1、最怕那种突然,而又不负责任的喜欢 。
Most afraid of that kind of sudden and irresponsible like.
2、就算疲惫不堪,还要继续拥抱明天 。
Even if tired, but also continue to embrace tomorrow.
3、你不必对我疏远,我从未想过纠缠 。
You don't have to alienate me. I never wanted to get entangled.
4、最后我比你骄傲,从此不坐你的牢 。
In the end, I'm more proud than you, and I'll never be in your prison.
5、什么都在涨价,就是人越来越贱 。
Everything is going up, that is, people are getting more and more cheap.
6、就算无人所爱,我也死性不改 。
Even if no one loves me, I will never change.
7、越是喜欢你的人,给你发的信息越傻逼 。
The more people like you, the more stupid the message they send you.
8、千变万化的是人心,纹丝不动的是命运 。
The ever-changing is the people's heart, the motionless is the fate.
9、好朋友越来越少,但是留下的越来越少 。
There are fewer and fewer good friends, but fewer and fewer are left.
10、别在不重要的人那里,丢掉了你的快乐 。
Don't lose your happiness to unimportant people.
11、等失望攒够了,不用你说,我自己走 。
Wait for disappointment to accumulate enough, you don't need to say, I go by myself.
12、这个世界没有错,谁让你长得丑还穷 。
There is nothing wrong with the world. Who makes you ugly or poor.
13、我的签名很贵,尤其是签在支票上面 。
My signature is expensive, especially on a check.
14、我们还未靠近,笑容就已经藏不住了 。
Before we get close, the smile can't be hidden.
15、经常被自己蠢哭,可是又不能揍自己 。
I often cry, but I can't beat myself.
16、我只是不想野蛮,并不代表我没脾气 。
Just because I don't want to be savage, it doesn't mean I have no temper.
17、谁陪我淋一次雨,我为他撑一辈子伞 。
Who accompanies me to take a shower, I hold an umbrella for him all my life.
18、我除了放不下你,其他都挺好的 。
Except I can't let you go, everything else is very good.
19、不是我喜欢笑,是生活它需要 。
It's not that I like to laugh, it's life that it needs.
20、我还就想尝尝,强扭的瓜到底有多不甜 。
I also want to try, how sweet the melon is.
Don't be nice to everyone, they don't give you money!
22、今天你不弄死他,明天他就会弄死你 。
If you don't kill him today, he will kill you tomorrow.
23、瘦是饿出来的,懂事是没人疼出来的 。
Thin is hungry out, sensible is no one pain out.
24、感情中,追来的很累,强求的不美 。
In the emotion, pursues is very tired, the compulsion is not beautiful.
25、有些事不要逞强,有些人不必勉强 。
Some things do not want to be arrogant, some people do not have to force.
26、纵然窗外万家灯火,也与我无关 。
Even if there are lights outside the window, it has nothing to do with me.
27、聋子听见哑巴说瞎子,看见鬼了 。
The deaf hear the dumb say that the blind see the ghost.
28、男人算个刁,姐妹才是最重要的 。
Men are tricky, but sisters are the most important.
29、不要将就的嫁,也别违心的娶 。
Don't settle for marriage, and don't marry against your heart.
30、祝你可爱的不像话,连说话都像在发芽 。
I wish you lovely words, even talk like germination.
31、我虽然不是钻石,但有你要不起的光芒 。
Although I am not a diamond, but you can not afford the light.
32、谁来打扰我的安静,我就灭了谁的辉煌 。
Who will disturb my quiet, I will destroy whose glory.
33、感动代替不了感情,念旧也回不到曾经 。
Moved can not replace feelings, nostalgia also can not return to the past.
34、你和你的声色犬马,我和我的各安天涯 。
You and your voice and lust, me and my Ge an Tianya.
35、不要说我变了,多亏了这个世界的成全 。
Don't say I have changed, thanks to the success of the world.
36、小女子不才,没能一拳锤爆公子的狗头 。
I'm not a talented woman. I can't blow the dog's head with one punch.
37、生活不是电影,根本没有你所谓的激情 。
Life is not a movie. There is no passion at all.
38、长的这么美,却亲不到自己的脸好难过 。
Long so beautiful, but not kiss their own face, so sad.
39、不要拿过去的记忆,来折磨现在的自己 。
Don't take the memory of the past to torture the present.
40、玩归玩,闹归闹,别拿我爱的人开玩笑 。
Play back to play, make fun of, don't make fun of the people I love.
41、好好看我说的话,别看本姑娘绝世的颜 。
Take a good look at what I said. Don't look at my peerless face.
42、人生六个字:慢慢熬,糊涂过 。
Life six words: slowly boil, muddleheaded.
43、你可以念旧,但别期盼一切如旧 。
You can be nostalgic, but don't expect everything to be the same.
44、我喜欢交朋友,但不喜欢供祖宗 。
I like to make friends, but I don't like to serve my ancestors.
45、我活得也不容易,没必要讨你开心 。
It's not easy for me to live. There's no need to please you.
46、向日葵离开了阳光,依旧能够坚强 。
Sunflower left the sun, can still be strong.
47、西风独凉冷眉梢,空街十里一夜潇 。
The west wind alone cool cold eyebrows, empty street ten miles night Xiao.
48、说真的,你彻底颠覆了我对人的看法 。
Seriously, you've completely subverted my view of people.
49、这个社会,没有对于错,只有强与弱 。
In this society, there is no right or wrong, only strong and weak.
50、你要先学会不生气,然后再学会气死人 。
You have to learn not to be angry, and then learn to be angry.
51、不要羡慕别人比你过的好,他们假装的 。
Don't envy others for being better than you, they pretend.
52、冗长的黑暗中,你是我唯一的光 。
In the long darkness, you are my only light.
53、同甘共苦那是妻,吃喝玩乐那叫货 。
【英语超霸气个性签名】Sharing weal and woe is a wife. Eating, drinking and playing is calling for goods.
54、你屏蔽我,我就删掉你,多大点事 。
If you block me, I'll delete you. What's the matter.
55、宁可高傲的发霉,也不去卑微的恋爱 。
It is better to be haughty and moldy than to be humble in love.
56、离开的不会再回来,回来的不会再完美 。
Those who leave will not come back, and those who come back will not be perfect.
57、存我心者将心比心,心存我者以真换真 。
Those who hold my heart will compare their hearts to each other, and those who hold me will exchange the truth for the truth.
58、你现在所受的苦,都是你之前所作的死 。
What you are suffering now is the death you did before.
59、如果没人护你周全,那就酷到没有软肋 。
If no one protects you, it's cool to have no weakness.
60、好好活下去,每天都有新打击 。
Live a good life, every day has a new blow.
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