
1、想你的时候,嘴角在往上翘,眼泪却在往下掉 。
When I miss you, the corners of my mouth are up, but my tears are falling down.
2、结束了,没有美好的回忆,只有痛苦的挣扎 。
It's over, there are no good memories, only painful struggle.
Don't think about what is not worth recalling. It will only increase suffering!
4、我立在回忆中,延续了你的宿命 。
I stand in the memory, continue your destiny.
5、我的世界一直有你,而你却忘了回来 。
My world has always had you, but you forgot to come back.
6、女人如衣服,但姐是你穿不出来的气质 。
Women are like clothes, but elder sister is the temperament you can't wear.
7、到底是什么支撑我到最后还不舍放手 。
What is supporting me in the end is not willing to let go.
8、别再用沉默伤害我,如果你不爱了就请直接离开 。
Don't hurt me with silence, if you don't love, please leave directly.
9、很多事情你尽力了,就够了,别再折磨自己 。
Many things you try your best, enough, don't torture yourself.
10、或许是由於有太多回忆,才会让我如斯念念不忘 。
Maybe it's because of too many memories that I can't forget.
11、我记得你爱我,或者我记反了 。
I remember you love me, or I remember it backwards.
12、原来,我们之间谁也没有拥有过谁,只是互取而已 。
It turns out that none of us has ever owned anyone, it's just taking from each other.
13、你曾说过一直不分离,要一直一直在一起 。
You said never to separate, always together.
Let me down again and again, is the way you love me!
15、人生已经如此的艰难,有些事情就不要拆穿 。
Life has been so difficult, some things do not break through.
16、生病的时候,最烂的安慰是多喝水 。
When you are sick, the worst consolation is to drink more water.
17、亲爱的,我好怀念被你拥抱的温暖 。
Dear, I miss the warmth of being hugged by you.
18、我像一个囚犯,困在了你给的回忆里 。
I'm like a prisoner, trapped in your memories.
19、没有人能像你,第一眼就让我为你偏心 。
No one can be like you, let me be partial to you at the first sight.
20、怪我没能抓住你的心,才让她闯入你的心 。
Blame me for not catching your heart, just let her break into your heart.
21、我习惯了装作无所谓,但不是真的什么都不在乎 。
I'm used to pretending it doesn't matter, but I don't really care about anything.
22、你是否会看见我漨目的悲伤、铺天盖地的渄凉 。
Will you see my sadness and desolation.
23、这世界好像除了我,每个人都很快乐幸福 。
It seems that everyone in the world is happy except me.
24、岁月是一场有去无回的旅行,好的坏的都是风景 。
Time is a journey with no return, good and bad are scenery.
25、别自以为是、你在我眼里什么都不是 。
Don't be conceited, you are nothing in my eyes.
26、既然他不愿意改,我也不想付出,不再熬夜了 。
Since he is not willing to change, I do not want to pay, no longer stay up late.
27、我对你设了特别关心,你对我设了访问权限 。
I set a special concern for you, you set access to me.
28、不要太在乎自己的长相,因为能力不会写在脸上 。
Don't care too much about your appearance, because the ability will not be written on your face.
29、有些遗憾,注定了要背负一辈子 。
Some regrets, destined to carry a lifetime.
30、关于你,我闭口不谈,忘了你,真的好难 。
About you, I shut up and forget you. It's really hard.
31、兜兜转转,陪在你身边的依然是俄 。
Around, accompanied by you is still Russia.
32、有一天世界只有一份爱,那一定是我对你的 。
One day, there is only one love in the world, which must be mine for you.
33、怀念太奢侈,只好羡慕谁年少无知 。
Miss too luxury, only envy who is young and ignorant.
34、生命中最舍不得的那一页,总是藏得最深的爱 。
The most reluctant page of life, always hide the deepest love.
35、用所有的勇气,撑起最灿烂的笑容 。
With all the courage, hold up the most brilliant smile.
36、当我察觉到你爱的时候,你却已经决定离开我了 。
When I realize your love, you have decided to leave me.
37、目前状态:以朋友的身份,深爱着一个人 。
Current status: as a friend, I love a person deeply.
38、吸烟对肺不好、咖啡对胃不好、爱情对心脏不好 。
【青春伤感唯美英语短句】Smoking is bad for the lungs, coffee for the stomach, and love for the heart.
39、听我说从今以后我会一个人生活 。
Listen to me. From now on, I will live alone.
40、此生,你不来,我不老,那该有多好 。
This life, you don't come, I'm not old, that should be good.
41、我们唯一的关系,是没有关系 。
The only relationship we have is no relationship.
42、褪尽风华,我依然在彼岸守护你 。
Fade away, I still guard you on the other side.
43、你不想被打扰,我安静的刚好 。
You don't want to be disturbed. I'm quiet just in time.
44、就算被你伤了,我还会保留着我的天真 。
Even if I still hurt you.
45、我怀念的,只不过是那段和你在一起的时光 。
What I miss is just the time I spent with you.
46、我试着不去想你,但,我做不到 。
I try not to think about you, but I can't.
47、毕竟我非良人,又怎能奢求你疼我入心 。
After all, I'm not a good man. How can I ask you to love me.
48、害怕寂寞,就让狂欢的城市陪我关灯 。
Afraid of loneliness, let the carnival City accompany me to turn off the lights.
49、我把所有的伤心走一遍,最伤心的是你不在终点 。
I take all the sad walk, the most sad is that you are not in the end.
50、放下曾经的幸福,才能遇见我的幸福 。
Put down once happiness, can meet my happiness.
51、渐渐都有新朋友多久没有并肩走 。
Gradually, there are new friends who haven't walked together for a long time.
52、我自欺欺人的说;没有你的日子,我真的很好过 。
I deceived myself and said, I am really easy without you.
53、当种种压力袭来时,最终还是以妥协收场 。
When all kinds of pressure came, the final result was compromise.
54、这个世界每天都有人在堕落,每天都有人在忧伤 。
Every day in this world, there are people in the fall, every day in sorrow.
55、我没有活在记忆里,只是无法摆脱记忆而已 。
I don't live in memory, I just can't get rid of it.
56、等不到结局,我开始一个人漫无目的的追寻 。
Can not wait for the end, I began a person aimless pursuit.
57、船到桥头自然沉,撞破南墙不回头的就是傻X 。
When the boat comes to the bridge, it will sink naturally. If you break the south wall, you will not turn back.
58、烛花红换人间世,山色青回梦里家 。
Candlelower red for the world, green mountain back to the dream home.
59、你做的很好,在你不需要我的时候就一脚把我踢开 。
You do a good job, kick me out when you don't need me.
60、每个会抽烟的女人,背后都有一段不为人知的伤 。
Every woman who can smoke has an unknown wound behind her.
