女娲补天英文版简短 女娲补天英文版带翻译
Nüwa is agoddess in ancient Chinese mythology best known for repairing the wall of heaven. At that time, there was a quarrel between two of the more powerful gods, Gong Gong and Zhu Rong and they decided to settle it with fists. When the water god, Gong Gong, saw that he was losing, he smashed his head against Mount Buzhou (不周山), a pillar holding up the sky. The pillar collapsed and caused the sky to tilt towards the northwest and the earth to shift to the southeast.
This caused great calamities, such as raging fires, vast floods, and the appearance of fierce man-eating beasts. Nüwa cut off the legs of a giant tortoise and used them to supplant the fallen pillar, alleviating the situation and sealing the broken sky using stones of seven different colors, but she was unable to fully correct the tilted sky. This explains the phenomenon that sun, moon, and stars move towards the northwest, and that rivers in China flow southeast into the Pacific Ocean.
传说当人类繁衍起来后 , 忽然水神共工和火神祝融打起仗来,二神从天上一直打到地下,闹得到处不宁 , 结果祝融打胜了,但失败的共工不服 , 一怒之下,把头撞向不周山 。女娲目睹人类遭到如此奇祸,感到无比痛苦,于是决心补天 , 以终止这场灾难 。
【女娲补天英文版简短 女娲补天英文版带翻译】她选用各种各样的五色石子,架起火将它们熔化成浆,用这种石浆将残缺的天窟窿填好,随后又斩下一只在水中作乱的大龟四脚 , 当作四根柱子把倒塌的半边天支起经过女娲一番辛劳整治,苍天总算补上了,地填平了,水止住了 , 龙蛇猛兽敛迹了,人民又重新过着安乐的生活 。但是这场特大的灾祸毕竟留下了痕迹 。从此天还是有些向西北倾斜,因此太阳、月亮和众星辰都很自然地归向西方 , 又因为地向东南塌陷,所以一切江河都往那里汇流 。
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