,精彩工贸 。
Dedication of love, wonderful industry and trade.
34、不在其位,不知其味 。
If you don't know where you are, you don't know what it's like.
35、播洒爱心,点燃希望 。
Spread love and light hope.
36、我志愿,我快乐 。
I volunteer, I am happy.
【志愿者格言英文】37、奉献爱心,拥抱真情 。
Give love and embrace the truth.
38、爱心相连,超越无限 。
Love is connected and transcends infinity.
39、追逐梦想,无悔青春 。
Dream, no regret.
40、世界将变成美好的人间 。
The world will become a beautiful world.
41、携手志愿,别树一帜 。
Hand in hand to volunteer, create a new school.
42、同心同在,快乐永在 。
The same heart, happiness forever.
43、善心留万代,真情永千秋 。
Good heart will last for thousands of generations, and true feelings will last forever.
44、醍醐灌顶,深感荣幸 。
It's a great honor.
45、服务他人,提升自己 。
Serve others and improve yourself.
46、青春志愿,世园风景 。
Youth volunteer, world garden scenery.
Heart blend, selfless dedication!
48、不忘初心,方得始终 。
Never forget why you started, and your mission can be accomplished.
Small lotus big love, everyone has love!
50、美好生活,志愿同行 。
Volunteer for a better life.
51、以火热的心做温暖的事 。
Do warm things with a hot heart.
52、服务他人,提升自我 。
Serve others and improve yourself.
53、公益之路,行者无疆 。
The road of public welfare is boundless.
54、大疆有域,爱心无垠 。
Great territory, boundless love.
Dedication of love, happy you, me and him!
56、邻里互助,相扶相帮 。
Neighbors help each other.
57、大爱无疆,积善行德 。
Great love is boundless, and good deeds are good.
58、帮困助学,敬老扶残 。
Help the needy and help the disabled.
59、公益随心,志愿随行 。
The public welfare heart, the volunteer accompanies.
You will always be with me!
61、爱心点点,温暖人间 。
Love, warm the world.
62、播洒爱心,成就未来 。
Spread love and achieve the future.
63、无私奉献,志愿精神 。
Selfless dedication, volunteer spirit.
64、成长路上有爱同行 。
There is love on the way to growth.
65、志愿领航,青春飞扬 。
Volunteer pilot, flying youth.
66、授人玫瑰,手有余香 。
Give people roses, hands have fragrance.