1、你的一切,我的世界 。
Everything about you, my world.
2、心有灵犀,一点通 。
The heart has a good understanding.
3、天荒地老,海枯石烂 。
Time goes by.
4、我只给你拥抱 。
I only give you hugs.
5、我心里除了你没有别人 。
I have no one but you in my heart.
6、生死挈阔 , 与子成说 。
Life and death are broad, and Zicheng.
7、风雨不改,爱你依然 。
Rain or shine, love you still.
8、你不来我不老 。
I'm not old if you don't come.
9、牵着你的手 , 一生一起走 。
Hold your hand and walk together for life.
10、我是真的很爱你 。
I really love you.
11、生之所向,无非是你 。
Life is all about you.
12、众生皆苦,唯你带甜 。
You are all sweet.
13、我用我的痴情吞噬着你 。
I devour you with my infatuation.
14、爱自己更爱你 。
Love yourself more than you.
15、做我老婆好不好 。
Be my wife,please.
16、让我一次爱个够 。
Let me love enough at a time.
17、今生今世 , 永远爱你 。
I love you forever.
18、天生一对,地造一双 。
Heaven makes a pair, earth makes a pair.
19、山水一程,三生有幸 。
A journey through the mountains and rivers is a blessing.
20、喜怒哀乐,皆因于你 。
Happiness, anger, sorrow and joy are all due to you.
21、爱你,一生不变 。
Love you, life will not change.
22、一生,只爱一个 。
Love only one in my life.
23、有你,一切都好 。
Everything is fine with you.
24、爱你永不反悔 。
Love you never regret.
25、此生固短 , 无你何欢 。
This life is too short to be happy without you.
26、一生与你同步 。
My life is in step with you.
27、与你相伴 , 死亦无憾 。
I will die with you.
28、爱你 , 一辈子只做这件事 。
Love you, only do this thing all my life.
29、持子之手,与子偕老 。
Hold the hand of a son and grow old with him.
30、洞房花烛夜 , 甜蜜浴爱河 。
Wedding night, sweet bath in love.
31、一眼天注定,再看生死缘 。
One look at the fate of heaven, and then look at the fate of life and death.
32、心跳多久 , 爱你多久 。
How long my heart beats, how long I love you.
33、要的不多,是你就好 。
Not much, just you.
34、陪伴 , 直到永恒 。
Company, until eternity.
35、只想与子偕老 。
I just want to grow old with my son.
36、初识你名,久居我心 。
I know your name for a long time.
37、今生今世永远爱你 。
Love you forever in this life.
38、你是我唯一,我是你什么 。
You're the only one for me. I'm what you are.
39、蹭到你的怀里 。
Rub it in your arms.
40、愿得你心,白首不离 。
Wish you heart, white head never leave.
41、永远,陪伴着你 。
Forever, accompany you.
42、爱你风雨无阻 。
Love you, rain or shine.
43、花开并蒂莲,生生世世好 。
Flowers and lotus flowers, good for life.
44、我中有你,你中有我 。
I have you, you have me.
45、情定今生,爱在今世 。
Love in this life, love in this life.
46、你的名字,我的故事 。
Your name, my story.
47、想你 , 是我职责 。
It's my duty to miss you.
48、真心,相信你懂 。
Sincerely, I believe you understand.
49、爱你生生世世 。
Love you forever.
50、与你,诠释真爱 。
With you, the interpretation of true love.
51、一生一次,一次一生 。
Once in a lifetime, once in a lifetime.
52、余生有你 , 未来可期 。
You'll be here for the rest of your life.
53、白头相守,终生不忘 。
White head together, never forget.
54、世无可喜,幸好有你 。
I'm glad to have you.
55、想和你在一起 。
I want to be with you.
56、人海万里,我只要你 。
I only want you.
57、我爱你,不需要什么目的 。
I love you for no purpose.
58、爱你的感觉,最完美 。
Love your feeling, the most perfect.
59、一辈子承诺:我爱你 。
A lifetime commitment: I love you.
60、一人一心,白首不离 。
One heart, white head does not leave.
61、你的名字,就是一首情诗 。
Your name is a love poem.
62、海蓝见鲸,入梦见你 。
Sea blue see whale, dream of you.
63、你与星河,皆可收藏 。
You and the Star River can be collected.
64、不忘初心,方得始终 。
Never forget why you started, and your mission can be accomplished.
65、许你一生承诺 。
Promise your life.
66、花儿,为你缤放 。
Flowers, blooming for you.
67、喜欢你,没道理 。
Like you, no reason.
68、我等风也等你 。
I'll wait for you as well as the wind.
69、因为我爱你,所以我爱你 。
Because I love you, so I love you.
70、我决定,爱你一万年 。
I decided to love you for 10000 years.
71、回首万年,情衷伊人 。
Looking back thousands of years, I love you.
72、前生已注定,今生结连理 。
Previous life has been doomed, this life is linked.
73、天作之合 , 心心相印 。
It's a match made by nature.
74、最想,陪你流浪 。
Most want to accompany you wandering.
75、鸳鸯交颈,凤凰于飞 。
Mandarin ducks cross their necks, Phoenix flies.
76、微风轻轻起,我好喜欢你 。
I love you so much.
77、不要未来,只要你来 。
No future, just you.
78、为你,放弃所有 。
For you, give up everything.
79、你与太阳,皆可发光 。
You and the sun can shine.
80、有幸遇见,恰好合拍 。
Lucky to meet, just in time.
81、爱你天长地久 。
【表白英文短句十字以内】Love you forever.
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