
1、这城市总是风很大,孤独的人总是晚回家 。
It's always windy in this city. Lonely people always come home late.
2、如果让我再一次选择,我还是会选择你 。
If I choose again, I will choose you.
3、终有一天你会知道,失去比拥有更踏实 。
One day you will know that losing is more practical than owning.
4、你的一生,我只借一程,这一程,是余生 。
Your life, I only borrow one way, this way, is the rest of your life.
5、总以为自己付出很多,只不过是在漠视蹉跎 。
Always think that they pay a lot, just ignore the waste.
6、咽自己的泪,尝自己的血,扛自己的梦 。
Swallow your tears, taste your blood, and carry your dreams.
7、分手快乐,祝你快乐,我也快乐 。
Happy breakup, I wish you happy, I am happy.
8、今晚难熬,明晚也是,每晚都是 。
It's tough tonight, tomorrow night, every night.
9、其实你不用那么冷淡,我没想过再纠缠 。
In fact, you don't have to be so cold, I didn't want to entangle again.
10、幸福不是故事,不幸才是 。
Happiness is not a story, but misfortune is.
11、爱你,就是嘴硬,心痛也不说 。
Love you, is the mouth hard, heartache does not say.
12、何苦一再勉强越期待越失望 。
Why do you have to be reluctant again and again? The more you look forward to it, the more disappointed you are.
13、每一次失望都败在三个字:我以为 。
Every disappointment is lost in three words: I thought.
14、生活不过一杯酒,醉完还有路要走 。
Life is just a cup of wine, there is still a way to go after drunk.
15、有些话放在心里就好,有些人梦里相见就行 。
Some words on the heart is good, some people dream of meeting on the line.
16、你陪着我的时候,我没有羡慕过任何人 。
I didn't envy anyone when you were with me.
【最伤感的微信签名英文】17、不想成为你的牵绊,寂寞总要试着习惯看开 。
Don't want to be your obstacle, loneliness always try to get used to it.
18、缘分是在一起的理由,分开时的借口 。
Fate is a reason to be together, an excuse to be apart.
19、你是我最大的秘密,小心翼翼藏在心底 。
You are my biggest secret, carefully hidden in the bottom of my heart.
20、照片上,那些笑依旧清晰,可现总那么残酷 。
In the photo, those smiles are still clear, but now they are always cruel.
21、爱对了就是爱情,爱错了就是青春 。
Love right is love, love wrong is youth.
22、你的世界我一直尝试走进,而你从未动容 。
I have been trying to enter your world, but you have never moved.
23、这无法重来的一生,请好好爱自己 。
This can not be a new life, please love yourself.
24、越执着就越没结果,说不出是谁的错 。
The more persistent, the more fruitless, can not say whose fault.
25、我路过你的门,却不进你的城 。
I pass by your gate, but I will not enter your city.
26、在一起多不容易,分手易说重来难 。
It's not easy to be together. It's easier to break up than to start over.
27、如果这都不算爱,那我还有什么好悲哀 。
If this is not love, then I have nothing to be sad about.
28、在不久的将来,我希望我的希望不在是希望 。
In the near future, I hope my hope is not hope.
29、心酸什么,又不止你一个人深爱而不得 。
Sad what, and you are not the only one who can not love.
30、敬往事一杯酒,再爱也不回头 。
A glass of wine to the past, never look back.
31、我的演技一定很好,好到难过都没人知道 。
My acting must be so good that no one knows.
32、最近的访客,已经很久没有你了 。
Recent visitors, you haven't been for a long time.
33、暗恋是种礼貌,告白是种打扰 。
Secret love is a kind of courtesy, confession is a kind of disturbance.
34、空中的细雨,是否代表着在为谁哭泣 。
Whether the drizzle in the air represents crying for someone.
35、浮生有梦三千场,穷尽千里诗酒荒 。
There are three thousand dreams in floating life, and there is a shortage of poetry and wine.
36、我颠倒了整个世界,只为摆正你的身影 。
I reversed the whole world, just to put your figure right.
37、未曾失望的人,不懂理想 。
Those who have never been disappointed do not understand ideals.
38、一觉醒来,还是没有你的消息 。
When I wake up, I still haven't heard from you.
39、记不清在一起的日子,记不住分手的日子 。
I can't remember the days when I was together or when I broke up.
40、你活在真实的世界里,所以未来未必注定 。
You live in the real world, so the future may not be doomed.
41、离开我了,就别说你还在乎,别说你还爱 。
Leave me, don't say you still care, don't say you still love.
42、你不要给你我希望,再将我推向深渊 。
You don't give me hope and push me into the abyss.
43、年轻时候,如果爱,别说永远,说珍惜 。
When young, if you love, don't say forever, say cherish.
44、我只懂得哭我只会哭除了哭我还能做什么 。
I only know how to cry. I can only cry. What else can I do except cry.
45、信任,需要数年经营,却可以在一瞬间坍塌 。
Trust, which takes years to operate, can collapse in an instant.
46、人间是个好地方,可我再也不想来了 。
The world is a good place, but I don't want to come again.
47、有些事,孤单时才明白,失去后才后悔 。
Some things, lonely only to understand, lost only regret.
48、我们明明不是陌生人,却比陌生人还陌生 。
We are not strangers, but stranger than strangers.
49、希望你善良,但不要对恶一无所知 。
I hope you are kind, but don't know nothing about evil.
50、最后的最后,我们还是向现实低了头 。
In the end, we bowed to reality.
