1、别自以为是、你在我眼里什么都不是 。
Don't think it's right. You're not in my eyes.
2、亲爱的 , 我只是转身并不是怨你 。
Honey, I just turned around and didn't blame you.
3、我字字皆你,而你句句非我 。
I am all you, and you are not me.
4、是谁说过君临天下,陪我看盛世烟花 。
Who said that the king came to the world, accompany me to see the fireworks.
5、我们总是太累,然后忘了心疼自己 。
We are always too tired and forget to feel hurt.
6、我只想身边的人幸福,却忘了自己不是世界的主 。
I just want the people around me to be happy, but I forget that I am not the world's Lord.
7、我说没关系,然后你就肆无忌惮伤我到体无完肤 。
I said it doesn't matter, and then you can hurt me to the end of your body.
8、挤不进的圈子就别挤了,何必累了自己还遭人讨厌 。
Don't squeeze into the circle, why tired oneself also be hated.
9、我感动天感动地,却感动不了你 。
【伤感的中英句子】I am moved by heaven, but I can't touch you.
10、哪怕所有人都把我遗忘,我还有我 。
Even if everyone forgets me, I still have me.
11、对你的以后,不打扰 。
After you, don't disturb.
12、就算这个世界上没有人爱你,你也要好好爱自己 。
Even if no one in the world loves you, you should love yourself.
13、我爱你,爱了整整一个曾经 。
I love you, I love a whole once.
14、等待不苦,苦的是没有希望的等待 。
Waiting is not bitter, but it is hopeless waiting.
15、嘴在逞强,心在投降 。明明很在乎,却装作无所谓 。
The mouth is trying to be strong, and the heart is surrender. I care, but I don't care.
16、每个充满回忆的角落,经过的时候泪滴狠狠坠落 。
Every corner full of memories, when passing, tears fell.
17、我还没熟悉你的味道就消失了 。
I'm not familiar with your taste and it's gone.
18、如果不是太难过,我怎么会在你面前哭 。
If it's not too sad, how can I cry in front of you.
Is life right for me? Why is everything not going well?
20、想起以前难过的时光了 , 有人安慰我一下吗?
Think of the sad time before, someone comfort me?
21、我也曾默念一个人的名字,直到泪水模糊眼眶 。
I also recited a person's name until tears blurred my eyes.
22、找不到携手同行的人,就与时光共度余生 。
If you can't find someone who can't go hand in hand, you will spend the rest of your life with time.
23、你走后我的天空变成了灰色、原来我是在乎你 。
My sky turned gray after you left. I care about you.
24、我还是会笑 , 只是笑中不再温暖,带着冷漠与疏离 。
I will still laugh, but smile no longer warm, with indifference and alienation.
25、有些东西 , 只有失去之后你才会发现它存在的价值 。
There are things that you will find the value of it only after losing it.
26、记忆中的阳光、依旧那样温暖 。
The sunshine in memory is still so warm.
27、他对我好,我都知道,只是我不想要 。
He is good to me, I know, but I don't want it.
28、如果不曾遇见你,我是不是就不会如此狼狈了 。
If I had not met you, would I not be so embarrassed.
29、你是我那,不能说的秘密 。
You are my secret, which can't be said.
30、感情的事,可以敢作敢当,但真的无法轻拿轻放 。
Emotional things can be bold, but really can not be lightly taken lightly.
31、有人说世界上没有终点,但对我来说你就是我的终点 。
Some people say there is no end in the world, but for me you are my end.
32、你永远不会知道,你那种忽冷忽热的态度多伤人 。
You never know how much your cold and hot attitude hurts people.
33、悬着一颗心没着落 , 要怎么附和舍不得要无可奈何 。
Hang a heart not to fall, how to attach to reluctant to have no choice.
34、你就是我的超幸福鞋垫,让我把你踩在脚下 。
You are my super happy insole, let me step you under the foot.
35、长袖轻舞,翩翩那时少年 。清风一曲,依依醉里年少 。
Long sleeve light dance, Pianpian then young. The wind is a song, depending on the drunk in the young.
36、一个人,在自言自语 。
One person, speaking to himself.
37、命运不是放弃 , 而是努力 。命运不是运气,而是选择 。
Destiny is not giving up, but trying. Destiny is not luck, but choice.
38、总是有那么那么一点点的小悲伤 , 不知该往何处发泄 。
There is always so little sadness, I don't know where to vent.
39、善良是优点没错,但他不能成为你的弱点 。
Goodness is the good. Yes, but he can't be your weakness.
40、读他千万也不厌倦,读他的感觉像三月 。
Reading him is not tired of reading. Reading him feels like March.
41、我学不来你的洒脱 , 所以我终究逃不过你给的伤痛 。
I can't learn your free and easy, so I can not escape the pain you give.
42、那个对我说永远的人,却最终只给我留了一个背影 。
The man who said forever to me, but finally left me a back image.
43、枕头里藏满了发霉的梦,梦里住满了无法拥有的人 。
The pillow is full of moldy dreams, and dreams are filled with people who can't have them.
44、红颜、履行着男朋友的义务、却没有男朋友的权利 。
Red face, fulfill the boyfriend's obligation, but have no boyfriend's rights.
45、或许,你讨厌着别人 , 就是在伤害着自己 。
Maybe you hate others, just hurting yourself.
46、总有些杂乱的色调 , 让幸福的暖光有了暗色 。
There are always some disordered colors, so that the happiness of the warm light has a dark color.
47、用一千年的时间去爱你、再用一万年的时间去忘记 。
Love you for a thousand years, and forget it in 10000 years.
I love you for three minutes, but I love you so long!
49、你是前度,何必听我吠 。
You are the front, why listen to me barking.
50、生活不是单行线,一条路走不通,你可以转弯 。
Life is not a single line. You can't walk a single way. You can turn.
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